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  1. F

    Cosmetic Bonding -

    Thank you, Susan. I have looked at the website you provided, it looks great! I have filled out the online form and will wait back to hear what dentists in my area do lumineers. Thanks again, Jenn~
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    Cosmetic Bonding -

    Update; I went to the dentist yesterday afternoon. He is concerned that my gap is fairly large ( about 4mm ) and the bonding would look awkward. I was really looking forward to getting it done also. He did fix the chip and stains I had on my two front teeth. I am going to contact my...
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    Cosmetic Bonding -

    Thanks, Muffin Top... Yeah, I am tired of hearing.."Can you whistle between them two front teeth?" Yeah, I had them give me a estimate on my bonding, it came to about $24.00 after insurance...Not bad. I'm not sure if that was just for the bonding on my stain and chip though, not for the...
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    Cosmetic Bonding -

    Thank you everyone for your response. I have thought about it, and I think I am getting it done. I have an appt. this afternoon. This has been something I have always wanted to get done for a long time. I think it would increase my self-esteem and confidence. I hate to smile in pictures...
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    Cosmetic Bonding -

    Hi Everyone- I was wondering if anyone here has ever had Cosmetic Bonding done on there teeth. I was at the dentist today and the subject came up about closing my gap between my front teeth. While this has been something that I have always wanted done, I am having my doubts. He did mention...
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    Taylor or Katharine

    Taylor all the way!!! If he doesn't win, something is FIXED!!! If you go onto (Predictions), they have Taylor winning over Katherine. Katherine bores me something fierce!! And, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" again, COME ON!!! Sorry, my opinion I think Katherine is FAKE!!
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    New Dog ~ Jealously Issue...

    Thank you, Colleen~ Diesel seems to welcome Roxy..sort of like a new playmate. It's possible Diesel needs to back off a little and give Roxy some space. Diesel always wants to play...he's Eskimo Spitz/Sheltie. Looking at your pictures, from what I have seen so far this is actually what...
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    New Dog ~ Jealously Issue...

    Thank you so much for your advice. I had to put our new dog in the bathroom for the day (currently don't have a large enough crate)...was this a bad thing to do? I didn't feel having them together by themselves all day was a good thing to do. Right before leaving the house this morning is...
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    New Dog ~ Jealously Issue...

    Hello All~ We just got a new puppy from the SPCA yesterday. She's 11 months old, German Shep/Lab Mix... Would anyone have any suggestions regarding the jealously issue between our other dog which we had as a puppy (Diesel 1 1/2 yrs) and Roxy (new dog). Diesel hasn't been the problem, it's...
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    Fave Cathe lower body rotation?

    So far I am loving the Upper Body Bliss Rotation. I love to work my upper body! Do you think using lighter weights on lower body gives you a leaner look? I really don't want to get a lot muscle in my legs, just tone them up. Thanks, Jennifer~
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    Yves Rocher

    Thanks for the link. I always wanted to try their products. Would you also recommend their make-up? Thanks, Jennifer
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    Self Tanning Lotions

    How often do you apply the tanner? Do you use daily or only a few times a week? Thanks
  13. F

    Suggestions Needed Please~Desperate!

    Here's a typical day for me: B~ 6 Egg white scrambled w/ 3 slices turkey bacon, mini w/w bagel, peach and cup of green tea S~ EAS lo-carb Nutrition bar L~ Healthly Choice Dinner S~ Apple w/ 2 Tbls. Peanut Butter -or- Protein Shake ( EAS Lo-Carb Choc ) D~ Usually Chicken or Fish...
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    Suggestions Needed Please~Desperate!

    I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions regarding exercising and eating correctly. I can't seem to stop losing 2 pounds a month. This month I lost more due to being down with the flu. Currently I am 5'5 1/2" and 112 pounds. I would consider myself a Ecto body type. I have...
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    Please help me make my next purchase~

    Thanks, Carole. What Dvd's or Rotation did you do to receive yous great definition? I did have the P90X series, but just recently sold it.
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    Please help me make my next purchase~

    I guess I am looking for strength gains and increased definition. While, I do have the Slow & Heavy series, I haven't had much time to do them. I do have a few tapes to the CTX series...Power Circuit and All Step I believe. Right now I am trying to do 30 mins cardio in the morning and doing...
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    Please help me make my next purchase~

    I was debating between the CTX series and the Gym Style workouts... I already have the Slow & Heavy series, but have heard wonderful reviews on the Gym Style workouts. I am not looking to lose any more weight, just to increase my definition. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jennifer
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    Congrats Gayle (Banslug)!!!

    Congrats Gayle!
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    Total Gym Reviews ~

    I was curious to hear if anyone has used or owns the Total Gym. I have seen the informercial a lot on looks good, but would like to hear anyones reviews on this as well. Thanks, Jennifer :)
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    What time do you get up? lorajc?

    I wake up @ 5:15a.m. to try and get some extra cardio in. At night, I do my weight work. Lately though, the snooze button has become my best friend ~ :P Take care, Jennifer :-)