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  1. P

    Any insulin pumpers here?

    Hi Amy I guess what I meant about allergies was that maybe my body is rejecting the cannula. I am very allergic to adhesives. I currently use IV preps, but will now invest in some mastitol. I do have lots of scar tissue. I have been using my boobs, not much there tho...I also use...
  2. P

    Any insulin pumpers here?

    Hey Amy Awesome that there is another one like myself out there kinda sorta~ya know the nasty D... I used to use the sof set. I have since switched to the Thinsets which are a lower profile. I use both 9mm(for my mini-love handles which just won't leave) and the 6mm. These worked...
  3. P

    Any insulin pumpers here?

    Hi all I am such a lurker, but am proud to say I will have completed Fitnessfreaks' Endurance rotation in 2 days, to the letter!!! I am really hoping that there are other Type 1 or 2 diabetics that visit here and are using an insulin pump or konw of someone pumps and worksout. I...
  4. P

    Polar F11F and F55F

    Has anyone checked out the new polar F11F and F55F? I just got the F11F in orange burst color. Very pretty. I am considering returning the F11F back in exchange for the F55F. Wondering if anyone has tried the F55F and if it's worth the extra $50 CDN...
  5. P

    Canadians...where did you buy your Step?

    Hi Sham If you go to and click on store you will find the club step is listed as $129.99 + $10 S&H. I live in NorthWestern B.C.and found that $150 is not a bad deal. Especially after paying almost twice as much for the high step w/6 risers from the U.S. kate
  6. P

    Step Fit

    Well I have to say... this w/o kinda creeps up on one. Been following fitnessfreaks~aka~debbies endurance rotation and I gotta tellya, my legs are still a tad sore from last Fryyyyday L&G xtreme standing. For the 1st time I actually enyoyed the macarayna(sp)?at the end. Step Fit...
  7. P

    Endurance Rotation

    Hi Debbie. I love the rotations you post. I am always checking for new ones. I did the "One Body Part a Week" for 3 weeks and got amazing results. Thank you for posting these rotations. Much appreciated!!! kate
  8. P

    Endurance Rotation

    Hi I just have to post and tell all that I completed my 1st week of Fitnessfreaks' endurance rotation, plus I have been adding in a couple CMax's,Smax's and lotsa yoga to the list. My legs are way fried from L&G extreme(standing)yesterday morning. I am very grateful to have my rest day...
  9. P

    This is pretty neat....

    My heart is still racing even after 2 times. 2nd time was for my SO. He says don't do it again and my 2 Jack Russels are all fired up. I have now sent it to a friend titled "good morning". Yikes. I'm sure that'll cure his hangover...good one!!! kate