Any insulin pumpers here?


Hi all

I am such a lurker, but am proud to say I will have completed Fitnessfreaks' Endurance rotation in 2 days, to the letter!!!

I am really hoping that there are other Type 1 or 2 diabetics that visit here and are using an insulin pump or konw of someone pumps and worksout.
I have been having a heck of a time with my sites failing 'cuz of getting leaner. Any/all feedback would be gr8ly appreciated

YES KATE I'M SHOUTING YES I AM A PUMPER FOR 11 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOps I got so excited to see this I forgot to answer you!!! LOL, sorry!!!

What infusion set do you use?

I recently switched from sof-sets to silhouettes and LOVE the silhouette! Love it love it love it. If you are using the sof-set, are you using the 6 or the 9 cm? The 9cm will be better for you if the 6 is falling out.

Do you use Mastisol for your sites?? That stuff is crazy magic. I have to use it when the weather gets warmer otherwise I'll sweat the sites off.

PM me if you want!!!!! WAHOOO I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
Hey Amy
Awesome that there is another one like myself out there kinda sorta~ya know the nasty D...
I used to use the sof set. I have since switched to the Thinsets which are a lower profile. I use both 9mm(for my mini-love handles which just won't leave) and the 6mm.

These worked gr8 for a bit but l8ly my bgs are all over the place. So I am back to the Sils.
I did do some researching and am gonna try the polyfins(steel needle).

I read on IP digest about changing sets and possble allergies being the culprit to high bgs.

I am also gonna try SimpleChoice in the 12mm. The sils are 17mm.

Have ya ever used the Silserter? I have a few times, but am very afraid of that thing.

BUT..... maybe it won't be so bad with the 12mm? I found the inf on medtronic site.
I pumped with the 507C for 6 yrs and have now been on the Animas 1200 for almost a yr.

I have never used mastitol. How do ya use it? Also, how do ya inset your sils? like what degree? I'm a slow inserter, but geez I hate it

dx'd '75 valentines day~I do eat choclate now but not b4 carb counting and pumping!!! 42 yrs. young


p.s. I'm so excited to meet you!!!
Mastisol is an adhesive dressing- like IV Prep or the like. It's very strong and I'm willing to bet that using that alone will solve your problem.

I do use the inserters; I have found them to just take the whole "am I doing it right" question out of the process. Scary, yes, but well worth it. I always use my "be brave" concept if I need it: think about all those people who have survived stabbings! This little needle can't really hurt me... :p

I generally change my site every 3 days with the silhouettes.

When I first started on the pump in 1995 I used the bent needle. I was in pain every day. The people "most knowledgeable" where I was at insisted I keep using the bent needle for 3 months before I could use something else. Insane.

I eat everything and anything, pretty much. My A1cs have been 6.9-7.3 for the past 8 years, so I figure I'm doing okay. The docs want me below 7.1 but I tell them 7.3 is the best they're going to get with me in law school, working 2 jobs, and dealing with 28 year old hormones. :p They've backed off a little, but still want to tell me to get below 7.1. Again, completely insane.

I'm re-reading your post and I just get chills when you talk about the steel needle. OUCH. The bottle of Mastisol I bought about 10 months ago is still about 90% full. I think it was about $25. I cannot encourage you enough to try that first! Use it after alcohol and before insertion and/or tape. If your issues are based on the sites falling out, Mastisol will most likely solve your problem.

Is it possible you've got scar tissue that is fighting with your insertion sites? Have you noticed the issues only when you're using certain areas of your body? I have been having to be a little more inventive than usual and travel outside my comfort zone. So far, it has worked well!! I only poked in, out, and through my thumb once!!! :p THAT was funny, and weird.

I was diagnosed in 1988 when I was almost 11. Sounds like we have a lot in common!! :p
You didn't just find another person who uses an insulin pump, you found our AMY, who could teach courses in how to live your life to people with diabetes. Amy is a shining example of health and fitness, an ACE certified instructor and an all-around brilliant person. Lucky you! :D
I don't understand what you're talking about when you said about possible allergies being the culprit of high blood glucose results??

Do you think it's your method of insertion, the set itself, your insulin (are you storing it how it needs to be stored, and have you opened a new bottle to make sure that you don't have a bad bottle), or where the set is inserted? A lot of variables, I know!!

Tell me more about what you're calling "high" and when you're experiencing them and how long, etc. More details, and we can tackle this together!!! ;)
Hi Amy
I guess what I meant about allergies was that maybe my body is rejecting the cannula. I am very allergic to adhesives. I currently use IV preps, but will now invest in some mastitol.

I do have lots of scar tissue.

I have been using my boobs, not much there tho...I also use my ribcage with the sils.

I did try the comforts but had a heck of a time getting them in. I do find that the IV prep does form a tuffr layer on the skin to get thru.

This is why I am excited about the simple choice 12mm which can be used with the silserter~which still scares me.

As for highs, I had running up to 16(288) then crashing. I have just come off of anti depressants(after 3 months) and for the last 2 days my bgs have been running around 6(104)so maybe the weaning period(almost 3 weeks) of getting this drug outta my system is over?

I know there are so many variables. Where I live I don't have a good Dr. so I am basicly on my own. My A1C is ususlly 6.3 It used to be 5.8 pre-pump, but that was becuz of lotsa lows.

I always correct for my highs, but like I said, these ones were just outta the blue. I don't journalize, I just kinda take it as it comes. When I got highs like this I was bolusing using my pen.

I always store my insulin in the fridge, but you do raise a really good point , maybe I had a bad bottle? Cuz I did just get a new bottle last week!!!

You have given me things to consider. Like bad insulin, which is possible. Had it happen about 10 yrs. ago. It is easy to forget the little things sometimes.

Thanx so much for the advice/help and WOW that you are an Ace certified instructor and help the D people living a better life. I am really proud of you:)

And thanx Nancy for pointing this out to me.

I know what you mean about going it on your own... I generally go in to my doc, tell him he's wrong, get my prescription renewed, and get the heck out of there!!!

I'm not sure on the Animas pump, but I got the Paradigm 515 "smart pump" last summer. That has been a huge load off of my mind!! No more math. I love it!!!

And I would think the med changes would make a huge difference!! Sounds like you're thinking the same things I was. :)

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