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  1. B

    how long can you hold a plank?

    I can hold a plank for about 4mins if not longer, and I agree with Carol, it does seem easier to do a straight arm verses bent...go figure. (I am a newbie and curious if anyone can tell me how to upload pictures and where to open a new topic?) Thanks a bunch!! Denise
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    Leg press weight

    The most I do is 80lbs squat freeweights, but on a weak day I stick with 40 to 50lbs. Doing leg presses I do 25 to 30lbs. It has to feel right for you but it also has to be challenging.
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    Big Boobs: Ever wear cute bra tops???

    What a problem to have. sheeeesh 34A or so that is what I'm calling them. :-)
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    Are you "obsessed"

    RE: Are you I wouldn't call it an obsession, just a great love of taking care of your body. I workout 7days a week, 3hrs a day and yes I know I am suppose to rest, but on the 7th day I just workout for 2hrs.instead. And my husband knows if I don't leave for the gym by a certain time I am...
  5. B

    sagging butt

    I fine that doing the stairclimber does a great job at lifting and firming the butt, especially if you try stepping with the heal of your foot. Good luck!!