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  1. B

    Big Boobs: Ever wear cute bra tops???

    I am a 34D and have had problems with bounce and unaboob for years. I have used champion jogbra for years. But recently I bought Moving Comfort "Maia" bras. I love them. They are much more comfortable than the jogbra and it actually lifts, seperates and supports. I bought them at Dicks'...
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    What are the movies that really make you think?

    Life is Beautiful This movie has stayed with me since I first watched it. After it was over I got my son out of bed and sat and rocked him for an hour. The bonds of true family love is incredibly hard to break! Janet
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    What I have learned about fitness.....Share your wisdom

    1. When i workout I feel like a million bucks, even if there are no outward changes. 2. Lazy people are jealous of my dedication. 3. That I need more protein in my diet. 4. By being a dedicated exerciser and eating healthy I am teaching my young boys a healthy lifestyle they will...
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    PF surgery

    Collen I has pf surgery a year and a half ago. My podiatrist did everything including physical therapy, shots, steriods, insoles... My insurace would not cover the non invasive surgery because they still classified it as experimental. The podiatrist went to bat for me, but the insurace...
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    More Definition Less Bulk?

    I think what is confusing me is that 19% body fat for my age is considered "Lean". So do I need to considerable cut my body fat % to see definition? My husband said that taller people have more difficulty getting definition becausse they have longer muscles. Any thought on that? I have not...
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    More Definition Less Bulk?

    This is my first post, but I have been reading the forum for a while. I am a long time exerciser, but I discovered Cathe about 4 months ago. Since I have been doing Cathe's workouts I have noticed strength, muscle mass, and endurance gains. My problem is in my arms I have a lot of big...