What I have learned about fitness.....Share your wisdom


What I have learnes through trial and error is that:

1. I can exercise three hours a day but if I eat too much even if it is clean eating, I will still gain wait and carry it as fat because fat is the way the body store excess energy(calories)

2. You can Not escape your shape, I am an apple with a medium frame, and a short torso, so if I get too thin, I look sick, lol...

3. Balance is very important, there is such a thing as overtraining and your body will feel it as stress and it cause you to over it and/or gain weight.

4. When people want to make an animal fat they feed it grains, so even whole grains when eaten in large quantities will cause you to gain weight fast. Eat them in moderation.

5. The body needs fats to function properly, but the good fats, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, etc... but only a little.

6. That protein is brain food, and it is very important but you need to choose lean proteins and again the right amount.

7. That each meal should contain the right amount of lean protein, complex carbs and good fats, and if you do that your brain will think clear, you will not be hungry and your body will have a lot of energy!

8. That eating 5/6 times a day is better than three big meals, but exercise portion control, don't eat 6 big meals, lol...

Now is your turn to share your wisdom!
If it contains "high fructose corn syrup" or "partially hydrogenated ..." DON'T EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ditto your wisdom!
RE: What I have learned about fitness.....Share your wi...

Exercise nurtures one's spirit and one's mind...not just one's body. I feel better in every way because I exercise on a regular basis.
Sarah I totally agree with you.!

1. 5 or 6 mini meals are better for weightloss than 3 big ones.

2. Accept the parts of your body you can't change.

3. You can't get flat abs by doing crunches ,but by clean eating,cardio and crunches.

Most of all I discovered that I am a Cathe Addict!!!!!!!!

RE: What I have learned about fitness.....Share your wi...

Here are my thoughts :)

1) exercise and healthy eating can make you feel balanced, calm and in control. However, it can easily become out of control and take over your life. So, remember the balance!

2) rest days are important

3) ignore media health hype. the basic fact of exercise more and eat less has always applied and is what works best.

4) some days are made for cheating :p

5) do what works for YOUR BODY. As someone else said, you can't fight your genes. Believe me, I have tried my hardest to be a 6ft tall blonde but it just ain't gonna happen. I'm a pony, not a gazelle.

6) it's easier when it's fun

7) Get over your lost youth. 36 is not 22 (thank God!)



In addition to all of the things stated in these posts, many of which I learned through this forum, I have found that if I don't pay attention and concentrate during my workouts, they aren't very effective. Unfortunately for my bank balance, I also learned that I had to have nearly every one of Cathe's DVDs even though I wasn't at a level to do some of them. Just having them sitting on my shelf gave me comfort!}(
Fitness is not all about appearance.

I won’t “see results” in 2-4 weeks, as many magazines scream on its covers. It took me almost a year before I saw things in the mirror.

There is such a thing as diminishing returns, and this comes with overtraining and food deprivation.

How I feel about myself is more important than any number.

It pays to know my limitations and how I can work around them.

Modifications don’t equal weakness. And if they do, I’d rather be weak than stupid.

Moderation is KEY.

Trial and error takes a lot of time and patience (sometimes too much), but it pays off big time.

Listening to my body has gotten me results that are greater than I could ever have imagined, given my medical history.

I don't know where I'd be without Cathe.:)

Without it I don't feel as much passions for life.

I am a much better mom if I have worked out.

I feel more connected with my body and more accepting of it.

I feel more motivated and confident and sometimes darn right giddy!

It brings my spiritual side to a whole new level.

There is no such thing as a quick fix.

Fitness is a lifestyle not a way to lose weight.

It doesn't have to be painful, but a lot of fun with variety.

The main thing I have learned is....

The comfort I get from eating half a pepporoni pizza with beer and a big piece of cake for dessert will never match the rush I get from working out and looking at myself in the mirror to see a fit healthy person.

1. When i workout I feel like a million bucks, even if there are no outward changes.

2. Lazy people are jealous of my dedication.

3. That I need more protein in my diet.

4. By being a dedicated exerciser and eating healthy I am teaching my young boys a healthy lifestyle they will carry with them for life.
>6. That protein is brain food, and it is very important but
>you need to choose lean proteins and again the right amount.
Actually, I'd say that carbs are "brain food," as the brain ONLY uses glycogen for energy.

Some things I have learned, in no particular order of importance:
1) Variety is important, to avoid plateaus, to reduce risk of overuse injuries, and to have a better balanced physique.

2)how mich you weigh is a very poor general indicator of health or fitness. You shouldn't let the scale determine your happiness. Use it as a tool to gage general weight tendencies, but don't let it dominate your thoughts.

3) recover is as important as work, especially as you get older, and especially if you train hard. (I had my best strength/muscle gains with P90X, which incorporates a lot of recovery).

4) Often, the exercises we hate the most are the ones that would benefit us the most. By the same token, body parts we "dread" to workout probably need it the most.

5) It's important to educate yourself, and not rely on just one source for fitness information.

6) It's o.k. to modify! And you're not a "wimp" if you do!
I am an amateur artist (an a sporadic one due to house and kids responsibilities), and I have always wanted to learn to draw the human figure from imagination (no model) in different angles and movements. I read books, and practiced, etc. (Not much, though, for the reasons mentioned above.) It was only after I developed body awareness that I am able to draw decent human figures from imagination.

Other lessons I learned:

Exercising is not a license to eat like a pig.

If you stop breastfeeding and keep eating the same, you will gain fat.

Dehydration can prevent you for doing a workout- you feel too tired, etc.

Once you reached your goal, you must maintain. If you go back to your old eating habits, your body will also go back to its previous status.

etc., etc.
My body responds better with 2 rest days in a week. Have the energy to go heavier with weights, etc.

Eating as clean as possible has changed my legs. Although I worked out doing nothing but lower body workouts with Cathe and others for a year, results were only minimal until I cleaned up my eating.

Exercise is better than any pill, drink, book, song, etc. It brings good health, and without that, there is nothing else.
Working out everyday is part of what I do during the day - its like cleaning, some days you just don't want to do it, but when its done you feel wonderful!!! :) :)

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