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  1. M

    I'm so depressed and need inspiration!

    Hi-- I had a baby 9 months ago. I was so good about working out while pg, but since them it's been sporadic at best. The problem is that every time I start back, something comes up and I miss a week, and then it's like I am starting over. It's not just having a baby, which is tough, it's...
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    How long did it take you to get in shape post-baby?

    I'm 5.5 months post-partum. I am close to my pre-pg weight, but nothing looks right. My pants fit (yay!), but my tops don't due to an unsightly roll around my waist. I'm eating fairly clean (Eat to Live guidelines about 90% of the time), but I still look pretty awful, to be honest. Is it...
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    Praise for Eat to Live & Dr. Fuhrman

    I am just so pleased with this eating plan I had to share my experience. I bought the book two weeks ago Sunday and started eating the way Furhman advocates the next day. I have been less than strict--following the 90% rule (still a little fat free milk in my coffee, low fat rather than fat...
  4. M

    Recommendation for moms who pump

    I just discovered the Medela Steam cleaning bags!!! They are fantastic! Pumping is no fun, but cleaning the parts after each use was just adding insult to injury. But these make it so easy. Just rinse the parts and then nuke them for 90 secs. And you can use each bag 20 times so it's not...
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    Sleep training--CIO

    Has anyone here tried the CIO method? I read Weissbluth's book (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) and he recommends trying CIO no earlier than 4 months. Maddie turns four months next week, and I am really anxious to get her to take naps on her own. Right now I literally hold her for all of...
  6. M

    Eat to Live--salad dressing recs?

    I have finally decided to take the plunge and try the Eat to Live program after reading so much praise for it on this forum. I love the foods he encourages people to eat--beans, fruits, veggies--so I think this plan is well suited to me. (Plus I still have baby weight to lose.) But I have a...
  7. M

    Ugh! Do I have thrush? (maybe TMI)

    Help! Bfing is painful! I have tiny little blisters on my nipples and they burn. I have no idea if this is thrush or the result of DD's recent bout of fussiness, which involved a lot of grunting and pulling on the breast. She went to the dr today for something else and I asked him to look...
  8. M

    Question for women who breastfed

    Hi all. I posted this question on the Fit Moms message board, but I wanted to see if others who don't visit that board but have some experience with this can shed some light on it for me. I had a baby three months ago and I breastfeed her. At first I lost a lot of weight fast, but 10...
  9. M

    Weight loss and breastfeeding

    Everyone says that bfing makes you lose weight quickly, but I suspect otherwise. I lost a ton of weight at first, but about 10 pounds are sticking around now, even though I am not eating any more than I did before I was pg and am supposedly burning a ton of calories from bfing. Do you think...
  10. M

    Baby won't let me put her down!

    Has anyone experienced this problem? Maddie is 6 1/2 weeks now and simply refuses to be put down. Basically, one of us has to hold her (or wear her) or she screams bloody murder. We have tried waiting until she is fast asleep and then putting her in her crib as well as putting her in there...
  11. M

    Does it get easier?

    I suppose no one will be so cruel as to say "no" but I'll ask anyway. Three weeks in and this is so hard. How will I ever again accomplish anything besides the most basic baby care? And even that is touch and go--I strongly suspect I am not producing enough milk to feed this kid. She's not...
  12. M


    Hi everyone! She's here at last! Madeline ("Maddy") was born 3 p.m. Tuesday weighing 7 lbs 14 oz. I had to be induced starting Monday afternoon for low fluid levels--who knows how long she would have waited if left to her own devices! But the delivery was very easy (esp after that nice man...
  13. M

    How long do I have before it starts to HURT?

    Having never done this before, I am curious about the progression of labor. I read that for a first delivery, average labor is 18 hours. But for much of that, you're supposed to stay home and relax right? Does all of it hurt, just to varying degrees? That is, I know that active labor hurts a...
  14. M

    Unscented detergents, soaps, etc.

    Hi all. I think I better get some of the baby's clothes ready, but I don't know what to do about washing them. Dreft is soooo expensive, but if it prevents a rash I'll gladly spend the money. Is it worth it? Are other brands formulated for babies as good? I normally use Free and Clear All...
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    Nursing tanks?

    Hi everyone. I want to buy some of those nursing tanks--the kind with the little flap like this ( But these are so dang expensive. Does anyone know if they are worth it or if anyone sells them...
  16. M

    Would this actually work?

    Yesterday, as I was waiting in the deli line at Whole Foods, some crazy woman approached me to offer all sorts of unsolicited pregnancy advice. Anyway, she said one thing that made me curious--she advised me to take a towel and "toughen my nipples" to prepare for bfing. The inappropriateness...
  17. M

    U/S wrong about gender?

    My U/S tech said it's a girl, and we are DELIGHTED. Of course, we would have been just as happy if the verdict been "boy." But now that I have gotten used to the idea of a girl, calling her "she," told people, thought about names, worried about her someday dating, etc., it hits me that I will...
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    Pattern of weight gain?

    Not to belabor this topic, but our recent discussion about healthy weight gain got me wondering about the typical (I know, there's lots of variability) pattern of weight gain for pregnant women. For those of you that have gone through this, did you gain steadily or in spurts? Did it sneak up...
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    CTX series?

    I am thinking about getting this, but only if it would be good during pregnancy. I don't need another workout just sitting ony shelf for 4 or 5 more months. Does (did) anyone use these during pregnancy? It seems like the shorter cardio would be perfect, but are the weight segments too heavy...
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    Favorite ab workouts for pg

    Hi all. I know it's important to maintain ab strength during pg, but I have no idea how to work my abs unless I'm on my back. So far I have been doing crunches on the ball at an incline, but I can barely feel them. I tried doing a seated version of the bike manuveur, but that just burns my...