U/S wrong about gender?


My U/S tech said it's a girl, and we are DELIGHTED. Of course, we would have been just as happy if the verdict been "boy." But now that I have gotten used to the idea of a girl, calling her "she," told people, thought about names, worried about her someday dating, etc., it hits me that I will be very disappointed if the U/S turns out to be wrong. The tech told me she hasn't been wrong yet, but of course it's a possibility. Does anyone know how common it is to get the wrong gender info from an U/S? You always hear anecdotes ("My cousin's sister in law was told she was having a girl...") but how common is it really?
Hey Monica! Well, I don't know if there are stats out there, but let me share two stories. Terry, one of my friends, was pregnant with her third and told she was having a girl. She was delighted since she had two boys. The tech was wrong. Terry never had a girl, but she has 4 absolutely gorgeous boys. :) Another friend was told her second was going to be a girl, so she went out a bought a pink, frilly outfit to tell her DH the news. Wrong again... she now has a mischievious little boy. The stories I hear are most often "they said it was a girl but now its a boy" rather than "they said a boy but not say a girl". Those little guys can sprout a penis in a matter of days. ;)

Sorry I didn't really answer your question.

All of my ultrasounds were accurate, but I do know someone who was told that she was carrying twin boys and she delivered twin girls!

With my last ultrasound, the technician said that she was 100% sure that we were having a girl. With my other kids, all boys, we were shown the penis so it seemed like there was no way that there could be a mistake.:)

My friend was told she was having a girl. We had a huge baby shower for her and she got a lot of girly outfits and painted the baby's room pink. Well SURPRISE it was a boy. She had to return EVERYTHING. She couldn't be happier though!!! :)
i have heard of this situation happening. more often the parents are told it's a girl and turns out it's a boy. however from what i hear it's really not all that common, so i wouldn't worry too much. maybe somewhere down the line you can have another u/s just to make sure. now that i think about it...there was a episode of babystory, the parents were told they were having twin boys and wound up with twin girls...so it can happen either way.
Just happened to see this. A girl I work with added on a third bedroom to her house because U/S told her that she was having a little girl. She already had a boy and with a two bedroom house, thought this new little gal would need her own space. Well, thousands of dollars later (on the new addition) out comes this dear little boy :D He's loved to death, but they wouldn't have added on to the house x(

A friend of mine had the opposite experience. She had a son, and after two ultrasounds was assured that she'd be having another. She painted the room blue, selected a name, and then had a very nice surprise when the baby was a girl! She had to send a friend to buy something cute and pink to dress her daughter in for the trip home from the hospital.
After two boys, I was a little let down to be told my third was another boy after my scan. But to my very great surprise it was a girl!! I remember all the nurses at the hospital saying to me "I heard about you, the one whose scan was wrong - how awful!" I just said "Oh no, I'm glad!" Both of my boys have developmental problems (one autism, the other Asperger's which is similar but less severe) and these problems are four times more likely to occur in boys than in girls. So, needless to say I was very worried and scared to be told it was a boy again. My daughter is perfectly fine :) (well, she has some asthma and allergies but it's under control).
All three of my ultrsounds were correct (my boys were more than willing to show off a little) hehe. My SIL's was wrong. They told her till the end that she was having a boy and she ended up having a girl. The whole staff was surprised and even apologized to her.
My dr. is making us wait until week 22 just to be sure. I guess they do make mistakes. She said it was easier to be right after 20 weeks.

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