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  1. G

    Unsupportive friends/family??

    I'm sorry that you're struggling with their lack of thoughtfulness, Denise. Sometimes people just speak without giving any thought to how their words will make others feel...and of course many folks, the passive-aggressive ones, know EXACTLY what they're doing with their words, but will...
  2. G

    I adopted a puppy

    He's did a good thing for both of you. :)
  3. G

    My new puppy!!

    Brooksie Coco is adorable! Oh how much fun...and how little sleep (at least for a while) :)
  4. G

    Question About Frequency

    Yes, icumom...that's what I suspected as far as overuse injuries. For instance, I've heard that if a circque de soleil acrobat manages to continue their career to the age of 28 they're considered quite old. I started using the kettlebells because, although I loooove weight training (and...
  5. G

    Question About Frequency

    I have a question that's been nagging at the back of my mind for quite some time ~ it's come to the fore now that I'm hot on kettlebells and want to play with them every day. It's recommended that we allow a day of rest before working a body part again to allow for healing and growth; with...
  6. G

    ? for Kettlebell fans...

    I started with a single 15# bell because I was afraid of hurting myself, knowing that I would be unable to get any one-on-one coaching or attend any classes right off the bat. I was pretty much done with the 15# within a I use it when I'm trying to learn something new. I've been...
  7. G

    Daughter moved out :(

    You've done your best, Reese. She's at an age where you can no longer direct her, because right or wrong, foolish or wise, she will make her own decisions. All a parent can hope for it that at some point, a child will understand that they really are in charge of their own lives and decide for...
  8. G

    New AOS Kettlebell Way Brooklyn DVD

    Just chiming in with my 2 cents on the KB Goddess...I just did it for the first time today and don't looove it, but don't dislike it either. I think I'm a bit spoiled by Cathe's superb cuing, so I expect all instuctors to do it the Cathe way. I would love to see what Cathe would do with a KB...
  9. G

    Middle age...

    41 here...and let me just bring up the exhaustion!!! The week prior to TTOM is unbelievable, and still takes me by surprise...I ponder why I'm so flipping tired and it doesn't occur to me why, until at 23 days I get some clarification...or maybe 21 days, or even sometimes 29 days. No wonder I...
  10. G

    Kettlebells in Fitness RX

    I saw this article too and it did push me over the last threshold (along with all of the chatter that's been going on here). I bought a DVD and a KB! Now I'm sporting 2 bruised wrists and will soon be signing up for a few (or more) sessions at a RKC school here. I'm not nearly as graceful...
  11. G

    So, vegetarians, what are you having...

    Well, I'm a kitchen adventurist and came up with this one night for hubby (who thought he hated sweet potatoes) and's not really a recipe, but it wasn't difficult. 1 onion, diced (in whatever size pieces you prefer. I went on the smaller side) 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced...
  12. G

    Raynaud's sufferers - any advice?

    Here's an interesting link to check out:
  13. G

    Sugar Addict

    You may want to do some research on glutamine supplementation. There are some good articles on I've been taking glutamine for about 2 weeks and can honestly say all of my cravings for sweets are gone. Also, I was a daily glass of wine drinker, which I enjoy tremendously, but...
  14. G

    Error Message

    The incident seems to be resolved now after logging out and back in again. Thanks.
  15. G

    Error Message

    I just signed up for one month use of the nutrition software and was building my favorites list and received the following error message: Not Found The requested URL /workout/user/<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/check_bodylog.js"></script><form name ="form_log" method="post"...
  16. G

    Happy birthday A-Jock

    Happy birthday, Annette! I hope you did something fun!
  17. G

    Oatmeal Cookies (Clean Eating Magazine)

    Thanks! They sound great!
  18. G

    Oatmeal Cookies (Clean Eating Magazine)

    Do you know how many cookies this is supposed to make?
  19. G

    A difference of 10 lbs....happy in your skin?

    Laura, there's something to be said for mental comfort though too. If you aren't at a place where you feel your best, then you (maybe I should say "I") feel like there's a dimple showing here, jelly roll in the middle there, a need to tug at this or that. This is the part I struggle with. I...
  20. G

    A difference of 10 lbs....happy in your skin?

    It seems you're in good company...and I'm right there with you all. I recently lost 50 lbs, but have gained some back recently. I too have been playing with my "routine" to see how much I can loosen things up and still maintain. I enjoy food tremendously, and typically eat quite healthfully...