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  1. P

    Thank-you Classical Stretch advocates!!!

    A big thanks to those who put in a plug for Classical Stretch. I have ordered and received the Full body and the Athletes Instense Stretch. I have the tightest hips on the planet and no amount of yoga could budge them...... till I found Miranda. My hips and back have never felt better! She...
  2. P

    I found a deal for Barry's Bootcamp!

    I just ordered Barry's Bootcamp on HSN for 35 dollars plus shipping and handling. They are clearing it out and I just counldn't pass up 15 bucks off! This forum is not helping my credit card. Cheryl
  3. P

    May 15 is the last day to buy orignal "Archie" comics

    Archie and the gang are becoming modernized as of May 15. The whole look is changing! The new faces have a Japanese "manga" animation look about them. Not necessarily a bad thing, just a sad thing in our house. My daughter is scouring all stores for the originals before the dreaded May 15...
  4. P

    I did what I said I would never do...................

    I just did what I said I would never do-----------I signed up for weight watchers. I could never justify paying someone to police what I put in my mouth, but sadly, I have come to the realization that I can't do this alone. The BMI is not my friend right now. I went to my first meeting and...
  5. P

    for jainiejoey

    I was looking at the ingredients in my daughters' "Foradix by Floravital Iron + Herbs", and noticed that it had 7.5 mcg of B12 (125% RDA). That amount sounds like a number that you may be comfortable with. It is an iron product but is all from natural sources. One dose is 10 mg or iron (56%...
  6. P

    Bootcamp 05' rotation?

    I am computer illerate and cannot find a copy of the bootcamp 05' rotation. Does anyone have a copy they could share with me. Thanks so much. I am feeling excitment and trepidation just thinking about it. Thanks again. Cheryl
  7. P

    I love my CRUNCHIES!!!!

    I just got my Easter package from my mother and I have my beloved Canadian chocolate bars. Wunderbars and Crunchies are my absolute faves!! Cheryl
  8. P

    Take my card away....

    Please, someone come and take my Costco card from me! I cannot walk into that store without dropping 200+ bucks. I need to walk in that place with cash in hand. It's a good thing I didn't check forum before I went or would have added more $$$ for Preparation H. Cheryl
  9. P

    Take my card away....

    Please, someone come and take my Costco card from me! I cannot walk into that store without dropping 200+ bucks. I need to walk in that place with cash in hand. It's a good thing I didn't check forum before I went or would have added more $$$ for Preparation H. Cheryl
  10. P

    Am I the only one...?

    I ask myself this question every other day. I am I the only one who can change a roll of toilet paper in this house? I am constantly amazed to find empty rolls left on countertops in all three bathrooms. The empty rolls don't even make it to the garbage! My family can go weeks just rolling...
  11. P

    For Beavs

    I certainly did not explain myself in the Blaaah post as to what a Chinook is. My family is continually reminding me that they can't read my mind! Here goes, according to Wikipedia: "A Chinook wind (is) where the Canadian Prairies and Great Plains end and the mountains begin...In popular...
  12. P

    Girl Scout cookies

    Dang!! I just read that girl scout cookies are now free of trans-fats! Now I have no excuse not indulge in those blasted thin mints! I sense a marketing genius at work. Cheryl
  13. P

    Which Amy Bento DVD would you purchase?

    I am looking to purchase one of Amy Bento's new Extreme DVD's. If you could only have one which one would you choose---HiLo Extreme or Kickbox Extreme? I am looking for some extra cardio to do at home. Thanks for the input. Cheryl
  14. P

    Taking a test tommorrow and scared to death

    I am taking a college entrance test tomorrow. I am 48 years old, completely out of my range and element, feeling out of control, teary and scared to death. I would, in all honestly, rather be jumping out of an airplane (with a parachute of course). Any added prayers would be greatly needed...
  15. P

    Drill Max circuit with a medicine ball

    I just finished the entire Cardio Fusion workout and when it came to the Drill Max circuit #3 using a stability ball I substituted a 4 pound medicine ball. (Due to the fact that two stability balls have been punctured in the last two months by my husband and children having way too much fun...