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  1. N

    Winston-Salem, NC

    We were on vacation this week and visited Old Salem. What a beautiful place and city. People there are very nice. Also went to Asheville to eat at Asheville Brewery and Pizza. My favorite pizza place. Yes we drove 4 hours out of the way to eat there! I think NC rocks! Annette Bethel
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    25 and 30lb weights....

    ....on eBay. Here are the links: 1262 1262 Annette Bethel
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    Computer Help Question

    I am at the office now and I need help, please. 1) how do I connect Outlook Express. I did all the instructions but still can't email out. 2) Access. How do you ascend the dates so that the months come first? For example, I type in between 03/01/03 and 03/01/05. I'll get the dates for 03 and...
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    What sizes are being used?

    I did notice the heavier weights, what sizes are y'all lifting, just to get an idea for future weights. Thanks. Annette Bethel
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    What new equipment is needed for STS?

    ..besides the squat rack? Annette Bethel
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    Fitness: Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine

    I found this magazine for $1.00 at the Dollar Tree. They are the newest issues and retail for $3.50. What a bargin.....!:D Annette Bethel
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    M.E.A.-Mircosulis Endometrial Ablation...

    ...has anyone had this done. I went to day for my annual womanly thing, and reallllly tired of horrible cramps TTOM. It is an alternative hysterectomy. Bascially it is mircowaves in the uterine lining to resolve heavy periods, thus elimanting periods. I have signed up for it, just wondering...
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    UPS Carrier

    Just want to know if that eye candy comes with videos (from the blog)? :D, Annette
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    Virtual Model....

    ...check out this website. Annette
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    NY Times Articles

    ...great articles today. Enjoy. Annette.
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    USA Today Article, Tamilee Webb, Kathy Smith... Enjoy, Annette
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    Check your health insurance provider for discounts....

    I was piddling to see if United Health Insurance discounts fitness equipment. The discounts range from 5-15% off of exercise and fitness equipment and other items. So, check your health insurance. Annette
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    Bowl Week has turned into Bowl Month....

    The end of bowl games are finally over, with Ohio State and Florida playin' tonight. The game is at eight, so don't be late, wear the teams colors, and you will be alright. Sorry I was in a rhyming mood, a muse I am not....anyway, since Clemson lost, I guess I will pull for Florida. I...
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    Our Lady of Weight Loss...a book

    I was looking at my local library's new book list. This is what is new. And here is the link...
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    A ball workout

    I was watchin' the infomerical for Core Secrets. I think a ball workout would be great. Annette
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    44 more days....

    ...until CLEMSON Football! yeah baby! Football is a Religion in the south! What is your favorite collegiate team and when do they start? :-)
  17. N

    Thanks for being on FitTv!

    Annette Bethel Thanks Cathe for being on FitTv, even though it is not the actually dvd or vhs, I can still get my morning fix! I did Rhythmic Step today! Glad you are on FitTv! Annette
  18. N

    I did it.

    Annette Bethel I don't know where to begin....I began purchasing Cathe's vhs/dvds mostly for the strength/weight training because I was flusterated and fusterated with trying to get the cardio portions. Well, in these past 2 weeks, I got it!! And now I understand cardio/step of Cathe...