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  1. G

    Sweat hit the TV!!

    Okay so I just had to post this here because only the ladies here could appreciate it. I have been on very long hiatus from working out due to a combination of laziness and bursitis in my hip (translation - sitting around on my a*s). My copy of the 4-day split arrived and I sat staring at...
  2. G

    CTX Just Arrived - Love it, Love it, Love it!

    Today was supposed to be a power yoga day, but my latest Cathe order came yesterday with the much anticipated CTX series in I was in the middle of doing CTX Kickbox instead of yoga and was actually thinking of what I was going to post in the forum because I was LOVING IT! I don't...
  3. G

    Should I get CTX or RS/IMAX/MIC & PH/MIS/BM next?

    I am getting ready to place another Cathe order and I am torn on which to order next. I have: All of Hardcore series (except Hardcore Extreme) All of Body Blast series (except Timesaver) All of Intensity series (except Terminator) I seem to prefer interval, kickboxing, lo max "style"...
  4. G

    Rotation Help

    I have been reading this forum as a newbie to Cathe, and I have always found everyone to be very supportive and quick to respond. So I was a bit surprized that no one responded to my recent request for rotation help for Cathe & Yoga together...
  5. G

    I need help with a routine for Cathe & Power Yoga

    Hello everyone, I have been struggling to find a routine that combines the 2+ 100 minute power vinyasa yoga sessions that I do per week with my Cathe workouts. I need to focus on losing about 5lbs and toning my lower body which bulks up easily. I do power yoga sessions on Monday and either...
  6. G

    Bad Wrist - Substitution for Prone Position?

    Cathe & Co, I have DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis (tendon problem in the wrist, thumb, and pointer finger) along with a Ganglean cyst in my left wrist. I was treated for 1.5 years of physical, occupational, and cortisone electro-stim therapy which really helped the tendonitis portion of the...
  7. G

    Cathe Compendium

    Hello All! I am new-ish to Cathe, and have purchased almost all of the Hardcore Series (don't have Stretch Max, or Hardcore Extreme), the Body Blast Series (don't have Supersets + Push/Pull), all of the Intesity Series, and High Step Training. I notice a lot of the rotations listed use alot...