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  1. S

    Hardcore Check in Februray 7,2009

    Great that your shoulder is better! I liked Newport a lot. I had problems starting right off with the snatches though. I need to work on those. I like the side snatches a lot better. I thought it was more cardio based than Providence and Lauren Brooks DVD is also more cardio based. So I think...
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    Hardcore Check in Februray 7,2009

    Hey there! This morning I did Newport. Used my 18lb kb throughout. I loved this one and really like the bluesy music. I'm so sorry you have the flu. You poor thing! Get some rest and hopefully you will recover fast. I always think an hour is plenty.:) Smart thinking on giving your back another...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties 2/6

    Hey Maniacs! Today I did: CLX Push Circuit #3 CLX Burn it off 200 Kettlebell swings CLX Recharge Took about 1 1/2 hr. Just had a load of energy that needed fixin'. Teddy- Here is the link to CLX It's a...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties Feb 5th

    I'll be broke right there with you.:D This looks really good! Thank you! Wow! That was fast. Didn't even have time to twist your arm.:p Looks like this little grandchild is going to be a challenge.;) That Foam Roller DVD sounds interesting. He does seem a titch annoying in the clips...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties Feb 5th

    Here ya go.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties Feb 5th

    Morning Maniacs! Today will be a Cardio Coach. Just not in the mood this morning, so I'll do it after work. I've been sleeping so good and I don't want to get out of bed! Not a good habit. Patti- I'd like that tuna burger recipe also. Looks like you need to post it.;) Linda-Teddy-...
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

    I plan on doing Newport for the first time this week. It looks fun!
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

    Roselyn, This is the recipe I use too, but I add a couple tablespoons of ground flax seed in mine. I spread almond butter on mine and either jam (eat it rolled up this way) or sugarless syrup. I always use milk in my protein shakes. Not a big fan of a watery protein drink.
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

    I really like it. I like the shorter length of workouts too. Let's me add in other things I enjoy. I do not think it is near as tough as P90X (and I'm sure it's because they are shorter and there are no pullups). I just haven't got that, "this is the best program ever!" feeling like I got with...
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

    I know! I'm going to feel left out too, but, oh well. What rotation are were you thinking of starting? Did you buy STS?
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

    Morning Maniacs! Just finished up CLX Push Circuit #2 and then did 200 swings. I'll post stats later.. running late. BBL
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 3rd

    Finished my workout. I did Cardio Coach #3 (only 2 challenges, then nano died:mad:) so finished up with 20 min. intervals on treadmill and Lauren Brooks Quick Fat Blaster Kettlebell workout (12 min.). Workout was 1 hr. 3 min. Burned 370 calories.
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    Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 3rd

    Hey all! Haven't worked out yet. Just not wanting to in the mornings lately, just loving my cushy warm bed:p. I plan on a cardio coach and some kettlebells later. What is up with all the injuries? Maybe just a fluke? I'm injury free right now thank goodness. Just get tight muscles between my...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/2

    Hey Maniacs!Just finished my workout. I did 35 min. on the bike while watching Lisa Shaffers kettelbell Clinic and did the rows, renegade rows, high-pulls and snatches in between riding. I then did CLX Push Circuit #1. I finished with 100 swings doing 25 at a time. Push Circuit #1...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hot Chicks, Sunday Feb. 1, 2009

    Morning Maniacs! Today is a rest day...maybe, depends how long my husband hogs the workout room. He's working out and working on bikes too, so it's a mess. I start a new phase with CLX tomorrow. I also need to up my cardio with some Cardio Coaches. I also want to add in swings with the...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Jan 30th

    Morning Crazies! TGIF!!!!!!!!!! This morning I did CLX Burn Circuit #3. Had a great workout. Anyone doing anything fun for the Superbowl? Any good food ideas without breaking the fat cells? I like to snack that day and don't want to ruin all my hard work. I do love me a good mayo/cream...
  17. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Jan 29th

    Yeah, but you can turn your hands around and do a pullup, duh!:p;) It will be interesting to see how your new method works for you. You'll be swingin' like a monkey before you know it.:p:p
  18. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Jan 29th

    I know! It's that 4th week that is so hard to continue with. Your eating sounds good and not obsessive. It's almost like a eat when I'm hungry kind of thing. I like how you always eat healthy, even when you take the grand kids out. :) ROFL! You are a crack up! Suz- I wish we had a picture of...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Jan 29th

    Suz- Thanks for the pullup info. Teddy- Yeah, Billy always has great music! Ok, gotta get to work, check back later.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Jan 29th

    MOrning Maniacs! This morning I did CLX Burn it off or up or whatever it's called. This is my last week (4th) in the Burn phase . I'm thinking of only doing 3 weeks of each of the Push and Lean phases. 4 weeks of each seems like to long. I'm getting antsy. Ally and Shana- I need emails so I can...