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  1. S

    Harcore Fitness Maniacs - March 12

    Wow. What a sad story. Seems like nobody can deal with things anymore. It's getting crazy.
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    Harcore Fitness Maniacs - March 12

    Nope. I do have a stationary bike though. I tried a trainer a few months ago and it was way to loud with my mountain bike tires. Now that I have a road bike, I am thinking of getting rollers. Rollers look way fun. Have you seen people trying them for the first time on YouTube. Hilarious! Did...
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    Harcore Fitness Maniacs - March 12

    Morning Maniacs! No workout this morning...still adjusting to time change:p. I do plan on a bike ride after work. I have a niece's wedding to attend all day tomorrow. I hope I didn't affend anyone yesterday by talking about strick diets and obsession. These are my own issues and I don't judge...
  4. S

    OMG DirtDiva! Mountain biking ROCKS!

    Yes, that ride was in the Monterey area. Pebble Beach 17 mile drive to be exact. I vacation there every year, but I live in Utah, very close to SLC. I've been mountain biking for around 12 years and I used to never see any women up in the hills. I'm starting to see more of them around here...
  5. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/11

    Teddy- Great Article and yes, nice bod! Looks just like me.:p:p:p Diane Sue- You have been a great example to me with your eating. I don't see you being to strict or obsessive and I like that you can you can hit McD's once in a while and still make a good choice. And just look at you! It...
  6. S

    OMG DirtDiva! Mountain biking ROCKS!

    That's great you are enjoying your new Mountain Bike! It's so much fun, isn't it? I've been doing it for years now and it just gets better and better. And yes, this is an expensive sport...but aren't all sports to a degee?;) About the clipping into the pedals. Don't worry about it! You are...
  7. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/11

    And I could have written your post.:) My "normal", what I'm trying to beat back into my head, was just eating healthy foods (ya feel good when you eat healthy), 3 meals a day with a snack if I feel the need, no worrying about macro this or carb that or protein schmotein. I used to never...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/11

    Hey Maniacs! Well, so far with this time change, I have done nada in the mornings! I just can't get with it. I might just bag the week and start fresh on Monday Mornings again. Maybe I'll be adjusted by then. I will try and get a workout in later today IF nothing messes me up. Dh wants to go on...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties March 10th

    You know I'll cave now. Thanks bunches.:p
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties March 10th

    I confess. I've never tried a Cadbury egg. Is this something I need to try, or is this something I must never ever go near?:eek:
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties March 10th

    Teddy- This one's for you! You can't beat $4.95!! Go buy now!:p:p Char- Twice?! You go girl! I have fat to attack too! It just loves me so much! Diane Sue- You floor me with your energy... if...
  12. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties March 10th

    Hey Maniacs! Just not in the mood this morning. So, I plan on doing my workout after work. I'm still adjusting to the time change here:rolleyes:. I downloaded (sale going on!) the Cardio Coach's I didn't have (#7 #8) and will do one of those. It snowed yesterday and it's freezing out. I wish...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/9

    I thought Santa Monica was the one on sale, am I wrong? I want Santa Monica, but I know I'd want the ropes too and I have zero room for them. And yes, you do need Empire State;). I got mine off the Yaya Swap for $30 bucks. I think I saw Newport over there if anyone wants that one.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/9

    Morning Maniacs! No workout today. Body is saying, "Girl, I need a break!":) Lot's of work today though, so not really a rest rest day. Teddy- Those kb's are deceiving aren't they? Patty- I don't like KP&C much either. I think I've only done it a few times. Imax2 on the other hand is fun...
  15. S

    Hardcore Maniacs check in for March 8,2009 Sunday

    Hey Maniacs! Just got back from a 37 mile bike ride. REALLY feeling it because we were riding into the wind both ways:p! I changed my pedaling to the easier gears (cuz dh told me I need to do that and get away from always pushing the hard gears, which I like) and that wore me out too. Had a...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

    I just googled those floor whipers! LAWDY Looks like some fun there!:eek:
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

    I'm fast at clipping nails also. Sometimes that's the only way. If a dog is a bugger at getting it's nails clipped, I always ask if they've previously had a vet do it, because vets are terrible at it (at least around here) and seem to make the dogs nervous for life. If I start one from a puppy...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

    I bet our dogs would all get along. It would be fun for them to play together and I'd for sure take care of your dogs nails for you, you could even come over and give them baths in my tub, I'm easy that way :cool:. I was thinking that same thing about Empire State, the double kb thing. I'm sure...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

    Hi again! I said earlier that I thought Empire State was easy, but boy are my abs feeling it now. I could hardly get off the couch! I love workouts that sneak up on you like that. :cool: Anyways, false alarm about Carma. She just tracked in some "poop". She has had a bit of a "problem" this...
  20. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

    Hey Maniacs! Yesterday was CLX Lean Circuit #3 and today was Empire State (Just got this off the yaya swap) I did shoulder drills during the rests, and then did the joint mobility section. This was a fun workout. Seemed little easier than some of the others Aos workouts. Dang gotta run, Carma...