Search results

  1. fitnessangel

    Good Morning!

    Wow, 3:30 a.m.! You have dedication and drive because you wouldn't see me get out of bed at that time. It is supposed to be hot here, too, so I guess I will just run on the old treadmill. Take care and happy sweating tonight:)
  2. fitnessangel

    How many toys does your dog have?

    I actually store my dog's toys in a nice wicker basket (LOL, but seriously, I do). My dogs, Pink and Kisses, actually have too many toys- and I know this becauase I have to pick them up after nearly tripping on them throughout the day. I am not sure if the animal shelter will take dog toys, but...
  3. fitnessangel

    Ankle weights during step workout

    I also don't think it would be a good idea to put ankle weights on during step. I think it would throw off your coordination, as well as put unnecessary stress on your ankles and knees. If you don't have the risers for your step, and are looking to boost your heart rate up more, try...
  4. fitnessangel

    My review of exercise DVD's rented from Netflix

    What is the All Body Attack's music like? I loved All Body Cardio's music. Thanks...:)
  5. fitnessangel

    My review of exercise DVD's rented from Netflix

    Check out and search for Kickbutt. You will find a preview and description there. The instructors include Heidi Tanner and Kimberley Spreen (former firmies). HTH:)
  6. fitnessangel

    My review of exercise DVD's rented from Netflix

    >CIA 2505- K. Spreen, Kick Box Boot Camp- love it! Cardio is >moderate- much of it on the step, some is on the floor. >Circuit in nature. >CIA 2604- All Body Cardio- LOVE this, much like Drill Max, but >maybe even harder. There's a bosu work out on it too. >CIA 2605- Cardio Camp with...
  7. fitnessangel

    Form for dips?

    Does this bother your knuckles? Just curious... I have never done dips that way. On occassion, I'll use dumbbells when doing push ups (it actually allows me to go deeper). Have you thought about strengthening your forearms to alleviate the pain you feel in your wrists? This helped me...
  8. fitnessangel

    Resistance Bands

    You can't go wrong with a 6 foot Dyna band (Green is medium resistance). If you have too much you can let the extra hang over. I would stick with the Dyna Band brand because it has lasted longer than some of my other bands. They all eventually break (and I have had some of mine for several...
  9. fitnessangel

    My band broke this morning during Drill Max

    Collage Video sells them and ships for free. Also, I got different kinds at Play it Again Sports. I don't know if they have one near you, but they sell them by the foot and carry different levels of resistance. I believe Dick's Sporting Goods also sells them. HTH:)
  10. fitnessangel

    Help for a Pear

    Tricia, You may want to post this in the Open Discussion Forum, where you will get a wider array of responses. Take care:)
  11. fitnessangel

    SNM or Cathe -- any updates on this promised feature??

    RE: SNM or Cathe -- any updates on this promised featur... >I truly think everyone needs to take a deep breath and get >some perspective on all of this! Exactly! We will all find out sooner or later. Who cares if some people find out before others? This isn't a competition and we will all...
  12. fitnessangel

    Absolute Kickboxing!!!!

    Super fun with a great ab workout throughout and at the end! This will be a regular in my video collection. I use a 9 lb body bar and it smokes my shoulders.
  13. fitnessangel

    $54 mil for a lost pair of pants?

    It reminds me of the lady suing McDonalds for her coffee being too hot, as well as people suing the fast food industry for making them fat. How can people get away with these frivolous law suits?
  14. fitnessangel

    If you had $50 to spend on new videos...

    I agree with Annette... Kimberly Spreen is awesome and has a nice change of pace- CIA2705-Absolute Kickboxing CIA2605-Cardio Camp CIA2505-KickBox Boot Camp You can get all three of these videos through Collage for about 20 each:)
  15. fitnessangel

    Boots No. 7

    Here is a link to Have a great day!
  16. fitnessangel

    Yoga Videos

    I also love Rodney Yee (although some seem exceptionally long-90 minutes!). Have you heard of Crunch Fitness Fat Burning Yoga with Sara Ivanhoe? I love this one (although I wouldn't call it a serious fat burner- LOL). It does challenge you, though, and Sara has beginner to advanced models in the...
  17. fitnessangel

    Cathe floor aerobics???

    You can always do her step aerobics without the step. Just a thought:)
  18. fitnessangel

    Paris Back to Jail!!

    I feel bad for her in an odd way... I think she obviously needs to pay society for breaking probation, but I think the judge is obviously trying to make a name for himself. The jail system is already overcrowded, and tax payers are actually paying for Paris to stay in jail (along with the...
  19. fitnessangel

    should I get Gym Style or wait for new workouts

    Not Cathe, but you can never go wrong with the GS series. They have great music, great premixes, and work you hard. It is always nice to have a variety of workouts in order to beat fitness plateaus, as well as to challenge your body in new ways (I am sure Cathe is coming up with new exercises in...
  20. fitnessangel

    Cathe or Educated Crowd

    Susan, Have you tried asking this question in the Open Discussion Forum? Many of them are very knowledgeable. Have a great day:)