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  1. fitnessangel

    Demand NIKE drops Michael Vick

    Here are a couple of links on Vick:;_ylt=AgW9xp7J4erAFGWwDU1hYLD.uLYF?slug=ap-vickindictment&prov=ap&type=lgns Nike holds release of VIck shoe: Nike's...
  2. fitnessangel

    CIA DVDS/Other Cardio DVDS

    I also recommend CIA Cardio Camp, as well as *Double Cardio (uses step- or bosu on one workout and weights) *Absolute Kickboxing (uses weights and a bodybar- but you can substitute with a broomstick for a non-weighted workout) *Kickbox Bootcamp (short but effective- same equipment as...
  3. fitnessangel

    Please offer some adive....

    Not Cathe, but how are your eating habits? Do you eat small, frequent, healthy meals? Clean eating has a lot to do with definition. What types of workouts are you doing and how often? Have you switched up your routine lately? Have you increased your weights? Are you doing circuits or emphasizing...
  4. fitnessangel

    Happy Birthday, Cathe!!!!

    Happy Birthday... and you don't look another year older. Actually, you look amazing and young!
  5. fitnessangel

    And OUR CUSTOM DESIGNER IS....drum roll.....

    I have special ordered some things from OH My Bod before, and she only charged me a couple dollars more for a 35 inch length. If you email her maybe she will consider it:)
  6. fitnessangel

    Brand New (busy!) Mom - Looking for Program that is not TOO time-consuming

    I believe this month's rotation is time efficient. You may want to check it out:)
  7. fitnessangel

    Which 4-day split workout are you most excited about??

    It's so hard to choose! I am really excited about them all. :7
  8. fitnessangel

    Why can't I get through Imax 3?

    I think some of it has to do with the little time to catch a breather at the end of the blasts. After the blasts in IMAX2, there is definitely more time to get the heartrate down before moving on. I can get through IMAX 3 most of the time, but when I feel that I need to take a little more O2...
  9. fitnessangel

    best rotation or dvd for losing weight and building muscles....

    Not Cathe, but you may want to post this in the Open Discussion forum as well since you will also have access to a lot of fitness savvy advice. Clean eating is extremely important- probably one of the most important factors in weight loss and achieving the toned look you desire. Fitness is also...
  10. fitnessangel

    Still sore - Should I work out?

    Not Cathe, but...I would give yourself at least 48 hours in between working the same muscle groups to allow your muscles time to heal. If you are still really sore, try taking another day off from that body part and also take a nice warm bath. If you are a little sore, then perhaps you can do a...
  11. fitnessangel

    From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30 lb dumbbells. I can often match Cathe on wts

    RE: From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30 lb dumbbells.I can often match Cathe on wts in the workouts I have, though I usually have to take longer breaks or slow down my reps. Some of t and the 62 pound barbell row! I don't think I can do that much weight, but I am certainly up...
  12. fitnessangel

    It's Personal

    She probably won't give her weight, but I believe she is 5'2". Here is a link a discussion on this a while back:)
  13. fitnessangel

    Cathe, Thank You for Fun Choreography!!!

    What did you think about the 62 pound underhand barbell row? I KNOW that I cannot do that, yet:7 !! I am anxious to get started.
  14. fitnessangel

    Which DVDS should I use after pregnancy?

    You may want to post this in the Pregnancy forum. I believe Cathe said there was an expert moderator who frequently chimed in to offer advice for those who are pregnant and who just had a baby. Personally, I would start with some of Cathe's beginner/intermediate rotations posted on the Video...
  15. fitnessangel

    Levitation holds in Core Max

    That is definitely a great idea! Thanks for the advice:)
  16. fitnessangel

    Butts & Guts for Beginners

    there are no weinies! You are so funny! Anyway, I would just start with light or no weight and gradually build up. You don't have to complete all of the exercises or the reps at once. The first time I did it, I used my normal weights from GS Legs and I regretted it (I was one of the people who...
  17. fitnessangel

    Levitation holds in Core Max

    I am 5' 8" with long arms and I found it nearly impossible when I first started doing them. I can't get through all of them, but like another poster stated- try messing around with your foot positioning. A lotus position helps out, as well as frequent use of this exercise.
  18. fitnessangel


    You don't have to use the same amount of risers under your step like Cathe does in her workouts. You can always use one set of risers or no sets if you haven't worked up to that level. I have been stepping for years, and find that one set of risers is plenty! It is also easier on my joints. Take...
  19. fitnessangel

    Cathe, SNM, or anyone who has an idea about....

    I have been stepping for years, and I still only use one set of risers under my step. I find it easier on my joints and still challenging on my cardiovascular system (and my body):)! I am definitely stronger now than when I started using Cathe, but my upper body strength has never reached that...
  20. fitnessangel

    New Custom Made Workout Clothes

    I believe honesty is the best policy- and yes, everyone has their opinion- my only problem is how it is said or written. Perhaps I just saw the harsh tone and over reacted- who knows? I don't have any hard feelings towards anyone. Other than that, I just look forward to working out with the new...