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  1. fitnessangel

    RE: Back Muscles

    what are lawn mower pulls? Probably a dumb question, just don't recall hearing that before. Thanks:)
  2. fitnessangel

    I'm talking green beans people!

    Throw the beans with sliced (1/2 inch) sweet potatoes, cubed onions, butter (optional), and brown sugar (also optional) in greased (Pam) foil- cook on the grill for about 45 minutes (turning half-way through). Also, try them steamed! Try them sauteed with olive oil and garlic.
  3. fitnessangel

    Low Max and Low Max Circuit

    With the premixes on both, you can shorten your workout time in order to gain confidence in your steps! BTW, both videos are awesome and are worth every cent:)
  4. fitnessangel

    Buying 4 Day split / should I buy B&G ?

    I really love B&G! It works your muscles that you didn't know existed (LOL)! Beware, however, you will feel it the next day. You won't go wrong with this purchase- plus FREE shipping!:7
  5. fitnessangel

    SNM or Cathe - pre-order question?

  6. fitnessangel

    SNM or Cathe - pre-order question?

  7. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

    > >But, you need them ALL! :7 > > LOL- My husband thinks that I am nuts for telling him this because he thinks- "Well you already have like 50 or 60 workouts." I just like a little variety and I am not spending the extra dough using a gym membership and gas. Thanks!
  8. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

    I will probably end up ordering them all between this new series and the next series coming out. It is so hard to choose- thanks for your feedback.
  9. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

    Thanks! Like I said before- it is so hard to decide. I think CTX gives you a lot for your money, but the PH/MIS/BodyMax seems like it gives you a lot for your money too!
  10. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

    Wow! Thanks, Kathryn. It makes it so hard to decide. So many decisions!!
  11. fitnessangel

    Where can I find those puzzle mats?

    Lowes, Walmart, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Sears have them as well. I believe Walmart's was the cheapest of the batch.
  12. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

  13. fitnessangel

    What should I order with...

    the new series? I have a few dollars extra to spend, and I am hoping I can get some advice on the next Cathe DVD to pick. I can only order one for now. The only ones I do not own include: Body Blast Timesaver CTX Series Slow and Heavy Series Power Hour, Body Max, MIS Pure Strength...
  14. fitnessangel

    Yoga Workouts

    >I would love this too. Maybe a power yoga called "Yoga >Max"? That is a great name and great idea!
  15. fitnessangel

    Workouts Using Fitness Equipment

    I definitely think your idea of adding a body bar and medicine ball would be great and increase our functional fitness. I don't have a wobble board, but I would be willing to try. Also, a bosu (with option of using a step) would be fabulous!
  16. fitnessangel

    Step, jump, Pump vs Imax 2 Cardio & weights

    You can't go wrong with either. They both are different, but very fun. I love Imax2:), but Step Blast is also another fun one. It really is hard to choose. You will love both:)
  17. fitnessangel

    How long does it take to receive DVD orders?

    It depends on where you live. You can track your order as well. I live in NC and it usually gets here within 2-3 business days (UPS ground is not available fore weekend delivery). You'll probably get yours sometime mid-week (July 24-26). Have fun:)
  18. fitnessangel

    Question about "The STEP"

    RE: Question about yes, just make sure you have enough risers, or you may need to purchase an extra riser.
  19. fitnessangel

    Happy Birthday, Cathe!!!!

    RE: Thank You Everyone!!!! >I will definitely have a delicious birthday celebration loaded with >calories (can't promise they'll all be clean either :9 ) And you have earned every bite!
  20. fitnessangel

    Cathe - slight differences in your pictures

    Thanks for sharing- and you are not going on and on about yourself. In fact, you are offering words of wisdom- staying hydrated, allowing ourselves to change our hair/makeup to accent our natural appearance, and feeling good about ourselves no matter what. You are an inspiration to many, and...