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    Shelley allwildgirl

    An Afreet is a supernatural creature from Arabic mythology. It is also the name of one of my dogs - I was reading 1001 Arabian Nights when I adopted her, and she kind of reminded me of a mischievous evil Djinni during her puppyhood. I guess that's what happens when anthropologists name dogs...
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    Shelley allwildgirl

    I can! I feel an urge to start a new thread about my recent experience with PMs. But I think I can resist.
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    is it all about the cals?

    Another person here trying not to overthink things too much! :D I have been able to lose and keep weight off by staying away from refined carbs (sugar, white flour, etc) and keeping to a kind of blueprint I designed for myself. I have three meals and two snacks allotted to myself each day. I...
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    Which kettlebell?

    Oh, thank goodness you posted this. I had forgotten about that. Providence and TKBW Vol. 1 are the same. TKBW "Empire State" is different, and that's the one I was referring to. Apologies for any confusion.
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    Shelley allwildgirl

    Lianne, FYI I just PM'ed you.
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    Which kettlebell?

    I haven't tried a big variety of kettlebells - I bought mine at the local sporting goods store and they seem fine to me. I've also looked at GoFit and they look nice, too. I've heard good things about Ader and Dragon Door KBs, but I hate the idea of paying the shipping fees, so I've just...
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    Shelley allwildgirl

    I have not PM'ed anybody so far today. In case anyone was wondering.
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    Which Lauren Brook DVD to start with?

    I'd recommend starting with Volume 1. It's got excellent instruction and two great workouts: one is 12 minutes and the other is 40 minutes. When I started using kettlebells, I was worried about starting with something too basic that wouldn't give me a good workout. I mean, I want to learn the...
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    My dog exploded (the joys of being a pet owner)

    This has happened to my dogs a few times. I used to try to ride it out unless there were really obvious signs of trouble, but I now just take them to the vet, who can give them an anti-diarrheal which REALLY HELPS, and he can also determine if the condition is more serious than it seems. In less...
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    Moisturizer Recommendation

    I meant to add The other thing she recommended as a cleanser was Shu Uemura Oil Cleanser. I looked into it, but it's pretty spendy, so I decided to try the oilve oil first. The principle is the same, either way - don't strip away your skin's natural moisture in the first place, and your skin...
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    Moisturizer Recommendation

    OK, this may sound crazy. But I recently switched to olive oil as my skin care regime. Just olive oil. And nothing else. To use it as a make-up remover, just spread it onto your face and massage it in. Wipe away makeup with a cotton ball or soft tissue. To use it as a cleanser, apply...
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    work commute

    Anything from 35 minutes to an hour for me, and I resigned myself long ago to waking up at 4am to get my workouts done. I actually kind of like it...
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    Anyone NOT counting calories?

    Chocolate also has "negative calories," as long as you never write it down in your food journal.
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    Anyone NOT counting calories?

    It just doesn't work for me. I mean, eating fewer calories works, but when I tried to plan for a certain number and plan meals around it, it never really worked and I became a little obsessive, bingey, and diety. I had to master eating intuitively instead. It's better for me, I think.
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    I may have to find my cat a new home. Really need advice.

    Wow - this is very difficult. I can certainly see how this could be overwhelming for you! Could you talk to your veterinarian? - I know you mentioned that you had seen a book of animals up for adoption - maybe given your circumstances, they could "highlight" your cat particularly? Or maybe...
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    I may have to find my cat a new home. Really need advice.

    I hate to tell you this, but since there are hundreds of thousands of cats currently in need of homes all over the country, the odds of your successfully re-homing a cat with medical problems are INCREDIBLY slim. There are no-kill shelters that might be able to take the cat, but they will likely...
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    Help my mom stay on the planet just a bit longer

    How about Classical Stretch? My mom hates exercising, too. She knits like crazy, though, and she actually somehow managed to injure her rotator cuff while KNITTING. I gave her my CS Season 4 DVDs - it has an entire season of CS on multiple DVDs, and each workout is about 20 minutes. The...
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    Thinking of getting a cat . . .

    My mini-schnauzer mixies are non-shedding, delightful, and never scratch anything. Good company on long walks, short walks, or staying inside because it's too cold for ANY walks. However, there is certainly much more barking involved in my life than ever before. :o
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    Thinking of getting a cat . . .

    Just throwing in with all the other commenters - It does sound like the DH would prefer a "Not-Cat." Cats are furry, sheddy, and clawed. While the possibility of the cat damaging furniture is certainly present, it is generally easy to prevent with ample provisioning of scratching posts...
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    The thief who stole my credit card is constipated and overweight.

    OK, this is weird. Last year, someone stole my SO's credit card number and ordered a bunch of "Colon Cleanse" products, diet pills, and fat burners. Also, a membership to AARP. A few months after that, MY credit card # was stolen, and among the purchases was a bunch of the SAME colon...