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  1. B

    Razor recommendations please

    I can't use women's razors at all. I get the worst razor burn. The only razor I can use is the mach 3 turbo. Even with this razor I can only shave every 4 days - if I shave more than that I get razor burn. I just read an article on the Gillette fusion. I'm gonna try this one out and hope I...
  2. B

    New Puppy/ names

    This may sound silly, but I love the name Peanut for a dog. Years ago I used to work at the vet and came across a lot of names, but this one stuck in my head. Barbara
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    How did everyone hear about Cathe?

    I was reading through the collage forums one day and was curious about Cathe after reading so much good stuff about her. I've never turned back. Barbara
  4. B

    A VERY good idea.....I think

    This is a great idea! I'm a calendar freak. I would definitely buy this, not only for myself, but for my family too! I think I would also like a pocket type calendar to where I can bring it with me where ever I go. How about a wall calendar and a pocket planner? Barbara
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    Slow and heavy

    Thanks so much Deanie and Jenn for you feedback! I can't wait to get it now. Barbara
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    fat personal trainer

    Advertising and presentation is everything. If they are giving advice to paying customers on what they need to do to look a certain way, it would seem to me that they should look that way themselves. I'm not saying they have to be Mr. or Ms. USA - and speaking of Cedie, I think she looks...
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    Slow and heavy

    Hi everyone, i'm sorry if this has been asked before, but i've been debating whether or not to get s&h. I have all the gym styles, pub & plb, pp, ss, me, mm, mis, bodymax, and ph. I'm really wanting to see more definition and heard a lot of good things about this one. Do you guys think that...
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    Anyone NOT count calories?

    I don't count calories either. I tried to once or twice, but it's way too time consuming and frustrating. Being that I don't eat "junk" food and I'm reaching all my fitness goals, it seems pretty fuitless. I eat when I'm hungry and keep only healthy food in the kitchen. Whatever works...
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    I always wondered who the person was that was curious enough to see what was inside the oyster shell - and then - was it starvation mode or just curiosity to stick that in their mouth!:o Barbara
  10. B

    AC: Love it or leave it?

    I live in extremem southern Louisiana, which is ranked second at being the most humid place in the united states. Our AC broke once in the dead of summer and within two hours even our cats were panting. (no lie). I only keep my ac at 78-80, so I don't get ridiculous with it because I...
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    look alike

    I can see the resemblance in the mouth. Barbara
  12. B

    Cellulite - curious if you have it too?

    I have a small amount on my butt, that is sloooooooooooowly going away. It's funny how it takes its time to get off! I'm being very patient though and know it will eventually be gone. Barbara
  13. B

    Imax 2 vs. Imax 3 ?

    These are both great workouts! I do find Imax 3 way harder though! I get more out of breath with this one because I find the moves are more high impact. Hope this helps. Barbara
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    A Book for Lab/Dog Lovers

    I have almost bought this book so many times! Now I'm going to have to get it. Thank you.
  15. B

    Similiar ? on the breadwinner post.

    My money and my DH's money has always been "our" money. Even when I'm not working (like right now because I'm in nursing school), it's our money. We're both reaching for the same goals, neither of us are irresponsible with the money, and most importantly - neither of us are going anywhere...
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    I'm older than I look! :(

    I'm 28 and it says my real age is 24. I'm actually suprised because I smoked a pack to a pack and a half a day for 14 years. I have quit now for three years so I guess it really does make a difference! Thanks for this site, it has made me feel much better about my life changes. Barbara
  17. B

    Who is the breadwinner in your house?

    My DH is the breadwinner, but he's putting me through nursing school. If all goes right, in less than a year we'll both be the breadwinners! It's never bothered him or me who brings home the money. Whatever works. Barbara
  18. B

    just relaxing

    That is one of the cutest animal pictures ever! I've never seen a rabbit just chill out like that. I guess I've been around the wrong rabbits. Too cute! Barbara
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    Working out alone

    I workout alone most of the time too. When my husband is home from offshore we run together or do a Cathe weight workout. I tried to get my mom motivated to workout with me, but no luck there. She's not ready I guess. Barbara
  20. B

    Insane WeightLfiting Videos

    I can't even begin to comprehend that. That is unreal. Barbara