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  1. B

    OT: Cookware

    I recommend Simply Caphalon nonstick and Emerilware stainless steel. I've had both of these for a few years and can't say enough about them. I really believe with cookware you get what you pay for! Good luck. Barbara
  2. B

    Brown Rice Recipes needed

    I was going to say bake it also. I found a recipe on and it was really good. It's similar to the one posted above with the chicken broth. The consistency is so much better than on the stove! You should do a search - they have a few you might like. Barbara
  3. B

    What is it with Walmart??

    Wal-mart hater here too! I buy everything at my local drug store and grocery store. I don't even buy my flowers there anymore. Even driving through the parking lot at wal-mart is stressful. It's not even worth it. Barbara
  4. B

    Kick Max --First time you did it

    I guess i'm the odd one in the bunch - I always did like KM better than KPC. I love the blasts at the end and the leg conditioning drills! Barbara
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    Move-in with SO?

    I think it was exactly seven months of dating my husband that we moved in together. At the time I was living in Houston and he was living in Louisiana. He felt that either I had to move in with him or him move in with me in order to make the relationship work. Needless to say, I moved in with...
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    Sanjaya lives!!!

    I love Gwen too! She's got some great music and she's so fun to watch! As for my favorite, i'm really starting to like Gina. I hope she goes far. And Ellen, you are right, what was up with that hair? He's such a weirdo to me. Ugh, I cannot believe he's still there. I have tried to vote...
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    Baseball Fans......excited!

    >Baseball is like watching paint dry. Yawn. I've never watched paint dry.... ;)> Me either! :9
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    Baseball Fans......excited!

    Another one here that is extrememly excited!!!! I live for baseball and cannot wait until it starts. I grew up in Houston so i'm a die hard Astros fan. I watch any game though - even if the Astros aren't playing.
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    No Pudge Brownie Recipe

    I wanted to tell you guys that I googled these brownies because i've never heard of them before. I came across a recipe on recipzaar that people say tasted just like them. I made them and they came out okay (I could tell they were no-fat and low calorie) - I can't compare them to the actual No...
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    Happy Birthday Shelley (allwildgirl)
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    To Diane Sue

    That is one of the sweetest things i've ever read. You two are lucky to have such a true love! Congrats and happy anniversary to you guys! Barbara
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    To Diane Sue

    That is one of the sweetest things i've ever read. You two are lucky to have such a true love! Congrats and happy anniversary to you guys! Barbara
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    Happy Birthday TerryMia!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!
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    Happy Birthday Fitnessfreak366

    Happy birthday to the world's most appreciated rotation builder!!!!
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    Lorrie, I check these forums all the time and didn't even see this. If you hadn't of emailed me I would never have known you wrote this! Again, you are so very welcome and good luck to you and reaching your goal! Barbara
  16. B

    So glad I bought Low Max

    I love Low Max too. This is one of my favorites! I can really feel it work my legs and glutes (which are my prbolem spots!). I'm actually scheduled to do it today and I can't wait! Barbara
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    My cat got hit by a car

    That is so sad. Know that we are all thinking about you!! I hope things get better for you soon. Barbara
  18. B

    Best oatmeal mix ins!

    A banana, walnuts, raisins, dash of cinnamon and a dash of splenda. Yummy!!!!!!!! Barbara
  19. B

    Your favorite???

    When I was little I used to love Darby O'Gill and the Little People. I haven't watched since I was about 10 so it could be horrible now that i'm older for all I know. Anyway, happy St. Patrick's Day! Barbara
  20. B

    Seat up or down?

    I always used to complain to my husband how tacky the toilet seat looked left up and of course it never bothered him. He said he shouldn't have to close it if I didn't have to open it - something stupid like that. Anyway, I came up with the idea that we both had to close it completely after...