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  1. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday....countdown to Christmas

    Good Morning, Ladies :) Gayle~ Hey your back! I saw you posted last night, we were wondering what happened to you, you are our early bird!! Sounds like your body needed the extra rest, but I have to agree w/ you there, waking up late sometimes ruins the entire day! But, then again...I...
  2. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Mon. 12/3

    Hi Ladies ~ I'm here, just having a late start this morning! :) Weekend was great, considering I was sick all weekend. Feeling just as awful this morning, just took a few cold pills, so I am feeling numb now ... LOL :) Not sure if I will get my workout in today or not, depends on how I feel...
  3. Fitness-Mom


    RE: BFL...let's ROCK the WEEKEND Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) On my way out to the gym. Decided to do the elliptical for my HIIT. I had Step Blast pulled out, but decided against it. I printed off a good interval workout from for the elliptical so that is on the agenda for...
  4. Fitness-Mom

    ~*~*BFL TGIF*~*~ 11/30

    Hi Ladies ~ :) Feeling a little better, took some sinus medicine I should be good until this afternoon. It's early morning and late at night is when I tend to feel my worse! Gayle~ Great work on PUB. I should try reversing the order sometime, but I only have it on VHS, so it will be...
  5. Fitness-Mom

    ~*~*BFL TGIF*~*~ 11/30

    Good Morning, Ladies ~~ :) How is everyone? It's Friday!! YAY :) W4 is almost over. Maybe it's because I was sick, but I had NO cravings this week at all, and I am not even looking forward to Free Day. My free day basically has turned into a day where I just relax and not worry over...
  6. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Survivor Thursday

    Hi Ladies~ Just sitting down to dinner. Having Turkey Breast Cutlet, peas, & mushrooms! YUM I had my BF cook for me tonight, he is so much of a better cook then me :) :9 That is a good question. The Yoga I do is Power Yoga (Heated). It's a 90 minute class, and I tend to be drenched...
  7. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Survivor Thursday

    Welcome Michelle! :) Come on over, the more the merrier! For yoga, I am currently going to a Power (Heated) Yoga class near my house. It's 90 mins long, and awesome! I am soaked by the time it's done! However, I just purchased Kristen McGee's Power Yoga DVD, and looking into purchasing...
  8. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Survivor Thursday

    Just checking in! Back from the gym. HIIT on Treadmill today. My "10" was @ 7.5 mph. Feels good to have it over with! Tonight I will do some ab work, probably BM2 (never done this one) :) Feels like my endurance increased, as it felt easier to run and increase my #'s this time around...
  9. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Survivor Thursday

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) Last night was S&H Chest/Back. I really pushed myself, felt good. No major DOMS today, but I know I worked them good, as I was feeling the burn! :) Today is HIIT on the treadmill. Going to stop at lunch break and get it over with, this way I can relax for once...
  10. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wed. 11/28 Hump Day

    Gayle~ Great work. What am I doing wrong. When I do Bulgarian Squats, I feel it more in my quads. Am I doing something wrong, I hardly ever feel it in my glutes. "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~
  11. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wed. 11/28 Hump Day

    Good Morning, Ladies :) Feeling better this morning :) After sleeping all day yesterday (till 4 p.m.) LOL...I made it to Power Yoga last night. Great class, I was feeling it. I feel like I am starting to become more limber, as I am settling in the poses easier and able to increase my...
  12. Fitness-Mom

    BFL TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gayle~ I have the George Foreman grill - the big outside one. I normally use it alot during the summer. Thinking about it I should bring it in and clean it off and start using it again. I had the counter top one, but my ex destroyed it .. "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~...
  13. Fitness-Mom

    BFL TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Ladies :) Home sick from work today, this stomach bug will not ease up. It seems to get worse when I have problems w/ my kids. Yesterday afternoon I thought I was getting better. I sat down, had something for dinner and then both my DD and DS start fighting, that set my stomach into...
  14. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Monday 11/26/ 07 New Resolution

    Good Morning! W4 starting ... :) Feeling good, def no cravings. I didn't eat much yesterday, and boy was I sick. I don't know if it was stomach virus or just my stomach not used to the crap I put in it. I didn't fall asleep until 2a.m. and then I was back up @ 4:30a.m. Surprisinly I...
  15. Fitness-Mom

    BFL for the Weekend

    Hi Ladies~ Just stopping in to say HI! :) How was your weekend? I don't know how I used to eat like this, honestly. I feel like crap today :( I don't know if it's a stomach virus, or I'm sick from not eating right today. I didn't eat that much, donut for b'fast and then some lasagna...
  16. Fitness-Mom

    For curly girls

    Thanks~ I tried Deva Curl a while back, and had great results w/ this. Me and my BF are planning on a trip to NY, so I will have to place a call and see when I can get in and schedule are trip at the same time. "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~...
  17. Fitness-Mom

    BFL for the Weekend

    Good Morning Ladies!!! :) End of W3 .. Free Day. I have been waiting for this day all week.. :9 Just had a donut w/ my coffee this morning..YUM! I plan on not over doing it, but finally giving my mind a rest. Gayle~ You are so WELCOME!! I also have to THANK ALL OF YOU! I think...
  18. Fitness-Mom

    BFL for the Weekend

    Heidi~ Sounds like you and your DD had a great run, that's wonderful. I wish I could get my DD motivated into working out. She is overweight for her height and age. I am concerned, and honestly don't know what to do. Hopefully, my good eating will rub off on her. At least she does eat...
  19. Fitness-Mom

    BFL for the Weekend

    Hi Ladies ~ End of W3 for me. YAY. :) I surprised myself staying clean this week when especially on Thanksgiving I wanted to give in so bad. Shoulder workout done .. Cardio Fusion scheduled for this afternoon, just the step portion. My right knee is starting to bother me a bit, I will see...
  20. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....Black Friday Lovers

    Hi Gayle~ Enjoy your shopping day today. Me, personally, I stay far, far away! I am not one usually for crowds. Some people are just so rude, and it normally puts me in a rotten mood! :( Great work on your race! You go girl! :) You must of felt great pushing through the finish line @...