Good Morning, Ladies ~
Last night was S&H Chest/Back. I really pushed myself, felt good. No major DOMS today, but I know I worked them good, as I was feeling the burn!

Today is HIIT on the treadmill. Going to stop at lunch break and get it over with, this way I can relax for once when I get home from work.
Feeling good. Of course, my BF is telling me my face is looking to thin again ~ Hell, I can't help it if this is the 1st place I lose it, besides my chest .. LOL
One more week of S&H and then I will do a 4-week rotation of BBC. I anxious to see how my body reacts to the different training. I know adding in Power Yoga has helped me a great deal and I have only been doing it for 3 weeks now.
Gayle~ Great workout! I wish I had 1/2 of your energy. Sounds like you have a busy day again!

I'm not big on Surviour, I think I only watched it the 1st season. I did miss Biggest Loser this week though

Who got kicked off?
Veronika~ Awww....massage. I was lucky last night also, my DD gave me a 5 minute massage, heck I will take what I can get.

Great work getting your workout in! Have a Great Day!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"