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  1. Fitness-Mom

    BFL...Monday 1/07/08 Up Bright and Early

    Hi Ladies ~ :):) Just wanted to pop in and say hello! Let's just say, I am not doing good. I am guessing it's all in my head...LOL literally. With all going on at home & work, I can't get myself back into the groove of things. I pulled out HIS yesterday, did the WU, and then switched...
  2. Fitness-Mom

    How To Look Good Naked

    I totally agree. Myself I have always had self image problems. I am currently 5'6" and 120 pounds...I stress myself out so bad to lose weight, and/or exercise all the time. "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~...
  3. Fitness-Mom

    How To Look Good Naked

    I caught it last night, I thought it was great, but like you said needs some work. I noticed it's on again this afternoon (probably the rerun)? :) "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  4. Fitness-Mom

    Cathe, knee arthritis?

    Thank you for Dr. Nick's website! :) I also suffer from Arthritis in my right knee...Dr. Nick is even close enough for me to visit him :) "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  5. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday

    Hi Everyone~ Thanks for posting the Meatloaf Muffins ... They look yummy! :9 How many do you eat as a meal? Ok, I am debating on selling my Cathe DVD's again :(:( Finances are really hard right now, and we can take any money we can get. I would just hate to sell all of them :(...
  6. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thursday

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) About ready to leave for work! No workout in again last night, hopefully tonight will be better :) Still not used to going back to work after having all that time off. BF is in the dog house like usual... I was looking at some Victoria Secret clothes last...
  7. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wednesday

    Kathy~ Thank you so much for the break down of the itrain's!! I want to try these so bad, need to get a MP3 player first though! "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~ ="
  8. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wednesday

    Hi Ladies ~ :) I just wanted to apologize to everyone, I haven't been in the best of moods lately and you all have been great!! :) THANK YOU ALL, YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!!!!! :):):* Just made my meals for tomorrow. I boiled some chicken breast w/ chicken broth :9, boiled a 18 pack of...
  9. Fitness-Mom

    Emotional Eating -

    Thank you all for the great advice. I am too working on another challenge, BFL. The last time through I was able to eat clean for 6 weeks, and then I lost control eating everthing in site. Just trying to get back to my clean eating again, but it is so hard and I am always catching myself...
  10. Fitness-Mom

    Emotional Eating -

    I am hoping someone can share how to overcome emotional eating. As we speak I am munching on a bunch of chocolate that someone left in the kitchen here at work. I'm not even hungry.... I cant seem to stop, even though I want too.... I am having problems at home. I don't want to work out...
  11. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Wednesday

    Good Morning, Ladies! Happy Wednesday!! Back to Work .. :( For some reason I am so not in a good mood, and depressed :( I am guessing TTOM is around the corner. Plus, the scale is up 3 pds...Too much Pasta :( I so wanted to do good this morning, but w/ my mood and having to go back...
  12. Fitness-Mom


    Heidi~ OMG, that is awful. :( I'm sure you are disappointed, huh? All that cleaning and hustling around...and now you can't go..I guess you can always reschedule the trip, right? Come join me, I need someone to start a new challenge with. I am starting tomorrow... 1/2/08.. :) "Today...
  13. Fitness-Mom


    ~~HAPPY NEW YEAR~~ I was a major party poopper last night...I was asleep by 11 p.m. Finished up watching.. "Clean House." LOL Of course, I did get awakened by the phone ringing (My Sister from Las Vegas) and then my son stomped in the house around 12:30 a.m. My official start day doesn't...
  14. Fitness-Mom

    ** 12 Week Challengers Jan 1st ** HNY!!!****

    ~~HAPPY NEW YEAR~~ :):) I was a major party popper last night...I was asleep by 11 p.m. Finished up watching.. "Clean House." LOL Of course, I did get awakened by the phone ringing (My Sister from Las Vegas) and then my son stomped in the house around 12:30 a.m. My official start day...
  15. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

    Happy New Years Eve!!! :):) Everyone getting ready to party?? LOL :) Ok, I screwed up today...I told myself I wouldn't, but after a few peanut butter cups that was it! BF is making pasta for dinner, and then I plan on relaxing today and tomorrow. Weds is D1 for me :) Hope you all...
  16. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

    Gayle~ Things are okay w/ BF (Sandro)...He is just a hard a$$ 100% Italian! Gotta love him....but he drinks way too much wine...LOL :) I was making the EAS 100 % Whey protein in Vanilla...not my favorite, but I ran out of Chocolate. What kind do you use? "Today is a Gift, Have Fun"...
  17. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

    Susan~ I turned 36 in August! The RoadTrip was my B-day present to myself this year!! :):) Gayle~ Thanks for the info. Just finished my protein shake. Any good recipes out their, mine was down right awful this morning ... :( I will have to check out BFL also for some recipes...
  18. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

    Hi Ladies~ Just finished PUB! I was just curious to see what everyone uses weight wise w/ this DVD. I try to come as close to Cathe if possible, this morning I was a little lighter! Question - When doing chest workout, mainly flies...why do I feel it in my upper arms (tri's,etc) more...
  19. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

    Good Morning, Ladies~ :) Happy Monday! :) I slept in this morning, boy am I going to hate going back to work ..x( Eating my protein pancakes as I type this. I am going to try my hardest to make this D1...but w/ BF home, he cooks (normally pasta)...I don't get him home much b/c he...
  20. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Susan, I know alot of people over @ BFL Tracker eat PB added to their protein shakes as a good fat, so I wouldn't worry about it too long as your not going crazy over it, I'm sure it is fine. I like to add natural PB to my protein shakes at least once a week w/ some butterscotch...