BFL...Monday 1/07/08 Up Bright and Early

I AGREE !! I think that is why I gained -- I was soooo hungry after lifting weights.

I will eat clean... I will eat clean!! ;)

Hey guys. Me again. I just wanted to check in before I lace up my running sneakers and hit the hills (shooting for roughly 6 miles). It's GORGEOUS OUT HERE! I LOVE 60 degree temps in JANUARY! lol Tomorrow is supposed to be even a bit warmer! I may get spoiled!

Sounds like everybody had a great and successful weekend.


BBL for personals...PROMISE!

Belinda I am couting calories. I have been writing down my cals for 4 years now. I can lose pretty fast at 1600-1800 cals..and I get too hungry if I go under especailly when working out hard!
I am about to have my clean lunch!
Hi everyone!
Just a quick post to let you all know I did BFL Lower body today and upped the weights in a couple of exercises. I was so sore last week from one day of lower body, I had a hard time running on cardio days. I’ll probably be walking like a 100 yr old lady with two workouts this week, lol. I also tacked on the first combo segment of Ab Hits.

Sorry, I have to run….work is super busy. I had to come in a half hour early this morning and was running around like a chicken without a head.

Be back later for personals.

Hi Ladies ~ :):)

Just wanted to pop in and say hello!
Let's just say, I am not doing good. I am guessing it's all in my head...LOL literally. With all going on at home & work, I can't get myself back into the groove of things.
I pulled out HIS yesterday, did the WU, and then switched to LIS...:) Did up until routine1 and stopped....I don't know what it is, nothing is holding my interest...
Any ideas? Do I need help??? LOL :) I guess it would help if my knee didn't start to act up everytime I do step....maybe I need to come to terms that I can't do it anymore :(

I even brought my gym clothes with me to work....was going to hit the elliptical at lunch, but of course that never happened :(
Okay, enough of my whining....I will be back later for personals...

Hope you all are enjoying your day! :)

Gayle~ Have a great run! I am loving this PA weather today!!! I guess we have to enjoy it when we can, b/c you know it's going to get colder! LOL

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Jennifer -- I wish I could help. I go through these same type of cycles. One day I'm loving every workout -- and it lasts for a few months -- the literally I can barely make it through a warm-up without shutting the DVD player off. I don't know why this is.

All I can say -- is keep posting -- we are here for you even when you aren't working out -- sooner or later some post will motivate you in some way -- probably one of Gayle's -- ha ha :)

I look forwarding to hearing what the other gals have to say.

Take care!
Does everyone do the BFL workouts or Cathe's or both?

I used Cathe's last week, PUB & PLB, but I just downloaded the BFL workouts and I think I'm going to use these this week. They look kind of pyramid-ish with a KICK!!

Any thoughts, suggestions???

ETA: does anyone watch Biggest Loser? I catch it every once in a while. On Saturday when I was doing Imax 3 I ended up tacking on a couple of blasts at the end. I was really beat, but every time I slacked on a blast, I went back to the beginning of the blast and made myself go ALL OUT. The whole time telling myself that this was my LAST CHANCE WORKOUT before my weigh-in on Sunday morning. It makes me chuckle and IT WORKED!!!:7 Had to share...:+
Oh Jenn hang in there. I have been in the same boat before. Just keep plugging away and youll get inspired..We are here for you and will keep you going!
Melissa-I do Cathe workouts right now, but Im thinking I will do few weeks of pure bfl workouts too.
Gayle, hope you had a good run.
Belinda, hope you made those hugries go away!!!
OK….wow. FINALLY have some time to sit at the PC. I’m on a mid-day endorphin HIGH, so be forewarned! lol And you guys have been chatty while I’m away playing!

I hit the road and ran for 1hr, 8 minutes. It was GORGEOUS outside and just a perfect day for a run. I kept my pace slow and steady, remembering that I have HIIT early tomorrow morning. But it was hard to keep myself from kicking it out fast! lol I timed it perfectly and got to the busstop with 3 minutes to spare (and to stretch). I figure that slower pace was about a 10min mile, so that gives me about 6-7 miles. Felt SOOOOOOOO natural once I got in the groove!

Right now, I have a pot of Beef Barley Soup on the stove, from the EFL cookbook. I’ll review it after I try it, but it’s looking and smelling OH-SO-YUMMY! I’m also going to make Tuna Macaroni Salad. This is a recipe DH and I used when we did BFL like 7 years ago. It’s got tuna, macaroni, veggies and some seasoning. I’ll share that one as well, later. Promise!

Let’s see, for personals:

You guys are cracking me up with the one-line posts!!!!

Belinda-the BFL weight work is a LOT like the Pyramids. I don’t count calories at all. I don’t count anything, other than clock so I know when my next meal is! I became such a slave to counting things (points for Weight Watchers, calories for this, fat grams for that), that this BFL portion concept is very free-ing to me!

Susan-which leg workout did you end up doing? As for SIL’s birthday dinner, I have to admit it sounds yummy! LOL

Heidi-GREAT JOB on your cardio workout. How is that iTrain???

Sherry-on the protein powder, I’m no help, to be honest. The only time I use regular protein powder is in recipes like baked goods, or in the kids’ milkshakes.

Michelle-I laughed when you called it “Gayle’s Chicken Soup”. HA! I agree with your comment about not getting up in the WEE hours of the morning to ruin it with bad food!! And thank you for your kind words!!! Oh, and Michelle, I LOVE that Enriched Chocolate Pudding recipe! YUMMO!!!! Think it would work just as well with vanilla Myoplex and Vanilla pudding???? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Melissa-that strawberry cake sounds yummy too! You guys are all making me hungry! lol As for workouts, I switch back and forth between the BFL workouts and Cathe. I watch Biggest Loser, I admit it! lol I use the Last Chance Workout as well and kick it EXTRA hard on Saturdays!

Carolyn-that is so kind of you to say! Thanks! Ad for working out early, I’ve always, even before BFL, done my workouts on an empty stomach if it was early in the morning. I’m just so used to it! If you need something before you workout, then by all means….you certainly don’t want to end up passing out and facing the ceiling when you come to! LOL And AWESOME JOB on a week’s success. One down…..bring on the next one, right???

Kathy-yup…..DOMS for several days is a GOOD thing, remember that! LOL

Jennifer-I was thinking about you during my run this afternoon. I was going to PM you if you didn’t post here today! Thanks for checking in. I think you need to be gentle with yourself…emotionally, not just physically. You’re dealing with a lot and it plays mind games with us. I suggest sitting down…write out your goals (for workouts, work, home, BF, whatever). What do you want to do? What WILL make you feel better? I really hope you resolve this quickly. I know it can be hard, so hang in there and be sure to check in with us, regardless of how things are going. Sometimes, just chatting (or typing) is therapy, and IT’S FREE!

WOW.....I'm out of breath from all that! lol

My house smells SOOOOOOOOOOO good from this soup!

HEy run sounds wonderful! The weather here in AR is out of season was 75 today! My workout this moring was Push/Pull doulbe leg workout. My plan was PLB..but I was feeling kind of shaky and crampy (AF) and needed something easier.
I guess to even it out I'll do PP upper bodyx2 in the morning and some cardio.
My meals for today
kashi banana
oatmeal with pb
green pea soup, 2% cheddar 6 whole grain crackers
Luna Bar
4 oz baked chicken breat
1 cup spinach
1 small sweet potato
plan on having oatmeal for last meal
Oh and I had 1 cups coffee and plenty of water
See ya'll in the morning!
Sherry – I really like 4DS LIS, too. It’s such a fun workout and each segment is just the right length. Now I’m going to have to pull it out this weekend! Yep, the first time I do a different workout I get really bad DOMS but after that, it doesn’t affect me as much.

Michelle – It takes time to build your cardiovascular endurance back up, don’t be discouraged. Before you know it, 20 minutes will be a breeze.

Heidi – Sorry, but I was just cringing reading your post about your DH’s knee. Yikes! I’m glad he’s all better and recovering. Did the OS give you a more detailed account of what exactly was wrong with his knee? Oh, and iTread 24 is slowly making it up to the top of my favorites list of iTreads. I just love how she builds up the intensity in the first half and blasts off in the second. I love all the sprints at the end!

Susan – Great job on such a good eating day yesterday! I’ve had ITband problems in the past, too. I actually wore one of those ITband straps above my knee during my first marathon. I started stretching more and it finally healed.

Gayle – Awww, I’m jealous that you’re out there in this beautiful weather running and I’m stuck in this stuffy building, lol. Sounds like you had some awesome runs. Thanks for the recipes, too!

Belinda – Wow, I hope your leg gets better. I think some light cardio would be fine as long as YOU feel it’s okay. Don’t push yourself too hard, it may just get worse and not heal as fast. Maybe some good seated/lying down upper body work will feel good, too. I did a lot of that during my knee recovery, it kept me from losing my mind (not being able to run and do my Cathe’s).

Melissa – I love blueberries in my protein pancakes, too. I tried to put a ripe banana in them last night and it was a disaster! The batter was too runny and stuck to the pan. I was able to salvage about half the recipe (by cooking it on REALLY low heat) but had to toss the rest. Darn!

Carolyn – Thanks! I love to combine the Drills only premix with 4DS Bootcamp Drills, it’s like a non-stop hour of fun!

Hi ladies,

I ended up doing Low Max and Abs from MIS! ! My leg was hurting with the lunges, but otherwise I felt great! I will take ibuprofen until tomorrow, I have no pain! I will try to do a leg workout ( PLB) tomorrow! Maybe all I needed was a good workout!??? LOL!

I finally have time for personal!

Michelle – great job on getting up and getting your workout done so early! I slept until 9 a.m.! LOL! I can’t get out of bed last few days! I usually get up by 6 am!

Heidi – I hope your DH is feeling 100% soon! Enjoy your run! What happened in Missouri is awful!! We do have a beautiful gym on post, I forgot about riding a bike! Thanks!

Kathy – congrats on dropping the weight! I am 44 too! I can’t wait until my DH returns form the states on Saturday, so I do iTread! I am waiting for my MP3 player!

Gayle thanks for posting your recipes! They look really yummy! I will make the soup tomorrow! Thanks you for the protein pancakes! I have measure everything otherwise I will overeat! I try to stay between 1200 – 1500 calories! So far so good! Day two of clean eating! I can do this!

Carolyn – nice workout choice this morning! I do have to eat before I work out, otherwise I pass out! I went to the doctor this afternoon, but couldn’t get an appointment! I only saw a nurse and she told me to take ibuprofen! My leg is feeling thanks for the ibuprofen a lot better! It feels like in my quadriceps!! I will take it easy! I am stretching my leg a lot! Thank you!

Susan did you get your sore IT band checked out? My leg is feeling much better after I did my workout! Funny isn’t it?? Great job on your workout! Thanks!

Melissa thank for the protein pancakes recipe! I will make them tomorrow morning!

Have a great day!

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