Search results

  1. buffettgirl

    Garmin Forerunner--opinions wanted.

    REI has the Garmin 405cx on sale thru 5/31.
  2. buffettgirl


    Hi Cathe and everyone else. I did some Kick box jumping around after work today. Gin, I love seeing you post about your workouts. You are one amazing woman.
  3. buffettgirl

    <--Where have all the cowboys gone

    <---thinks we could use John Wayne around here some days <---is another "Auntie" looking forward to meeting Baby Liann <---will be joining the wino's with a bottle of Cab Sav this evening <---is traveling to the wineries in the Finger Lakes tomorrow to refill the wine cellar <---wonders what she...
  4. buffettgirl

    Calling all runners.....................

    Gayle, first of all, congrats on your great races. I heard how fast you are! I think using a coach is a wonderful idea. Emily (materialsgirl) seems to have great results and fun with her running group. I've looked for something like that where I live, but there doesn't seem to be anything close...
  5. buffettgirl

    Shout out to the Flying Pig Runners...

    Maybe next year for me too.
  6. buffettgirl

    Chalean Extreme??? really???

    I loved it too. The workouts were so short, I could get up in the morning to do Chalean and still have time to fit some cardio in during the afternoon. I lost weight and gained muscle. I just started another rotation of CLX and hope to have the same results as last year.
  7. buffettgirl

    ADORABLE!!! Tiny Horse

    Liann, I showed the picture to a co-worker who has two mini horses. She loved it! And Cadbury!
  8. buffettgirl

    Shout out to the Flying Pig Runners...

    There are a bunch of Catheletes who met through the forum running in various level of races in Cincinnati's Flying Pig Marathon this weekend. Some of them are even avowed cardio haters who swore they would never run. Good luck gang! I'll be thinking of you and wishing I was huffing and puffing...
  9. buffettgirl

    Getting Out of the Rut - Saturday

    Here I am, a day late. I looked for this yesterday, but wasn't in the mood to start the thread when I didn't see one. I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge yesterday. It was a nice change from darling Cathe. I finished the SC/STS rotation and am taking a week off from weights and catching up on some...
  10. buffettgirl

    Abnormal liver tests results - a little scared (long)

    ((Nan)) Wow, scary stuff! I work in a lab, but unfortunately, not in the chemistry department. Are there viruses other then hepatitis that could affect your liver? How much of the herbal tea were you drinking? I hope all the numbers go back to where they belong and you feel good, gooder, goodest...
  11. buffettgirl

    Proof my baby is a Cathe Fan!

    Liann, another mother/daughter combo at a Cathe RT? Can't wait to meet the little one.
  12. buffettgirl

    Climb out of your RUT on Thursday

    Hiddy ho all. Today's workout is to be CCC. So far so good with the diet. I'm off work tomorrow, because I work the weekend. I often over indulge on the evening before a day off, thinking I deserve a treat. I'm not going to fall into that trap this evening. A friend loaned us The Blind Side, so...
  13. buffettgirl

    Getting Out of the Rut - Thursday

    Hi climbers! Day three of clean eating behind me. I did STS Plyo legs for today's workout. Sorry, but no time for personals today. Gotta go....
  14. buffettgirl

    I need a new diet....

    Well, I ordered the Engine 2 Diet book from my local bookstore. And a friend sent me some info about The Diet Solution. I also finished reading The End of Overeating by Dr David Kessler. We'll see how it goes....:)
  15. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the Rut ~ Tuesday

    Hi all. I was out of town over the weekend and couldn't post. Then I was just too busy last evening to sit down and catch up. I did a couple miles on an elliptical on Saturday, rested Sunday, ran 2 miles and did an STS chest and back workout yesterday. My eating was on vacation over the weekend...
  16. buffettgirl

    I need a new diet....

    Melanie, I love your avatar. I bet the twins are getting to be a handful. You did an amazing job with your baby fat. Last chance, I know 7 pounds doens't sound like much, but I've been here before. I keep inching up and before you know it, I'm back where I began. I just don't have a clue how...
  17. buffettgirl

    So, who's in?

    Way to go, all you lucky Road Trippers. I'm sorry I couldn't go this year. Liann, Michele, Cat and a few others, I'm counting on next year!!! Have a wonderful time.
  18. buffettgirl

    I need a new diet....

    Maybe we could start a whole new industry. The Diet Buddies - someone to babysit you through the hardest time of the day.
  19. buffettgirl

    I need a new diet....

    Afreet, I'll check out that book. pjdavis, and the website too! Thanks for the suggestions. What I really need is someone to stand in the kitchen and smack me in the evening when I get peckish. Any volunteers? "One that won't hurt my head One that won't make my mouth too dry Or make my eyes...