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  1. M

    Body Gem/Med Gem

    Hi Marybeth, Do you administer these tests? Where are you located if you don't mind me asking? If you would rather not say that is fine. Thanks for all your valuable info- Kathy
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    Fad Diets and Factoids--Where They Come From

    Wow!! Thanks for taking the time to type all this out. I found this a great read! Kathy
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    Tank Top Rotation!!!

    Debbie Debbie-Thank you so much!!! :-jumpy Got it now Kathy
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    Tank Top Rotation!!!

    Hello everyone- I did a search for the Tank Top Rotation but did not come up with anything. If someone had this rotation would you please, please post it?? Thanks in Advance- Kathy:)
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    Trying to get lean

    Hi Bobbi-- I am sorry that I did have a detailed post. I did not mean to imply that I don't enjoy my food, because I certainly do enjoy my food:9. What I should have written is that I naturally lean towards tons of fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Once a week I have an extremely...
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    Trying to get lean

    Hi Sharon, I have also been trying to get lean. I eat very very clean 6 days a week and on the 7th day have 1 meal that I really enjoy. I work out 6 days a week, eat healthy foods and still I cannot get as lean as I would like. I make sure that I get 2 days pure cardio and then weights alone...
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    Fiber revisited

    Bobbi- It is amazing how clean I have been eating. I usually do but adding in all the beans and grains(I add all sorts of veggies to the beans and grains) just fills me up so much that I don't eat nearly as much. I do love that aspect of this type of eating. I was a little concerned at first...
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    Fiber revisited

    I am so sorry about the duplicate posts. My browser was doing some weird things.:-hmmm Again I am so sorry Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Honeybunch- I usually just drink water. Sometimes I will have a glass of flavored selzer water with dinner, but that is rare. Thanks again Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Honeybunch- I usually just drink water. Sometimes I will have a glass of flavored selzer water with dinner, but that is rare. Thanks again Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Honeybunch- I usually just drink water. Sometimes I will have a glass of flavored selzer water with dinner, but that is rare. Thanks again Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Bobbi I am glad to hear that there is an end in sight!!!:-jumpy My lower abs were killing me and I thought I would have to lower my fiber intake. It is good to know that I just need to hang in there a bit longer. Thanks again for your help Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Bobbi- Thats good to know that there is an end in sight. I noticed since upping my fiber that I dont't have the cravings to snack anymore. I was really hoping that I would not have to drop back down on the amount of fiber. Thanks again Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Thanks Bobbi- Thats good to know that there is an end in sight. I noticed since upping my fiber that I dont't have the cravings to snack anymore. I was really hoping that I would not have to drop back down on the amount of fiber. Thanks again Kathy
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    Fiber revisited

    Hello everyone- I have been follwing the high fiber diet for about 1 1/2 weeks now( I used to eat about 20g a day) now I eat 30g minimum. I realize that it takes a while for the stomach to adjust to additional fiber, but does anyone have any idea how long it takes. My lower abs have never been...
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    Pants in Rhythmic Step

    :D Thank you for such a quick response!!! Kathy
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    Pants in Rhythmic Step

    Hi Cathe, or anyone else who can help me. I was wondering what brand of black pants you are wearing in Rhythmic Step. I just love them. (Cathe, they look great on you by the way.) Thanks Kathy:)
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    Kathy S.'s Rotation Information.

    I would love a copy of the rotations! Could you e-mail them to [email protected] Thanks, Kathy
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    :-jumpy YEAH!!!!:-jumpy Kathy
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    New Videos

    Just to let everyone know, Cathe has a post under "Ask Cathe" explaining that they will start packing and shipping the new videos today and tomorrow!!! YEAH :):):):):)