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  1. M

    P90X Check in and questions - Thursday April 20th

    Thanks Christine!!! could you tell me which bands you got-was it the Fit Tube?? Yellow, Green, Pink or Purple??,or all of these?? Thanks again for your help
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    P90X Check in and questions - Thursday April 20th

    Hi Christine- we chatted a bit yesterday about a Pull-Up bar vs bands- Did you get the BB bands or get them elsewhere?? I am up in the air on which way to go here. I could use a Pull-up bar that mounts to one of the floors beam overhead-the only one not covered up yet-I work out in a...
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    P90X Wednesday Check-n

    Thank You Chistine!!!
  4. M

    P90X Wednesday Check-n

    I have a question for you ladies who do P90X-I just ordered this Monday and I cannot use the door gym(won't work on my door-did you get the tower so you could do pullups or is it something you could work around. Also-do you find it necessary to have the bands? If yes, then where to buy and...
  5. M

    P90X check in

    Hi everyone, I just ordered these yesterday myself-I have been himming and hawing (sp?) over these for months. I finally broke down and ordered them. I can't wait to try them out. I too am worried about missing Cathe, but I can throw a Cathe in every now and then right?? I remember when...
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    P90X-Yay or Nay

    Thank you ladies!!!!
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    P90X-Yay or Nay

    Hi everyone, I am looking for opinions on P90X-I am toying with the idea of buying and using these in addition to my Cathe's. How would you judge these compared to Cathe- on the same the level,harder, or you just can't compare the two-(please give reasons) Thanks in advance for all you...
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    What time do you get up? lorajc?

    RE: What time do you get up? I hope you don't mind me jumping in-but you are not crazy to get up early to work out. You have to do what fits in your life. I get up at 4:30 during the week (however, today was 4:00 AM thanks to my min pin:( ) to workout because I know life sometimes gets in...
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    Clean eating check in Oct 17

    Thank you thank you-this sounds great!! Kathy
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    Clean eating check in Oct 17

    Can I join in with you ladies?? My eating has been pretty good but I would like to clean it up some!! B-Ezekiel tst with natural PB and a little butter S-apple and tea with milk L-homemade turkey rice-(brown) soup with veggies and a bowl of steamed fresh green beans Not sure about...
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    Great going Laurie!!! I just did this one this morning myself-I thought there is no way I can do this twice-BUT I DID!!!!! It feels great to have accomplished this-talk about tough...:7 :7 :7 Kathy
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    Silly hair question

    I put my long curly hair into a ponytail everynight for bed so I don't end up with one big knot and also to keep it out of my face. Kathy:)
  13. M

    How to find Whole Grain Bread

    Carole- I would love that recipe if you don't mind. TIA Kathy:) [email protected]
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    Nutrition/allergy/intolerance to new food question

    Wow-I thought I was the only one with these problems! Mine has to do with most animal productsx(-beef, chicken, turkey, eggwhites (yes, even eggwhites),and dairy-I was so bad-as far as bloating, horrible, horrible gas, tummy rumblings that I did not want to be around anyone for fear of...
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    spreadsheets for the new series?

    I would love a copy also-Pleassse!! [email protected] Thanks, Kathleen:)
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    Medicine Ball ?ion for lucky VHS'ers

    Hi Sami, I bought an 8lb medicine ball @ a store called Kleins All Sports at the local mall for $19.96. Hope that helps Kathleen
  17. M

    Body Gem/Med Gem

    RE: Body Gem/Med Gem/Tami Tami, I wanted to thank you also-I did go to the website you suggested and I did find someone in my area who does the testing. Thanks Again Kathy:)
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    Body Gem/Med Gem

    RE: Body Gem/Med Gem/Maribeth I just wanted to let you know that I received the handouts that you e-mailed to me. Thank you so much- Kathy:)
  19. M

    Body Gem/Med Gem

    Thanks for getting back to me Marybeth-I would love a copy of the handout that you have: my e-mail is [email protected]. I am in MA so I guess I will have to find someone around here who does the Body Gem. Thanks again- Kathy:)