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  1. R

    Side Lunge Form Pointers

    I have problems with the side lunges too...don't like them much. I'm not so sure my knees dont go pass my toes or if it's ok if they do or if they should be pointing forward or to the But those plie squats sure rule! It looks cool to be lifting that DB in front of the mirror! Hahaha.
  2. R

    5lbs in 2 wks...thank you!

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-02 AT 11:18AM (Est)[p]Hi, I lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks! I have been stuck at 143 lbs for a full year and I know I put fat on during Christmas and New Year because being an apple my gut kept getting bigger and bigger from all the chocolates! So right after New year I went...
  3. R

    Slow and Heavy Reviews

    I'm a new Cathe convert, basically a my weight range is still pretty much on the low end! here goes: Chest = 15s and 10s for the pressess. Flyes = 8s, 5s (hahaha) , Back = 15's; Legs = 15 for pre exhausts, 35 lb barbell for squats & lunges, 28 lbs for plies and 15s for calves...
  4. R

    Thanks so much!

    RE: My sentiments exactly! Cathe, You make wonderful workouts! Your website is very consumer friendly and I'm glad you came out with S&H and that you know how to maximize DVD potential when it comes to exercise videos...I guess you have people working on market research? Maybe it's just...
  5. R

    Designer protein

    I like this brand best...I've tried quite a few even EAS simply protein, Spirutein, Soya, Interactive whey...and it's Designer that I like. The others have a sweet after taste that i can't tolerate at all. That EAS was expensive too! I still have the whole tub to get through! I recommend...
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    Slow and Heavy Reviews

    I find I like doing shoulders first before legs. If I do legs first I get lazy when shoulders comes around. Started adding cardio on alternated days and watching what I 2 weeks I can already see the difference! If I could just keep this up! I'm seeing the batwing? Is that what its...
  7. R

    new firm video set

    RE:Cathe complementing the FIRM Hi, Yeah, you definitely must try it! I was going nuts trying to decide between PS and S&H before...I am thrilled I got S&H and you know what? You gotta have both series I think, because PS has such great reviews too! I love S&H, was having coffee with a Body...
  8. R

    What will Cathe do in 2002?

    How about another series of split routines? Please?!!! I know you now have 2 but there are lots of ways to do splits right? Oh I just love S&H ... besides we can get total body stuff left right and center. It's the split series that are hard to come by!
  9. R

    Help!!! Very discouraged

    Hi, Those were my first cathe tapes too! I'm also a Firmie, so nice to see you crossing over here to try some of Cathe's stuff. Hope you learn to enjoy them as much as I do! When I first tried Powermax it was at 2 am in the morning and I was soaked with sweat in the living room. I tripped...
  10. R

    Rhythmic Step

    OK this is not good...I don't need any more videos/DVDs...and here I am trying to figure out how to get PS...when I can afford to get the Rhythmic step DVD...and if I can add Powerhour on video...or just blow my budget and get's driving me insane! I even have a gym membership! I have no...
  11. R

    S&H results with not so heavy weights

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-02 AT 08:17AM (Est)[p]Hi, I'm new to split routines...and Cathe's stuff but I thought as long as you push your muscles to the point where good form is no longer possible on the next rep then the amount of weight you use doesn't really matter. I find that I can not do...
  12. R

    new firm video set

    RE:Cathe complementing the FIRM Oh Robyn, I can't stop using it! I've been on it for 6 weeks...stopped for a week then started back on it the first week of January. I guess after doing the Firm and Body pump the chance to actually slow down is a real novelty. I wanted to do the classics and...
  13. R

    Need crosstrainers recomendation!!

    I own a pair of Addidas crosstrainers that I absolutely love...they are widebased and rather big but they are really stable and feel very good. I use them solely for lifting and still haven't had the heart to replace them. If I need to I will get another pair of Addidas...Nike's look good but...
  14. R

    CTX-LL kicked my butt

    LL is sooooooo mean! I couldn't believe anyone could be so heartless! I end up gulping down water and my quads would be bulging even before the end of the routine. Those awful sit n stands!!! AHHHH but it's good to know you lived through it when you're done! To all masochists!
  15. R

    S&H- boring?

    I love this series! The only other video I can honestly say I love is the Firm's volume 1. S&H is so different from my Firm collection and offers me the chance to actually concentrate on form and seeing how much I can lift. I still haven't been able to stop using's been over a month...
  16. R

    new firm video set

    RE:Cathe complementing the FIRM Hi, I find it very hard to crosstrain FIRMs with Cathe unless I use Cathe for cardio only. I have looked at the rotations and most of them look like pretty gnarly stuff. See, if I wanted to do classics I would have to give up Cathe's weights and if I did split...
  17. R

    new firm video set

    changing Hi, I hope the new videos and new management havent changed the Firm too much. Those video previews didn't look like the Firm at all. There sure aren't any mirrors! I liked them! what I wouldn't have missed were the carpets and murals? The mirrors should have stayed and the good...
  18. R

    Cathe, u made my other videos easy

    Hello, I just wanted to try something I tried your videos and loved S&H...after 4 weeks of S&H with Cardio kicks I thought I could go back to my old rotation and do things fresh. But NO...everything is so easy now! This is all your fault. Even spinning seems easy. How can this...
  19. R

    New & Need Opinion about Slow and Heavy Series

    Hi, I am on my 4th week of S&H and I am really happy with this series! I still can't use very heavy weights like most of the people on this board but I am definitely making progress! Last night I pulled out my 10lb plates to make a heavier barbell ... it totalled 35 lbs ( this may not seem...
  20. R

    p&s series & s&h series how long

    :P How could they possibly survive? I did tricep/bicep S&H and fell asleep right after...I think I even drooled!