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  1. S

    Fire in the thighs! Fire in the thighs!

    Yes Angie! Isn't Low Max the best!! Huge Fun Factor! Shelley - I think you are going to love Low Max. It's one of my favorites now! It goes by so quick you can't believe you're done! Have Fun! :-) Nicole
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    New To Cathe

    Hi Gayla and Welcome! I know exactly how you feel! Before I discovered Cathe I had all but given up on exercising at home. All my videos were collecting dust because I was so bored with them. Trust me, you will never be bored with Cathe! You will find a wealth of information on these...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

    Morning All!! Well, my diet has been pretty good this week until yesterday I ate three Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints - my favorite!!) and a homemade chcolate chip cookie last night. I must say it was really good! Yesterday was also my rest day so no workout but I did Stretch Max, which...
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    We have a dog and a cat that own us too! Our dog is a yellow/white Lab mix named Daisy. She is 11 months old and weighs 84 pounds. :o She is a handful to say the least! We adopted her from a shelter rescue group. Our very cool black kitty is Kona and he and Daisy are best friends. They...
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    Stress Mgmt/Time Mgmt---Nurses???

    Hi Janice, I just felt like I had to add to your post because I am in EXACTLY the same position you are right now. And I've been having much of the same mental dialogue about going into the Nursing profession. I was reading your post and thinking I could have written the same thing. It's...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

    Good Morning All! Well, I guess it's not morning anymore where most of you are, but oh well! Ok...did great on my diet yesterday. Actually followed my plan and stayed within my points and felt great. I have my day all planned for today also and I'm making the Chunky Beef Stew from the...
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    New Member

    Welcome Kim! Glad you're here! Yes, all of us WW members (myself included) will I'm sure keep you busy with questions so be sure to check in often!! :D :-) Nicole
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

    Hi Everyone! I'm so glad I'm feeling up and ready to go today!! Nothing can stop me now! Don't know why I'm in such a good mood but I am! Hope it's contagious in case anyone is having a bad day!:D :D :D Well....I didn't workout yesterday...that is, I didn't do a Cathe workout or my run...
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    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in, Monday, March 7

    Good Morning All! Gosh! I got so busy doing my Spring Cleaning (or at least starting it!) these past few days I forgot all about checking in! Oh well. I did manage to make my menu and actually plan my dinners for the week which is my hardest meal since usually my husband cooks and I don't...
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    What does everyone mean by eat "Clean"?.....

    RE: What does everyone mean by eat Oh! I forgot to ask you do you feel during the day and after a workout when you eat like this? Are you energized? Also you didn't mention it, but are you drinking your water? All that sodium could be taking a toll also. Mattea had some great...
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    What does everyone mean by eat "Clean"?.....

    RE: What does everyone mean by eat Hi Joanna! I hope you get alot of responses to is discussed very frequently. If not, do a search in the open discussion for clean will see alot of threads on the subject. Everyone has a little bit of a differernt definition, but...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

    Good Morning Everyone!! I'm so happy to say my PMS is over and the cravings finally went away. It always amazes me how quickly they come and go...and how strong they are. Does anyone have any suggestions how to battle those sweet cravings? I feel like whenever I give in, it ruins all my...
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    Happy Happy Birthday Maximus!!! Have a Super Weekend!! :P Nicole
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    Happy Birthday Janice!(Naughtoj)

    A Very Happy Birthday Janice!!! WhooooHoooooo!!!!! :P Nicole
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    The Compendium has been emailed

    Just wanted to say "WOW" and Thank You so Much!! I can't imagine all the work that went into this! You are Awesome! And a big Thanks to Aquajock for her contributions! I've always wanted her mish-moshes but couldn't find them. What a great resource! What more can I say? Thanks...
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    Oh...the pathetic excuses...

    Hey Shirley! I've had the opposite problem...did my workouts as planned but my diet went straight down the tube! I blame it on PMS sweet craving have been through the roof and I'm scared to get on the scale. You'd think I would be working it off, but I'm not so optimistic. How...
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    Oh...the pathetic excuses...

    Hey Shirley! I've had the opposite problem...did my workouts as planned but my diet went straight down the tube! I blame it on PMS sweet craving have been through the roof and I'm scared to get on the scale. You'd think I would be working it off, but I'm not so optimistic. How...
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    Hello, my name is....

    Hi Shelley and Welcome! :D It's very nice to meet you! My name is Nicole and I live in San Diego. I'm 36 years old, married, no kids but I have a puppy and kitten who are best friends. I discovered Cathe about a year ago and haven't looked back since. Her workouts are certainly addicting...
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    Hello, my name is....

    Hi Shelley and Welcome! :D It's very nice to meet you! My name is Nicole and I live in San Diego. I'm 36 years old, married, no kids but I have a puppy and kitten who are best friends. I discovered Cathe about a year ago and haven't looked back since. Her workouts are certainly addicting...
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    What have you people DONE TO ME????

    Hi Angie and Welcome! I could have written your same post a year ago when I found Cathe! Don't worry too much whether you made the right will eventually end up with them all! I'm still working on my collection and every few months I add to it as I can. If you have...