Search results

  1. libra01971

    Housewives of NY-Countess Drama

    "I will always be the countess" (rolling my eyes here...) I liked her last season but lately she seems so snobby. I think last season she made a big deal to someone (Bethany?) after being introduced to a limo driver by her first name. She said that she should be introduced to the "help" as...
  2. libra01971

    Beta 2.2 of the Workout Manager Now Released

    Exactly what I was hoping for! Thanks!!!
  3. libra01971

    Wide Squats versus Narrow Squats: Are your weights different?

    I'm with you! My plies were 35 but because I like dbs for plies and 35 is the heaviest db I have right now. Wow, Gayle! You've inspired me to (maybe) try my barbell with the squats. I think I could go heaver than 70 (I've been using my pair of 35 pound dbs) I think if I used my barbell...
  4. libra01971

    High School Gym Class - An STS Story

    I was just telling my son yesterday (as I got back from a short 3 mile run) that I wish I could go back to middle school and redo all those gym tests. (He's in 6th grade.) Well, I don't *really* wish I could go back, but I wish I was interested in sports & fitness back then or that I had the...
  5. libra01971

    Wide Squats versus Narrow Squats: Are your weights different?

    I used the same weight. Both were equally hard. I tend to go heavier on deadlifts than squats. Is 80 on deadlifts absolutely impossible for you? Maybe you could sort of compromise and do 70 or 75 on the deadlifts so that the squats are heavier?
  6. libra01971


    Great workout! Loving the tri-sets. Well, love-hate, LOL! However, I still need to go out and get heavier dumbbells. I think my forearms are getting stronger since they were burning less than last week. Surprisingly, I'm not sore today. Disc 16 had me sore for about 3 days!
  7. libra01971


    Hello! I did disc 16 this morning. I had a little bit of a hard time with the slight weight increase. Most of my sets ended up as 10, 10, and 8 but I figured that still counts as hypertrophy so it's all good. I was loving the back off sets! Feeling pumped right now. I'll definitely be...
  8. libra01971


    Got disc 15 done. Wow!!! The whole time I'm thinking ahead in my mind wondering if I'm ever going to be able to go heavier than THIS workout?!?! Hmmm.... I have never been sore in my entire back before so I guess this is good. I'm finally getting my back worked out heavy enough to really...
  9. libra01971


    I survived! I played catch up so now I get to join the check-in. Yay! Finished disc 14 yesterday and I have to say I usually LOVE doing lower body but I was not loving it so much yesterday. I think this is the toughest lower body workout in a long time! I think what made it so tough for...
  10. libra01971

    Suggestion for Wall Squats

    Great idea! I've been struggling with those. I'm going to try the step and hopefully work up to no step SOME DAY..... :)
  11. libra01971

    Skipping/shortening recovery week

    I originally planned to skip it completely but I think my schedule works out so I get 5 days off. Sounds like you plan is pretty similar to mine. I hope it works out perfectly.
  12. libra01971

    Skipping/shortening recovery week

    I started STS one week later than Cathe so I'm planning to skip the rest week. However, my rest will be 5 days. I want to be able to check in with Cathe and the STS check in. Anyone skip a rest week? I figured it wouldn't be much harm since I've never really took a rest week before. ;) I...
  13. libra01971


    Jeana's sons treat her awful but I guess that's a result of them watching how her ex husband treated her all those years. So sad but she just takes that abuse from them! Lynne just spoils her daughters! I couldn't believe she actually tells the maid not to vaccuum because her daughter is...
  14. libra01971

    So who's waiting to start STS

    I'm waiting until Feb 22. I have a marathon on Feb. 15 so I don't want to get worn out starting those now. The week after the marathon, I plan to take it easy and do lighter workouts so I think the 22nd will work for me. I'm hoping we find out when Cathe will start by then and if it's not too...
  15. libra01971

    Help with shin splints pain!

    I'm struggling with horrible shin splints, too! I'm two weeks away from my marathon so I'm not resting till it's over. Anyway, I've tried just about everything - new shoes, ice, heat, insoles and what has finally helped me significantly was a sports massage! I had three massages that...
  16. libra01971

    Do I have to find my 1 rep max?

    I agree! I used to work at a gym and remember seeing this one overweight girl who was there every single day working out hard. I really admired her dedication and determination and respected the fact that she was working so much harder than those barbie doll girls who show up and are more...
  17. libra01971


    Happy, Happy Birthday, Shelley! I hope it's great and you're doing well. I would make you a cake and mail it but...well, it probably wouldn't be good by the time it gets there. :P
  18. libra01971

    Calling all Garmin users...input please!

    I had the 205. (I'm still kicking myself for losing it!) Anyway, I LOVED it and have had a hard time living without it. I didn't even use a lot of the features because I just wanted to hurry up and go run and not spend time sitting around playing with it. I got the 205 from Wal-mart. The...
  19. libra01971

    ok.......who has

    I have a pull up bar in my door way. I bought it a few years ago when I started P90X. For my last birthday, I got this for $200 - It *does* take up quite a bit of space but I felt like it was such a deal at $200! I had to...
  20. libra01971

    Lookie what the FedEx Man just delivered

    I'm jealous, too, Emily! I don't even have an IPOD yet....