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  1. My2girls

    Hey Cardio Coach Fans!!!

    And his looks aren't even his best feature!! ;) He has a heart of gold!
  2. My2girls

    Farrah Fawcett died

    Very sad :( Cancer really stinks! :mad:
  3. My2girls

    Can I brag? :)

    Wow, that was a beautiful picture of the beach. It looks so peaceful :)
  4. My2girls

    Anyone back from the 10 a.m. class???

    Oh, I completely forgot about an annoucement!!!!!! :eek: Someone tell! Please!
  5. My2girls

    Prayers and thoughts please!

    I'm really late to this - but will say a prayer for your mom and her wrist and Cat Scan.
  6. My2girls

    Hey Cardio Coach Fans!!!

    I just went back to vote using another email address I had - I never thought of that :confused:
  7. My2girls

    CC PP Saturday

    I listen to CC while riding my bike in my garage. Coach Sean guides you, inspires you and encourages you to keep going! You can use it with the machine of your choice OR walking or running. Cardio Coach has been one of the BEST fitness purchases (along with Cathe ;)) I've made! And I paid...
  8. My2girls

    CC PP Saturday

    I'm in and very excited since I missed the actual CCPP Saturday last month! Can't wait!!!!! :D
  9. My2girls

    Freaking Out!

    I feel like you are giving us a daily dose of a soap opera! :eek: I am soooo thankful for our modern medicine -- and glad you and your DH are getting those shots in the bum!
  10. My2girls

    First pickings in my garden

    We have been picking peas for a while now and boy are they yummy! I don't even bother pulling out the peas, just eat the pod and all :p Lettuce and basil and I have one pretty big Walla Walla onion that is almost ready!!! I have some green Early Girl tomatoes too! Oh that is what I'm waiting for...
  11. My2girls

    Attitude is everything

    Wow! Some of these are super-duper great!! :D Love the Corrie Ten Boom one. This is from a song I love called More to This: There's more to life than being born and dying There's more to life than slowly growing old If we are wise We'll keep our eyes on Jesus Or miss out on the very thing...
  12. My2girls

    What do you wake up to?

    This is exactly what I do too!!! How funny :D We think we are tricking ourselves somehow by setting our clocks ahead, just to hit snooze because we know we still have a little time!!!! My DH cannot understand the whole snooze button thing, until a friend tried to explain that snooze helps some...
  13. My2girls

    Freaking Out!

    Oh my!!! Please let us know the outcome as I will be thinking about you until I know!!!! I cannot imagine....:(
  14. My2girls

    Happy birthdy Vrinda!

    Happy Birthday Vrinda!!! I love to hear Coach Sean say your name on CCPP and I love to read how much you know about computers and anything electronic!!! You're awesome :D
  15. My2girls

    Guys dig chicks with scars?

    I have a rather long scar from the top of my scalp to under my ear on my head. No one sees it much now because I wear my hair long, but for years I wore super short hair and got many comments about it. I fell off my bicycle at age 6 and had a bone removed from the side of my head to relieve a...
  16. My2girls

    My one year anniversary

    I am sorry for all the grief and suffering you have been through, yet, sometimes that is what makes us who we are. In your case, you used all that garbage for the better, for you and your children. God Bless you Carola.
  17. My2girls

    Hey Cardio Coach Fans!!!

    Love the Cardio Coach Threads! :p I will go vote as soon as I'm done posting here. Just to get in on the CC discussion -- I did V8 this morning and loved it (well, there were moments I didn't love it, like 4 minutes into C2 and Coach Sean says "only 4 more minutes!" :eek::eek:) If anyone...
  18. My2girls


    That is awesome! I bet that made your week, or month!!!! :D I can see from your tiny little avatar pic that your arms look ripped!!!!!
  19. My2girls

    Calling all Triathletes...

    I say do it!!! I don't have any answers for all those other questions, but if you did it, you'll find out! :)
  20. My2girls

    Do you sneak in movie snacks?

    And don't forget the bon bons, milk duds, and jr. mints! I haven't been to the movie in years, but I might need to find a decent movie and go just to eat some of these teeth-rotting, fat-producing, small slices of heaven! ;) You crack me up Miss Lee! :D