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  1. xiangnimen

    Body Beast

    Thanks firemedic. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. xiangnimen

    Body Beast

    All this talk about really feeling it in your back has peaked my interest. I remember seeing not to long ago that Body Beast was having some type of special, does anyone know if that is still going on or where is the best/most reasonably priced placed to buy it?
  3. xiangnimen

    Momentous Workout Day!

    Thanks for all of your comments. :D Now I'm all excited to do the workout again next week to see if I can do it again. :D
  4. xiangnimen

    Momentous Workout Day!

    Hello All - My workout today was Gym Styles Chest and Triceps and today was the first time ever that I was able to do the entire drop set of push-ups on my toes!! Just so excited, had to share. Cathe Rocks! :D
  5. xiangnimen

    How do you use X10?

    X10 I like to use it for a cardio blast after a weight training workout, but, since most sections also use weights in the second half, I will just do the first 6-7 min of the step, the low impact and the high/lo sections - that way, its all pure cardio and no added weights. Its a great cardio...
  6. xiangnimen

    Video missing segments

    Hello SNM - I have been trying to make a few videos using the workout blender and not one of them has turned out correctly. For instance - I tried to put together Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's and add on 100 rep bicep curls, core 2 and 100 rep flat bench tricep extensions. The result was the...
  7. xiangnimen

    Where can u buy.....

    FeelFitWear I saw on the FeelFitWear facebook page that someone else also asked about the clothes from the road trip and FeelFitWear responded with: Hi, these styles are part of FeelFitWear's new collection that was launched at Cathe's road trip this weekend. All of these fun...
  8. xiangnimen


    I agree, that push-up, lunge, tricep sequence really kicks it into overdrive!:)
  9. xiangnimen


    Does anyone else find Flextrain to be deceptively hard!! Every time I do this DVD I think it won't be so bad, she just uses 8's and 10's, but by the time I get to the tricep pushups near the end the sweat is just pouring off my face! Love this workout and it kills me everytime. :D
  10. xiangnimen

    1 Rep Max Made Easy-er

    thank you thanks for the response teals. :D
  11. xiangnimen

    1 Rep Max Made Easy-er

    question This may be a stupid question, so sorry if it is, but, what is the rating column on the far left stand for? What is it rating? :o
  12. xiangnimen

    High Reps and Lower Body Blast

    Thank You Thank you for the reply firemedic. Greatly appreciated! :D
  13. xiangnimen

    High Reps and Lower Body Blast

    Hi all - Just wondering if anyone can tell me how much weight Cathe is using on her barbell in the beginning squat section of High Reps and how much is on her barbell in Lower Body Blast. I don't have a barbell, so I'm not the greatest at estimating barbell weight. Thank you!! :)
  14. xiangnimen

    4DS HIS

    Thank you for taking the time to respond SNM. Exercising seems to be a continuous learning process, always trying to figure things out and finding what works best for you. I always appreciate your feedback. :)
  15. xiangnimen

    4DS HIS

    Hi Cathe/SNM - I did 4DS HIS today but decided to use the premix using weights first and then do the step portion. I noticed in the Workout Manager that doing the weights first premix really changed the calorie burn. Weights first was like 361, but if it was step first it was 393. Does it...
  16. xiangnimen

    Over $50 Free Shipping?

    I tried taking things out and then re-adding them, still no change. I'm wondering if the new DVDs are not included in the $50. One of my items is one of the new ones. Wonder if that makes a difference?
  17. xiangnimen

    Over $50 Free Shipping?

    Hi SNM - Just wondering if you are still doing that "anything over $50 is free shipping promotion". I put some items in my shopping cart and it came in at around $54 but I didn't have a free shipping option. Just curious. Thanks! :)
  18. xiangnimen

    Is all failure equal?

    Thanks for the quick reply and the attached articles. Greatly appreciated!:D
  19. xiangnimen

    Is all failure equal?

    Hi Cathe - I know you are busy with the new DVD's, so not sure if you'll be able to reply - but, just wondering if lifting to failure will get you the same results no matter if you use heavy weights or light weights. For example, in your Burn Sets DVD you encourage us to pick a weight we can...
  20. xiangnimen

    Cathe downloads & kindle fire hd

    Kindle I have a Kindle - but its not the HD - its the very first generation kindle. I have the XTrain downloads on my computer and I just drag and drop them on my kindle and they play fine. :)