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  1. morningstar

    Hei Ladies the cover are up on collavideo

    Do you have a link? I couldn't find them.
  2. morningstar

    Workout Warriors October

    And so I have to take my lurker self elsewhere as another check-in dies from life getting in the way... Sigh...
  3. morningstar

    Is it just me?

    I actually specifically posted this as a stand-alone thread, rather than in response to a particular post, to ensure that I wasn't criticizing someone specifically, but rather, starting a discussion on the changing way people communicate over the internet. The thought came to me after reading a...
  4. morningstar

    Help finding gift for 2 year old newphew

    Okay, so I ended up getting Artist in the Tub, Bugs in the Tub and Boats in the Tub. Maybe it's been a while since I had a bath... Thank you all so much for your thoughts and assistance!
  5. morningstar

    Help finding gift for 2 year old newphew

    That's weird- I think it's a Cathe issue. I edited the post to try to make the links work, and I think they work now.
  6. morningstar

    Is it just me?

    So often I have trouble understanding people's posts because of punctuation issues. Perhaps it is a sign I am getting old; I find that I really don't understand the way that people post nowadays. Basic punctuation seems to go by completely new rules and I have to read posts a few times before...
  7. morningstar

    gym style weights differ from slow heavy?

    To clarify your questions: You went heavier in Slow and Heavy than Gym Styles and you are wondering why that is possible? With regard to the HIIT question, are you referring to doing HIIT cardio after weight training in the same week?
  8. morningstar

    Happy Thanksgiving Canadians!

    Thank you! I am giving thanks that I can run again after my injury! Now, I am trying to get my butt out the door and give proper thanks, but so far it just ain't happening.... Maybe more coffee...
  9. morningstar

    Help finding gift for 2 year old newphew

    Hi! I am really hoping to get some feedback on the following possibilities for gifts for my two year old nephew. I really am not sure what's appropriate for that age, but I'd like to get something either educational, or artistic, etc., nothing gimmicky or noisy. I'd like to spend about $50...
  10. morningstar

    Supine tri extensions vs seated overhead extensions:

    Are you talking about skull crushers? Love 'em! Not so wild about the overhead thingies. I still think that dips work them best, though.
  11. morningstar


    You get to control what you eat- you get to decide what you are willing to eat and what you are willing to work off. There's nothing to worry about. If you eat more than you had intended, it is a decision that you made, not something forced upon you. It's kinda cool- there are so many things...
  12. morningstar

    She's gotta move it move it

    Yeah- I want some more ideas! Lately I'm into Bedouin Soundclash, but not really for running to. Of course, I haven't actually been watching videos or listening to the radio, so it's hard to get new music choices when you haven't been paying attention!
  13. morningstar

    things I don't need to know

    You know what? This co-worker actually got fired and escorted from the building a while back.
  14. morningstar

    Lurkers are very interesting people...

    It's interesting - I realized that lately, I've damned near turned into a lurker. How unlike me.
  15. morningstar

    Little secrets - share!

    Isn't it time to bring this thread back and see what new secrets we all have?
  16. morningstar

    Cathe - the early years?

    You know, I never did get a Cathe response to this, so I'm putting it out there again.
  17. morningstar

    What's your pet cause?

    UNICEF Every child, every opportunity, no exceptions.
  18. morningstar

    standing ab work

    I love working my abs, and I love working them with weights. I really feel like I can feel the muscle working. That being said, I feel that specific ab workouts are a nice to do, not a need to do, because if you do comprehensive weight training, especially if you do compound moves, and you use...
  19. morningstar

    Going to make someone angry at this post but...

    But Baynergirl can't stop now - It's my birthday in only two months!
  20. morningstar

    these office fundraisers are killing me

    Just a couple of days ago, I told a co-worker I wouldn't buy his daughter's Girl Guide cookies because they have trans fats (they don't have as much as they used to, but it's still there!) He took it well. Look, most of these parents are just as uncomfortable with the whole thing as we are -...