Calorie requirements are a totally personal thing. One person can eat loads of calories, but their metabolism is so fast (even if they don't exercise), they don't gain weight. Other people have much slower metabolism and must rely on exercise to rev it up and must lower their calorie intake...
>But when I do full-form (straight leg)
>pushups, I can't go down as far... I do go down enough that my
>arms form 90 degree angles, but my chest is a lot further from
>the floor than it would be with a bent knee pushup
Actually, that's as low you should go when doing straight leg push ups...
RE: Windows 95
Thank you for your suggestions, unfortunately, they didn't work. I can get sound (which I could before as well), but no picture. I do appreciate your help, but it looks like I won't be able to view the videos with Windows 95.:-(
I also received the decompressor error message when I tried to view the new videos. I followed the directions provided by Microsoft to try to rectify the problem, but nothing worked. I have Windows 95 and I cannot download the latest Media Player which is #9 as Windows 95 will not support it...