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  1. D

    Form in Kickboxing

    Cathe and Julie, thanks for your time and energy. I'm off to kick some butt!!! Danna
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    Form in Kickboxing

    I am new to kickboxing, but it seems that when doing the front kick you seem to lean back slightly. Is that right? I really am enjoying this new exercise and want to do it correctly. Thanks, Danna
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    URL for new Forum

    When I click on the new URL, my Window Media Player starts and then gives me an error!!! Hmmm...Any ideas? Danna
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    Video Crew

    Abigail I'm not the old friend sorry to say but am willing to be the new one! Danna
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    Video Crew

    Crew Kool. Can't wait..Thanks, danna
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    Video Crew

    I thought I read that somewhere there is a place where I can read about the people in your videos. Am I crazy? Can I just not find it? Or was I dreaming? Thanks, Danna
  7. D

    Video numbers

    Working out at home Thank you all for the input. I have been working out at home for almost ten years starting with THE FIRM and growing with the industry to better and better videos. I still feel I'm the odd one out when it comes to fitness routines. NO ONE I know uses videos to achieve...
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    Video numbers

    This question is just one of curosity...approximately how many videos were pre-ordered? I'm just trying to figure how many people in the country know about you and your videos, how many folks are working out from their homes, etc. If this question is inappropriate, please disregard. I live in...
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    I'm confused about the definition of "rotation". I thought it was important to cross-train. When you say stick to a rotation for 4 to 6 weeks, is that just talking about weight training? If so, does that mean you stick with a specific body part or exercise? OR...does a rotation include the...