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  1. B

    ^^^^clean & tidy tuesday^^^^

    great time at the gym today! 25 mins intervals on the ellip, did some back, bis and shldrs and some balance moves and then took centergy (yoga/pilates class). my elbow feels like 90% better! we'll see how it is tomorrow but i did most of the sun salutations no problem, just modified a few poses...
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    ^^^^clean & tidy tuesday^^^^

    My eats have not been wonderful and I will not list them here. workouts have been decent: Thurs - 25 mins ellip, nautilus machines mostly lb plus shldrs, then yoga class Fri - 4 mile stroller walk Sat - KB class (my elbow felt GREAT! I missed this class!) plus 2 miles with stroller Sun -...
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    ^^^^clean & tidy tuesday^^^^

    good morning, SO SO SORRY for being MIA. we had family in town for a big sweet 16 for my niece and the whoe thing just turned out to be more consuming than I thought it would be. katie, sorry for the funk. do you have a neighbor who could watch collin so you could run? or could you set up a...
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    _____ c & t FINALLY FRIDAY _____

    mornin ladies... another quick one from me, sorry. I'm not feeling so hot and I'm hosting family in town because there is a huge sweet 16 for my niece tomorrow. Arguing with DH last night, YUCK. I've got a wicked headache today (from that or Im getting sick, donno). workout yday was good. 25...
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    ---(((*** c&t friday eve ***)))---

    katie, what a handsome birthday boy!! you're right, a practice in patience in what you are faced with and it will happen when the time is right. kate, i so wanted to make the pb choc banana bread yesterday but i stayed away and instead made that choc chip banana with the oats and wheat germ...
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    Sub for flour.......

    I have been using whole wheat pastry flour in place of white flour for pretty much any recipe these days. One exception is if I'm making something special for a party like a birthday cake. Otherwise anything I bake for my own household lately gets the whole wheat. Muffins and quick breads are my...
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    C&T - Hump Day

    angie, we're having chili, too! im still on clean out the house mode and chili is great for cleaning out =) becky, so glad you feel better. 50s sounds great! Its been 40s here for a few days and weve taken full advantage! kate, wait, did you just eat that stuff for breakfast? lol! you...
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    c&t tuesday

    nina, glad you've got your friend in town!! LOL @ 11 miles in the rain, that sounds like hell to me and it is euphoria for you, diff strokesfor diff folks =) sorry i dont have any advice abt the weight gain. I would think at your fit level you should find a sports nutritionist who will...
  9. B

    c&t tuesday

    ok, breakfastdown the hatch, lol. my oatmeal special. unfortunately, JJ still seems slightly under the weather. I thought he was getting sick a few days ago but didnt. now he has a cough, didn't sleep well last night and just seems a little off this morning. I guess no gym, BOO. I know other...
  10. B

    c&t tuesday

    good morning, angie! congrats on the 100!! So glad C25k is going well on your knees so far! C to 5k was something I had my heart set on for a while. I need serious motivation when I work out (great instructor or great music or both) because I just don't have the "oomph" by myself. The...
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    -*-*-*- clean-it-up-MONDAY -*-*-*-

    quick hi... got so much done today! lots of driving, errands, groceries, cooking, laundry. i did almost hit a car when i was trying to park. eats were prettyclean. chili did not get made until later so i had chicken, veggies and pineapple for dinner. y'all have been so chatty, i need to make...
  12. B

    -*-*-*- clean-it-up-MONDAY -*-*-*-

    kate, glad you got a full night!! becky, how do you like your new 'do? katie, its early to be dissappointed, wait for that next test! I tested 3x negative with JJ and it was just too early, I was impatient! angie, good luck on the test! we got back yday and im settling in. finished...
  13. B

    Any sugg. to get 5yr old boy to not wear pull-up at pm?

    Like JCM, I woke my older son to go to the bathroom. Before I went to bed (between 11 and 1 back then) I would wake him and walk him to go pee. When he was younger I would even stand there with him to make sure he didn't miss being half asleep. As he got older he was better at getting himself to...
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    :-:-:-:-:-: T-G-I-CLEAN-F :-:-:-:-:-:

    getting ready to head out for step. the cake came out ok, for some reason the thank goodness it's 2 layers, frosted so know one can tell but me. also need to pack, we are leaving for mydads onthe cape when ods gets out of school. i prob will not have regular access to a comp for the weekend...
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    hi ladies, i 've got this cake to work on and also just sold some stuff on ebay, its totally new to me and has taken more time than i expected! dh is working and im running around here crazy busy!
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    thanks all for making me feel better abt the p-parking... it was pretty bad. the teacher jammedon the brake like 3x. and he is stil so nice to me after =) kate, the chicken chili came out great and i was winging it from 3 diff recipes. i am in clean-out-freezer-and-cabinets mode right now in...