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  1. R


    I suffered from golfer's elbow a cole of years ago. Even picking up a pot in the kitchen was painful. Went to doc, got a scan, he gave me a steroid cream to fight the inflammation. He said it was an overuse injury. No weights for six weeks. Six weeks later, no issues. I did use an elbow brace...
  2. R

    2 youtube workouts...

    I like the way these look. Will have to try...
  3. R

    Best hair epilator out there

    How often do you use it? I have to shave every day. I have very dark, thick hair and very fair skin. My sister only has to shave once a week!
  4. R


    Did you make any other diet changes or just clean eating? I have been curious about this for a while but it sounds so yucky. I like your idea for the latte though. I am menopausal, just doing the natural thing, an my weight is going up even though nothing else has changed.
  5. R

    Hi Everyone!!

    Raleigh, North Carolina
  6. R

    Favorite Instructors Besides Cathe?

    Renee, T25 is different than Insanity in that it is shorter, there is a modifier which helps when you are at the end of your energy, especially in the adaptation faze. Shaun T is not screaming at you, he is very encouraging. The moves are not as hard on the joints either. I'm almost 60 so I am...
  7. R

    Favorite Instructors Besides Cathe?

    I really dreaded Insanity. Could not finish the rotation, I cannot self motivate with a dread factor. I totally love T25 though. Love Shaun as an instructor. His personality keeps me going. Tony Horton, found him irritating at first but really learned to enjoy him as an instructor. Looked...
  8. R


    Personally never had a problem with constipation, I had a bad reaction to the pain meds and decided to go "commando" . It really wasn't too bad. My DH was wonderful taking care of the boys. The freakiest thing for me was not feeling my legs when I come to. Took a little longer than expected for...
  9. R


    Had one about 8 years ago. I had previously had two C sections, in my 20's. My C sections were vertical due to my son already being in birth canal for many, many hours prior. Anyhow, my gyno said the horizontal was an easier recovery for the hysterectomy due to the direction the muscles are cut...
  10. R

    Question for Hair Dressers re: Flat Irons

    Flat Iron I use a Chi. It really works well on my naturally kinky hair. Smooths and straightens with one pass. It is important to use some sort of heat shield to keep from frying your hair. My hair stylist says no need to pay for expensive stuff, a leave in conditioner works fine. That has...
  11. R


    Speaking of Beachbody... How would one go about getting a coach to order from at Beachbody?
  12. R

    Total Gym ......Yay or Nay????

    Total Gym Love mine. Bought it a few years ago. Have used it a lot, especially for pull ups. Also bought the weight plate bar. That way I can add additional weight when doing legs. Didn't have room for the squat rack so this works really well for me. I use the weighted vest and then add weights...
  13. R

    Anyone watch Dr. Oz today?

    Dr. Oz Watched a few episodes, then noticed that every day was about losing weight promoting this approach and that approach. Reminds me too much of all of the mags out there, with a "new" solution every issue. I really hoped he would destill some of the conflicting messages out there, but...
  14. R

    Weider Ruthless set

    Total enablers! Now I have to have it!
  15. R

    Christmas Movies

    Love the Christmas themed workout idea. Yeah, the movies are predictable, sappy, etc., etc. But at least there is no profanity, gratuitous sex, zombies, witches, end of the world stuff that I am sooo burned out on. Not much family friendly stuff these days. And they are usually not preachy...
  16. R

    Christmas Movies

    No shaming now, who else has been watching the Christmas movies on Hallmark and LMN? I can't be the only one. For me, I admit it, it's the sappy happy endings. I've had enough death and destruction and discord to last for a looong time.
  17. R

    Why do you overeat?

    Overheating I enjoy cooking and eating. Food was comfort and reward when I was growing up. Hard to change that wiring. When I get really frustrated, I tend to not be as careful, too. I am a chocoholic, so I have found low carb ways of adding it in.
  18. R

    Laugh of the day!

    Can't stop laughing My husband thought I had lost my mind. I laughed so hard I was crying. Thanks.
  19. R


    E Readers I have both an IPAD and a Kindle Fire. Love the IPAD for gaming and videos, music amd my e-newspaper. Love the Kindle for reading books, calendar interface and email. They both work great for everything, I just find the interface, size and density of the IPAD for reading not as...
  20. R

    4DS LI & HI Step

    4DS So sorry to hear about your boy. Lost mine to cancer in August. Still grieving. They just become such an integral part of the family. This is my absolute favorite workout. Always makes me smile as well. Exercise is so therapeutic.