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  1. B

    Pelvic Floor

    Greetings, I have recently purchased the Step w/video. The video is too progressed for me. I need to keep it simple to start off with. I haven't done step aerobics in ten years and 50#. I'm not as strong as I used to me. My flexibility is pretty good. I do alot of stretching due to rheumatiod...
  2. B

    Advise please

    Hi Shellie, I appreciate any help and consideration. I am on disability. I can walk and do many things that others with disabilities aren't able to do. I have been caring for my ill parents since 1995 and its been downhill ever since for me, healthwise. I only have one parent left, my...
  3. B

    Advise please

    Dear Cathe, I recently bought the All Step program with step. I also have a fit ball. The step video is much too advanced for me to start on. I have high blood pressure, high cholestrol,and other health problems. My doctor has approved for me to do this. Should I use the Basic program or...