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  1. kisuzu

    Any Canadians going on the 09 RT?

    Hi I will be back again. See you there ! Chris (Canadian male roadtripper)
  2. kisuzu

    This Q is open to anyone, but really want to hear from fellow males on the forum..

    Hi Jerry, When I first started doing Cathe video I averaged about 5 lbs heavier.I am on STS Meso 3.I am now much heavier on legs & back but not much more on the biceps / triceps & chest.I use 40 lbs for chest flies and I believe Cathe is using 35 lbs.She is amazing.I can't quite match her pace...
  3. kisuzu

    Wow, I just had the most unpleasant conversation

    Thank you Laura for putting a smile on my face.I needed it today.I can just imagine the scene.One of the first things that I liked about you when we met was how knowledgeable you are about so many diverse subjects.He couldn't handle the fact that you were so well versed.His manhood was shattered...
  4. kisuzu

    Men's Locker Room Check-in

    Ben. I can tell you are a teacher.I am finishing up Meso 2.I can't believe the results.I am stronger but I find a bit to lean.I must eat more.I am looking forward to finshing the program.I am going to start kettlebells.I have the new Amy Bento Kettlebell Dynamics - wow I tried it with a very...
  5. kisuzu

    Men's Locker Room Check-in

    Finally checking in Hi guys Sorry I can't check in regularly.They are really monitoring computer use at work and I am on dial up at home and it takes forever.I know I should get modernized but I don't want to be on the computer in the evenings.I work out right.Anyways I am on Meso cycle 2 disc...
  6. kisuzu

    Thursday night--dinner & some fun?

    Fun fun fun ! can't wait Chris
  7. kisuzu

    Men's Locker Room Check-in

    Hi Guys I am still hanging in.This is my final week of Meso Cycle 1 disc 10,11,12 my second time.I am getting tired.I will have to invest in heavier dumbells for my back rows.I used 40lbs (each arm) and I can go heavier.I must admit I did not do the workout manager.I am very aware of my...
  8. kisuzu

    Natasha Richardson

    I usually don't follow celebrity news however this really affected me.I am a skiier and often ski @ Mont Tremblant where the accident occured.The poor family.My heart goes out to them.This is has sparked a big debate over whether helmets should become mandatory. Take care Chris
  9. kisuzu

    More Robert Please!

    Dear petree n motion Absolutely brilliantly written !!!! I have remained so quiet on this subject.Thank you for expressing your view so eloquently. Chris
  10. kisuzu

    Men's Locker Room Check-in

    I am doing 6 month rotation and I am feeling it in my left elbow.I think I 've overdone the push ups.Tonight is disc 7 first time & then next week too.I am dreading the pushups.I think I should go to my knees we shall see.Good work Kevin the stepping will come & before you know it you will be...
  11. kisuzu

    what happened to our other men?

    Yes it certainly is hard keeping the men around however there are a few of us still roaming the forum.See you all this summer ! Chris
  12. kisuzu

    Happy Birthday Laura (Lauramax)

    Happy birthday Laura ! Have a great day ! Chris
  13. kisuzu

    Men's Locker Room Check-in

    3 guys Wow now we are up to three guys on the roadtrip.I am 64.Can't wait to meet you Chris
  14. kisuzu

    RT - did you get in?!?!

    KPLV 2SK1 you are not the only guy.I am 64.This will be my third roadtrip.I was the only male in 2005.Can't wait to see you all again. Chris
  15. kisuzu

    Cathe weighted vest in Canada...

    I bough my weighted vest from Fitness depot.I know it's not a Cathe one but it's Iron Body and can go up to 40 lbs.Good luck Chris
  16. kisuzu

    Has anyone in Canada received STS yet?

    Hi I received my order on Feb 4.I had to pay $35.00 custom fees.It seems to be random on how they do it.I was not lucky this time.It really isn't a fair system.If I had the time I would like to challenge the post office / custom excise dept with what the regulations actually are.Take care...
  17. kisuzu

    Cathe, if you were a male...

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get all of the hubby's in one class and have a specialized workout for them? I'd promise to be nice ... What a great idea Cathe.I would help you design a "beginner male step class" Once you catch on it is so much fun.Now if we can only encourage your...
  18. kisuzu

    From Our Home to Yours

    Happy Holidays everyone !!! I can't wait to see you all next year.We will be really in shape after STS. Cheers Chris
  19. kisuzu

    Any Guys Out There? 9-29

    Any Guys out there ? 9-30 Ben, Everyone is gone.People are busy.Today I will do a combined weight workout probably MM. keep up the good work. Chris
  20. kisuzu

    Any Guy's out there ? 9-24

    Hi Guys Is everyone gone ? I know you are all working out hard.I certainly am I just have trouble getting on the computer.Today I started with Yoga,lunch time rollerblading & tonight a Cathe leg workout.Have a great evening. Chris