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  1. Lucy Fit PT


    The PiYo strength workouts are good. Chalene doesn't do anything particularly unique in them, but I still liked them.
  2. Lucy Fit PT


    This morning I did Strength Intervals followed by Drench. I can see why everyone is raving about Drench...that is a great workout! I really liked combing these two workouts so I'll be doing that again. I've now done all the PiYo workouts and bonus DVD's. I loved some, I liked some, and there...
  3. Lucy Fit PT


    I did Buns and Strong Legs (one of the bonus workouts) this morning and really liked them. I've heard from several people that Drench is good so I'm doing that one tomorrow along with Strength Intervals. The workouts are growing on me...:)
  4. Lucy Fit PT


    I'm glad to hear that you liked Drench. I haven't tried that one yet. I did Core earlier today and was disappointed. My frustration in this program is that it is advertised as being "hardcore" and "intense". So far, the workouts that I have done haven't been either one of those things.
  5. Lucy Fit PT


    Yes, a lot of the moves in the first two workouts that I tried are typical yoga/Pilates stuff so I'm hoping something new pops up in the remaining six workouts (and two bonus workouts). Tomorrow I'm doing the workout called SWEAT. I really hope I like it!
  6. Lucy Fit PT


    So far, I've watched the instructional video and I've done two of the workouts. I'm doing another one tomorrow morning. I have mixed feelings about the program thus far. I'm trying to reserve judgement so my review is as objective as possible. The two workouts that I have done are perfect for...
  7. Lucy Fit PT


    Mine is being delivered tomorrow. I plan on posting a detailed review for my website ( just like I've done for other home workout DVD's. I'm really looking forward to PiYo because it seems so different than other programs out there right now.
  8. Lucy Fit PT


    I just ordered the Deluxe package. I'm excited to do all of the workouts and post an objective review on my website! :)
  9. Lucy Fit PT

    planks and diastasis

    I'm not Cathe but I have Diastasis Recti and when I first started the healing process, I wasn't able to do planks because I couldn't keep my core engaged. Eventually though, my core got stronger and now I can do them without any instability. So, it is unique for everyone...if you can keep your...
  10. Lucy Fit PT


    I'm really excited for the new PiYo workouts and even more excited about Cathe's new lineup. I'm definitely purchasing both programs! :)
  11. Lucy Fit PT

    Question about article on afterburn/diet

    I am also an early-riser...up at 4am and warming up by 4:10am. Sometimes, if I'm feeling really sluggish, I throw a scoop of this into my water: Amazing Grass' Green Superfood Energy Powder (the green container). Let me make clear that I eat a whole-foods diet and I'm not a fan of mysterious...
  12. Lucy Fit PT

    46 (2 missed cycles)

    May I ask you what your body fat percentage is? Sometimes, if our body fat is too low, our menstrual cycles stop. Men can get by with very low body fat. Women, however, need more fat for adequate hormone function. Regardless of low body fat, I suggest seeing your doctor and having him/her run...
  13. Lucy Fit PT

    Diastasis Recti

    Hi melissaw! Clearly, I am not The Amazing Cathe...but I have Diastasis Recti and thought I'd chime in. :) If you know you have DR, the first thing you should do is stop any abdominal exercises that cause your belly to "bulge " as this will make your separation worse. When you have DR, you...
  14. Lucy Fit PT

    best time to workout

    I'm so glad you had a chance to read my article. Exercise really is just like anything else in life...make it a priority and it will get done! Although, I will admit that I'm sort of looking forward to the summer months when my kids don't have school and I can "sleep in" until 4:40am, instead...
  15. Lucy Fit PT

    best time to workout

    Over the years, I've worked out both in the mornings and in the evenings and I prefer mornings. When I workout first-thing in the morning, I eliminate any "distractions" that would otherwise keep me from working out at night. It's a great way to start the day! :)
  16. Lucy Fit PT

    Anyone eat Paleo?

    I follow a mostly-Paleo diet and I love it! I'm not 100% though...I have Greek yogurt in the mornings and I sometimes snack on chickpeas. But that's about it. I don't even remember the last time I consumed a refined carbohydrate. Instead, I fuel up on lots of fruits and veggies. I'm totally...
  17. Lucy Fit PT


    Ha! Even though my husband hasn't used it either, he swears he'll get to it "one day". We'll see... :)
  18. Lucy Fit PT


    All this talk about virgin workouts has me laughing. How about this...last year, I bought TRX for $200. Guess what? It's NEVER. BEEN. USED! Ha! Lol! Perhaps my husband will use it...someday...:)
  19. Lucy Fit PT

    Foam Rollers?

    Great article, thanks for sharing!
  20. Lucy Fit PT

    Foam Rollers?

    My parents named me Marjorie...but Margie sounds friendlier and less formal. :) If you've only been using the ball for a week, I'd continue using it to see if it helps over time. I have scoliosis and my body is all-kinds-of-messed-up but I've found continuous stretching helps. If you look at my...