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  1. mspina

    Meet Mishka my german shepherd puppy!

    Congrats Janie!!!!!!! I am sure that everything will be WONDERFUL for you this time around. Enjoy the puppy breath! :) Is she (he?) home with you now? Looking forward to cute puppy stories and more pics!
  2. mspina

    Doggie daycare?

    She is SO cute!!!!!!! Eddie goes to PetPals every day M-F for his big doggie playdate (about 3 hours total time away from home). It's fantastic for him and he absolutely loves it. Ours is ..... $17/day, I believe, but they pick up and drop off. It's never even occurred to me to tip them! But...
  3. mspina

    Looking for a reliable scale-bells and whistles not necessary!

    I'm looking to see replies here too! My scale does the same - each time I step on it, I get a new number. And the differences are HUGE - a few pounds. It's totally worthless!!!!
  4. mspina

    My son has a wart!! YUCK!!

    I would highly recommend taking him to the doctor. If it's just a standard run of the mill kind of thing, his regular doc can take care of it for him (he doesn't need to see a derm). My son recently had one on his foot - the freezing treatment hurt a bit right then and there, but once he left...
  5. mspina

    Question for Runners . . . . Leg cramps

    I don't do Gatorade as it rips my stomach apart, but there are a TON of sports drinks on the market. Try something else and see what works for you. I personally use Gu2O for my electrolyte replacement drink (I've also used coconut water and LOVE that, but not for very intense training or...
  6. mspina

    Janie1234!!!!!!!! :)

    Trisha, If you look at the registration information, you'll see that there are 2 and 3 man relay options. Almost ALL tri's have relays available. No excuses!!! :) Go for it you guys!!!!!!! Triathlon is the GREATEST sport - so much fun.
  7. mspina

    How young is to young to have a cell phone?

    We got the kids a phone (ONE phone for the two of them) to use when they are at activities when it would be useful for them to have a phone. My DS was taking skiing lessons and I was sort of freaking out about the thought of him on the slopes by himself - what if the chaperons miscount, and he's...
  8. mspina

    Do you have a maid?

    Ditto this. We tried a few services and they were ok, but not great. If I was paying that much, I wanted great! We found a woman who was her own cleaning service, and she was incredible. She'd come every other week (if we could have afforded it, we would have done weekly), and I loved, loved...
  9. mspina

    CrossPit workouts...WHOA!

    So glad you like it!!!!!!!
  10. mspina

    How much to spend on Fathers day per children (What's reasonable)

    Ditto on the spend nothing idea!!! I'll get DH *something* but I really don't need to. The kids are jazzed about making him breakfast, and they will make him homemade cards. Those were the things I really enjoyed on Mother's Day - the gift my DH got me was nice, but totally unnecessary for the...
  11. mspina

    Running Watch

    The Garmin 405 is much smaller than the 305 - you might want to look into that. While not as accurate, have you looked at the Nike+? The pod gets attached to your shoe (many Nike brands have special cut-outs for the pod, or you can VERY easily attach it with a little shoe pocket). There is a...
  12. mspina

    gloves for kettlebells

    This is what I do and it works perfectly! You want a bit of slip - socks really work well for KB work.
  13. mspina

    Help! Beating the "I'm bored" all summer long!!

    I beg to differ, missy!!!! WAY too many parents cater to their child's every last whim, and these kids are incredibly annoying to be around since they can't entertain themselves for more than 5 seconds. You are doing a GREAT job in my book!!!!! Again, phooey on this attitude. Stay at home...
  14. mspina

    arm/leg warmers

    I got my fleecy ones at my local bike shop, and the thin ones I got at Team Estrogen (a few funky colors by Sheila Moon - LOVE THESE!!!): Another option is a bolero - I have one and use it often (covers...
  15. mspina

    Dog bite statistics

    Sounds like you have found a great situation Janie!!!!! Seriously, knowing a really good breeder is the BIGGEST first step. Ask lots of questions about temperment, etc., but if he's local and willing to help you, I think you have potentially found a winner. Shepards are great dogs since they...
  16. mspina

    arm/leg warmers

    Oh - difference between a warmer and a compression sleeve. I can't imagine needing a compression sleeve arm warmer - you could use them as such, but ...... why? Certainly not for running/biking. For your legs, given that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my CWX tights/shorts for running, I could see a...
  17. mspina

    arm/leg warmers

    I use arm warmers all the time, and I have different "weight" warmers for different seasons. My spring/summer arm warmers are nothing more than lycra sleeves (or whatever they are made of - stretchy workout top material is what they feel like - no real thickness to them to speak of). I'll use...
  18. mspina

    Let's Talk St. Bernards

    We "met" one just this weekend at our local dog park! She was SO cute - very friendly. Her parents said that generally they are pretty inactive dogs - she was running around at the park and then walking nicely through the trails to get out of the dog park, but they said she'd then crash for the...
  19. mspina

    Garmin Forerunner--opinions wanted.

    I'm pretty sure it's the same deal with the 405, likely because it's somewhat waterproof, is my guess. That said, my 305 lasted quite a while of really heavy use before it started showing signs of needing a new battery (3 years) - so it's not like it's a huge burden or anything...
  20. mspina

    Garmin Forerunner--opinions wanted.

    Correct, you have to send it back to get it replaced. That's why I upgraded to the 405 - I thought if I was going to spend $$$ I'd rather just get a new one (ok, I really wanted the newer one and totally justified the purchase this way, even though the $$$ difference between the battery...