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  1. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Happy April Fools' Day! :) This morning I ran 3 miles, and that ain't no joke. :p;) It was hard!! I think my body is still tired from Saturday's fun. I also spent a little time with my foam roller before work. My IT band has been super sore and I want to make sure i'm giving it adequate TLC...
  2. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Good morning! Yesterday's workout was a little on the easier side. I started with Muscle Max: Push/Pull Upper Body premix (33 minutes) + abs (9 minutes) + 1/2 of stretch max 3 (9-10 minutes). My upper body was burning!!! :) Today is CrossFit after work. I'll be back in the morning to...
  3. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hello! :) Yesterday's race was both good and bad. The good news, I finished!!!! :eek::eek::eek: My time was 1:13:05. I was slightly disappointed I didn't break 1:10, but that's okay. The bad news, the weather was horrible. It was cold and rained most of the race. Of course that pushed...
  4. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Wendy: Aww, girl, i'm sorry you had such a bad day at work. Have you learned yet that attorneys are ass holes? ;) Working in a law office is hard. High stress, not enough pay, attorneys walking around with chips on their shoulders, egos out the roof, last minute on everything, deadlines always...
  5. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Wiggie: I am so very sorry for your loss. I can not imagine what you are going through right now. Yes, please reach out to us if there is anything at all we can do!!! We are always here for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. (((((HUGHS)))))
  6. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hi gals! Yesterday CrossFit torture consisted of: high knees, butt kicks, and stretching for the warm-up. Then, 1x20 back squat (90#), rest 2 minutes, max rep front squat at same weight. I only did 6 front squats because I knew I had to save my legs for the WOD. Speaking of the WOD, yowza...
  7. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hello. :) Here is yesterday's CrossFit workout: Warm-Up: 15 jump tucks; 15 front leg swings; 15 side leg swings; 15 strippers; 15 pass throughs; and 15 wall slides. Skill: 7x1 Snatch (35#) WOD: 10 Rounds for Time of - 5 chest to bars; 10 hand-release pushups; and 15 jumping air...
  8. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hi ladies! I've been running around all morning fixing more adoption paperwork. Just when I think everything is finally done something else comes up. It's driving me crazy. :confused: We had hoped to officially submit our dossier this Thursday, but now we are going to be delayed another week...
  9. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    TGIF! Yesterday's CrossFit workout went like this: warm-up + 3x10 front squats (75#) + 5 minute plank hold + 5 minutes of rowing + 5 min. AMRAP of: (i) 7 v-sits; (ii) 7 KB thrusters; and (iii) 7 hand-release pushups. I'm going to CrossFit again today after work so i'll try to stop by...
  10. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Good Morning! I'm so glad I took yesterday off. My back is still a little touchy, but better today. After all these years i'm finally learning to listen to my body, lol. I'm a slow learner. :rolleyes::p I decided to make today a double day. I indulged in a HUGE plate of onion rings last...
  11. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hi gals! Yesterday's CrossFit workout was a doozie...I secretly enjoyed it. :D After a thorough warm-up we did a WOD called "Deck of Cards." I'm sure you've heard/seen something similar before. A full deck of cards was placed in the middle of the room. One card was flipped over at a time...
  12. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hello! :) Good news on the adoption front. We finally received our USCIS approval. I spent Friday afternoon and yesterday morning finalizing documents. I am happy to report that our dossier is officially complete and on its way to Ukraine. Yippee!! We hope to submit our dossier next Thursday...
  13. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Happy Friday!! :) My doctor cleared me to return to CrossFit yesterday provided I not push it too hard too fast. Of course yesterday turned out to be deadlift day at CF, which wasn't ideal but I made it work. After the warm-up I did 2x3 deadlifts (95#) and a 21/15/9 of deadlifts (95#)...
  14. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Good morning! Yesterday I went on a 3 mile run after work. Whew. Not a good run day. It was a beautiful 75 degrees here yesterday but man it felt like 100+ when I was running. Clearly i'm not used to running in warm weather yet. :) This morning I did about 50 minutes of High Step...
  15. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hi ladies! I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things. Saturday I did the warm-up and first combo from RapidFire Results (lots of modifications). Then I did the metabolic weights and abs from that same DVD (more modifications), and I finished with a segment of Namaste Yoga...
  16. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hello. Sorry I have not been checking in this week. Nothing to report except a few walks with my dog. I'm not allowed to workout for at least another week (as ordered by my doctor). Well, not allowed to do strenuous exercise that is. The pain gets a little better each day, though still not...
  17. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hello. Yesterday's workout consisted of 30 minutes of Party Rocking Step #1, 4x4 front squats (85#) and a 10 minute AMRAP (15/12/9 of power snatches (45#) and toes-to-bar...burpee box jumps with the time left). It took me about 8 minutes to do the snatches and TTB, which left me with 2...
  18. ricklyk1

    Foxy Fusionistas - March :)

    Hi girlies!! Whew, we got some rough weather here yesterday/last night. I didn't go in to work today. There's no way I could have made it; the roads are just now passable. Saturday I went on a 5 mile run, my longest to date, at a 10 minute/mile pace. I was happy with my performance, but my IT...
  19. ricklyk1


    TGIF!! Today's is my rest day, so no workout for me. Yesterday's CrossFit workout was an interesting one. After the normal-type warm-up we worked on rope climbs. I've never attempted to climb a rope before. It took me several tries to figure it out, but I did it! :eek::eek: All the way to...
  20. ricklyk1


    Hello!! :) This morning I went on a 2 mile run on that blasted treadmill. Hate that thing. I followed up with 10 minutes of core conditioning and a foam roller stretch. Yesterday's CrossFit workout went like this: Warm-up: 1min jump rope 15 side leg swing 15 samson 15 stripper 15...