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  1. C

    All Step

    RE: Rythmic step challenging? LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-02 AT 02:22AM (Est)[p]RS is longer that All Step, consequently, more moves to master in RS, but IMO, none are really more difficult to learn than the moves in All Step. If you had the tenacity to work through All Step, you will do fine with...
  2. C

    Frustrated (again) Please Help!!!!

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-02 AT 11:21AM (Est)[p]Hmmm...this isn't going to be the popular opinion, but...take a break from Cathe. Or at least cut back on Cathe. Sounds to me like you need something completely different. When I encounter what you are experiencing, I go in the opposite direction of...
  3. C


    I have thought about this subject before. Although I love all of Cathe's crew, and enjoy seeing different healthy feminine body types, I would like to see some men included in Cathe's strength workouts. I guess my biggest reason for feeling this way is that Cathe's workouts are so great, for men...
  4. C

    Switching big collection to DVD

    When I made the transition, I first listed my vhs videos on the Firm swap, then what I couldn't sell on the swap, I listed as a lot on Ebay. Also, some of the more valuable videos (hard to get Firms), I listed separately on Ebay. Ebay turned out to be really useful and once you're registered...
  5. C

    S&H rotation suggestions

    I agree that S&H as your sole strength work within a week is plenty. If your using your heaviest weight, with good form, S&H can be grueling. This is how I train with S&H, and I have never had the energy or desire to squeeze additional strength work within the same week (nor do I feel guilty...
  6. C

    Joining in

    Hi Melanie. Welcome! I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I do.
  7. C

    Which video is better??

    I think that PH has tougher leg work (low ends make me cry) and MIS has tougher upper body work. Also, I really love the warm-up in PH; Cathe uses a light barbell (20lbs.)to give your muscles and motor neurons the message of what's coming up :-wow. Although I can't say that one workout is better...
  8. C

    my rotation site is finally up!

    Way cool! Thank you!!!
  9. C

    Wanting your input Ladies!

    I can only comment on RS. With only the CTX Series cardio as prior Cathe stepping experience and after several attempts, I was able to execute the moves in RS with some grace. Not being naturally blessed with poise and coordination, I consider this an accomplishment. As for the enjoyment factor...
  10. C

    New here

    Catricia, What a great idea. I get so much inspiration from this forum...thanks!
  11. C

    New here

    Hi Kim. What a great story. I'm so glad that you decided to share it with us, and I'm looking forward to learning more about you.
  12. C

    DVD vs VHS

    I got my DVD player last October, made a complete transition to DVD workouts (sold all VHS), and have not regretted it one bit. Now, there are so many new DVD workouts being released that I would go broke trying to buy everything that I want. Cathe is at the top of the list though :-jumpy!
  13. C

    Is CTX the best thing for me?

    If you already have step experience (and I kind of get the impression that you do) I think that you'll do fine with CTX, especially in light of the fact that you are enjoying learning the choreography in the wedding tape. CTX was my first exposure to Cathe's choreo, and it took me a few times to...
  14. C

    Having trouble getting into VF?...

    No, it's not just you. Seems to have gone down around noon.
  15. C

    Cardio? New Workouts

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-02 AT 02:06AM (Est)[p]Her decision may also have been in consideration of the new Cardio Classics DVD that was just released. I'm just thrilled that Cathe is in the process of planning/designing/taping new workouts. I have as much faith in her business decisions as I do her...
  16. C

    Suggestions? - Muscle Endurance

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 11:07AM (Est)[p]OH MY, this one is going to hurt. This endurance wimp is scared! Cathe, maybe you and your crew should wear leather for this one!?!?!? :-wow
  17. C

    Suggestions? - Upper Body Split

    Slower rep speed please and a full hour. Yipppeeee!!!!
  18. C

    Suggestions? - Boot Camp Circuit

    This is a workout that I would love to have short and intense. 45 minutes sounds great! I love the suggestion that you add a long (15 min.) yoga/stretch segment. This segment could be used as a stand alone or tacked on to other workouts. I'm one of the people that's disappointed that you aren't...
  19. C

    Suggestions? - Lower Bosy Split

    I like the idea of a 60 min. workout split down the middle between standing and floor work. I also agree with the suggestions that the rep speed be somewhere between PS and S&H. This gives the user the opportunity to go heavy, using perfect form, but without sending his or her heart rate through...
  20. C

    Suggestions? - Cardio and Weights

    I would prefer the weight work to be all upper body since the legs will get worked during the cardio circuits.