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  1. S

    Fat-blasting diet????

    Hi everyone! I'm building some great muscle, but having some trouble getting the fat off so I can see them!!! I was wondering if anyone had a good diet plan that I could follow for a while that's focused on fat-blasting (kind of like the fat loss phase of physique transformation). I don't...
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    Need Fat Free Butter Spread Suggestions

    I like the Parkay spray. It has zero calories (thus zero fat) so I don't think it would have any points at all. I spray it on my toast and kashi waffles and it's really yummy!!! (also on steamed veggies)
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    Hot Feet????!!!

    What a subject line!!! When I do high-intensity cardio, I get really hot (duh!) and I always have a fan on me (step, kickboxing, etc.) But just about every time I work out, I have to stop between segments to take my shoes off for a second because my feet get so hot!!! Isn't that wierd?? Does...
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    Favorite jeans?????

    I like Express jeans too. They're also available in a 36" inseam which is great b/c I can't ever find long lengths!!! I just bought a pair, I think the fit is called Sarula, and I love them!
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    Whats your schedule for Xmas day?

    What a fun post!!!!!!! Every time I tell someone my schedule for xmas day, they can't believe it b/c it's CRAZY! DH and I both have lots of family and all of our grandparents are still living so it's pretty hectic. Here goes.......... Xmas Eve: --Cook all day long and have a big dinner at...
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    Problem with dh--need advice

    I would like to really thank everyone for their advice. You've all been very helpful (and controversial!!!) Which, I have to admit, I'm a bit of a drama queen, and dh loves that! Gina.. long time, no chat!!! Trevor, I totally respect your input and frustrations. DH is a bit lazy and it...
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    Problem with dh--need advice

    I guess that I should specify that I do already hold a bachelor's degree, but it's in business. I would love to have another one in EP. So he kind of thinks that I've already done the school thing and it's over, he doesn't know why I want to go back. I totally agree with what...
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    Definition of insanity???

    If it makes you feel any better-----if you are then I am too!! It sounds like you're headed in the right direction. I've always heard that it takes longer for womens' legs to show results from weight training, I guess b/c the muscles are longer?? not sure. when you get frustrated, just...
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    I love sweet potatoes!!!

    They sell them at my grocery store already pre-wrapped for the microwave. That's what I did last night. What's the difference b/w a sweet potato and a yam?? I thought they were the same thing.
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    Problem with dh--need advice

    Shonie-- we haven't ruled out counseling, just kind of putting it off as a later resort. Sandra-- just out of curiosity, what do you think are the cons of waiting later for children?? I haven't really heard of any so I'm curious. I have told him that I think I'll be ready when i'm a little...
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    Problem with dh--need advice

    I know this is a serious issue, but I figure that with all the married people here that maybe someone was dealt w/a similar problem and could possiblyoffer some advice. DH and I have been married now for just over 3 years--and have been happy throughout. But now he's really ready to have a...
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    I love sweet potatoes!!!

    I had a baked one last night with some parkay fat-free/calorie-free spray "butter" and some freshly ground black pepper:9 :9 :9 AND I'm still thinking about it--isn't that sad??;( Just thought I'd share--it's just that kind of Friday!!:7
  13. S

    About those "cheat" days........

    RE: About those Another cheater here!!! I work out 6-7 days a week (the seventh is usually a stretch day w/yoga or pilates) and I try to eat really well during the week. that way, I don't feel guilty when dh and I go to our favorite little mexican restaurant about once every 1-2 weeks. I let...
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    Static Contraction Training

    I have also been studying isometric training as well. What I have seen is very similar to that article posted above. There does seem to be more of a shift to shorter, higher intensity workouts not only b/c of a lack of free time, but b/c people are actually noticing better results. The muscle...
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    longer pant lengths from Active U

    I must go to target as soon as i get off work today. Thanks Susan, you just cost me $20. LOL!!:)
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    Husband Giving Me Unwanted Advice; help

    IMHO you should just tell him the five components of a well-rounded healthy fitness program/lifestyle: 1)cardiovascular fitness, 2)muscular strength, 3)muscular endurance, 4)flexibility, 5)healthy body composition You are also correct in saying that aerobics will help with immediate calorie...
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    Cathe or SNM calendar ?????

    Love it, love it, love it. I'd buy 2 just because. I also volunteer myself for the cover. (HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!):7 :7
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    longer pant lengths from Active U

    I know that some of you were asking about longer pants sizes in the outfits that Cathe and crew are wearing. Sharon from Active U said that some of the pants are simply not long enough (31'' inseam, I think). But she also said that some of them can be specially ordered in longer lengths for a...
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    Am I being petty?

    I don't think you're being petty. I personally feel that if someone wants to have something enhanced (or lifted, or whatever) then they should go for it if it makes them feel better about themselves. I have a friend whose breasts are very small in proportion to her body and it's bothered her...
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    Abs Question

    not Cathe here (obviously!) but it sounds like you may need to work on strengthening your lower back muscles or possibly on flexibility in that area. It's amazing how a tightness in hamstrings and other muscle groups can affect your ability to perform a particular exercise!! Just some thoughts.:-)