Definition of insanity???


I once read that the definition of insantiy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I think I know how that feels. Excuse me for complaining but I'm am, as usual, immensely frustrated with the lack of results on my legs.

A little background: I've been into weight training for 1.5 years and was hoping after all that squatting, deadlifting, plie squatting, high stepping etc. I'd see changes. I lift heavy - to the point where my legs shake towards the end of the reps. I've been into Cathe for over 1 year and love her workouts! I always feel challenged but results? none on my lower half.

I'm beginning to think I'll have to abandon her rountines because doing them never seems to change anything. I always buy different workouts in hopes that I'll see something - but nada. I hit each body part at least twice a week - can't squeeze in anything more.

I east as clean a diet as possible, given I do travel a lot and lord knows what hotels and restaurants put into the grilled chicken, rice and vegetables that I only order when I"m out. I eat oatmeal for breakfast, and veges and fruit during the day for snacks. When traveling, I carry banannas, apples and protein bars for snacks when I"m on an airplane or traveling.

I'm doing everything possible - but my legs are still a lump of goo. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and hoping I'll see something different - but the giggles are still there on my backside! I've increased my cardio and have even begun runnign stairs - in hotels too! Anything to get results.

So - the questions remains - Am I insane?????????????????????

If it makes you feel any better-----if you are then I am too!! It sounds like you're headed in the right direction. I've always heard that it takes longer for womens' legs to show results from weight training, I guess b/c the muscles are longer?? not sure. when you get frustrated, just remember the good that you're doing for your body that you can't necessarily see. It's helped me through some tough times.:)
Hi Lynne,

You know, my legs have always been a source of frustration for me too simply because that is where my body likes to store fat. However, I have a lot of muscle there too.

I'm not sure if your frustration is due to lack of muscle or a little fat or both. If you're only weight training at home with videos, then you probably aren't using weights heavy enough for a large increase in muscle mass in your legs. I believe Cathe even makes a comment about this (in Pure Strength Legs). She says she does more endurance on legs because we simply do not have the strength to lift a very heavy load onto our backs (for squats, lunges, etc). Smith machines, leg press, hack squats, squat racks, leg extension, leg curl machines are a must (in my opinion) if you want to build some serious leg muscles. I LOVE my Cathe leg training...but it is really an endurance workout for me. To give you an idea what I mean -- "Heavy" is squatting/pressing your bodyweight or more.

As for diet -- it is EXTREMELY important to get enough protein. I worked out for YEARs with almost no results because I was starving for protein. How many grams do you get per day? It should be close to your bodyweight (example, 120lb woman should try for 120g protein). This, of course, is just a guideline. It's hard to get that much protein. You should try to have protein with every meal.

For your morning oatmeal -- add some protein powder. Have a protein snack with your veggies and fruit snacks.

If you're worried about the fat covering your muscles, well -- I have the same problem so my advice isn't worth much :) The only thing I've found to rid myself of it is diet (watching calorie intake but still keeping the protein high, eliminating refined foods, only veggies for carbs) and an intense combination of the following: heavy weight training, endurance weight training, intense cardio/intervals. I simply didn't have the willpower to keep it up for an extended time period. I looked good for about 3 months but have slacked off over the summer and gained some jiggle back!

Good luck. You're not insane :)

Lynne, Shonie has some good stuff in her post in my opinion. When you say "goo" you mean fat on your legs? If so, you have to blast that off to show off the muscle that I am sure you have underneath if you have done all of the legwork you say you have done.
I'd go to high intensity intervals if I were you. And I'd do it by running. I dislike running myself, especially long distance stuff, but it is good at shedding the fat. And if you do interval runs I think you'll see some results. Do you chart your HR during workouts? If not I would start doing that. Find your ranges that put you at your 70%-80% work zone and your 80%-90% zone. Spend some time in these zones during your running. I can just about guarantee you will get the legs you want if you combine this type cardio with the weights.
Hard(and I mean HARD!) interval work does produce results. The workouts can feel like a trip into hell at times but if you stick to it, you'll get where you want to be.
T. :)
Wow - good suggestions - thanks to both of you. You see - that's the first post that indicated what 'heavy' means. I can't lift that heavy at home, of course - not my body weight. I guess a gym is a must to supplement my cathe workouts.

OK - Hard interval training? Good point Trevor - I guess I'm lacking in that area as well. I have just begun running stairs - there are 105 stairs not far from me that I run x1 week. But I probably need to go harder - I do have a HR montior but don't use it. Guess I need to start! Good tips. and yes 'goo' refers to fat - on my butt and hamstrings (normal female trouble spots -

I will lift heavier and will begin going to the gym again. I was just hoping to not have to do that as it takes extra time out of my day. But maybe I can fit it in once or twice a week to get the legs I want.

Thanks guys
Hey Lynne --

I tried to repond to your email, but it bounced back to me with the following error:
<[email protected]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550-I'm sorry but [email protected] does not have an account here. I will not 550 accept this message.

Do you have another email address I could use?

I carry my weight in the same place and although since doing Cathe I have noticed my legs, and especially my hips, slimming down I still have that inner thigh jiggle that I can't seem to get rid of. I have read on a number of posts on different threads that running is a great way to burn fat from your legs. I for one HATE running, but am very tempted to start just from the posts I have read about the results others have had from running. My biggest problem is that I have a 10 month old baby and a husband who works very long hours, so it's either run at 4:00am before my Cathe workouts or at 9:00 at night. Neither seems appealing to me, but maybe running is something you could try. Just a thought.

This is not my area of expertise as my problem is the upper forgive me for intruding but I've noticed several people on this forum have tried the concept of working the lower body every day. I think some of them do standing work one day & floor work the next. Also, I believe I remember Bobbi saying she got that thing (can't remember the name) that Jake (Body By Jake) sells & it gave her the first real results she had seen in a long while. You can buy them on ebay.

There's some good advice here -- Please get and read the book READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell and also the book, YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER. If you do these things as stated in these books, you should accomplish your goals on exercise.:)

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