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  1. R

    How Often Do you Use Coremax?

    Thanks everyone for the input! One of the moves that does scare me quite a bit are the levitation holds. I have tried them and I am pretty much a sinking ship right off the bat. But hey...something to aspire to and work hard for!
  2. R

    Another Cardio Coach convert is born!

    I think I may just have to look into these cardio coaches. I MUST be missing out because every other day it seems like someone new is converted!!! Oh poor poor credit card. May you RIP after this week is over!
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    Which 4-day split workout are you most excited about??

    Hands down...or would that be hands in guard??...kickboxing!!!!}(
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    Negative comments I've heard about Cathe workouts

    >hey fitgoddess, > >You just can't compare Cathe workouts to hip-hop-anything, >shake your tushy, or zumba this or zumba that...well, you know >what I mean. They are marketed to different segments of the >population and server different you surmised! >"advanced" exercises...
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    How Often Do you Use Coremax?

    >I got rid of mine fairly quickly. >I actually prefer many of the ab workouts that are at the end >of her workouts better, or core workouts by other >instructors. Kathryn, What are some of the other core workouts that you have found effective?
  6. R

    Where did you learn kickboxing form?

    Although I do not have this particular workout, I would recommend the powerstrike video #3. I have read that this workout is less intense than the first 2...but nothing matches the form and instruction that you would get from Ilaria and Patricia. Even though I have been kickboxing for a...
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    I will agree with the previous 2 posters and say Ryka. I had held off on buying these for a long time because I was weary about buying shoes on the internet that I didn't have the opportunity to try on first. After some enabling from some informative people on this forum, I took the plunge...
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    How Often Do you Use Coremax?

    Thanks Laura for your input on this! I really wasn't sure if I should purchase the DVD or not because I wondered if there was enough variety from her other ab workouts. I think I may have to go ahead and take the plunge and order yet ANOTHER DVD!!! I feel like I have been on a...
  9. R

    How Often Do you Use Coremax?

    I am just wondering how often some of you use your Coremax DVD when it seems as if Cathe has so many great ab routines tacked onto the end of many of her workouts? Do you find this DVD to be a must have for your abs or do you find that the other ab w/o's suffice? Thanks for your input!! :D
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    Question for JenL13....

    Don't you dare apologize for a long answer!!! That was a perfect description that you gave of Cardio Intervals and of the previously discussed video from Ultrafit. I really do appreciate a first-hand account of these workouts as reading a brief description makes it hard to get a true "feel"...
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    Question for JenL13....

    Thanks Jen for the quick response! I appreciate the breakdown that you gave, it gives a nice perspective on the workout that I wouldn't have otherwise gathered from the website. I have another quick question for you. How would you rate the intensity of Tony Horton's Cardio Intervals...
  12. R

    Question for JenL13....

    I have noticed in a couple of your posts that you seem to gravitate towards lower body workouts and kickboxing/functional fitness forms of cardio. Both categories of workouts that I enjoy as well. I also remember there was a video that you had mentioned, Ultrafit Fat Burning, I believe that...
  13. R

    Calorie Counter?

    >to track your calories try fitday or sparkspeople. They are >both free. > >Calorie calculator at is great to figure your >calorie >needs. here is a link > > >I hope I did that right. > >Elaine Thanks Elaine...
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    Calorie Counter?

    I second Bernadette's recommendation of sparkpeople! I really enjoy this site and not just for calorie counting, but for a host of other resources (like recipes, fitness information...).
  15. R

    More Bootcamp Pictures Up

    Just and FYI...check them out!!! I think that this workout (and kickbox of course!!) are the two I am looking forward to the most!
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    tattoo ???

    I have a small tattoo of a rose on my hip. I got it because; 1. That's my name!!! 2. A Rose itself is full of symbolism and meaning in many different ways...too many to name here. So, it may seem like a simple tattoo, but for me it holds lots of meaning and sentiment! :)
  17. R

    My last dance with the FIRM

    I just wanted to say congratulations on your fitness journey!! It sounds like you have come so far already!! Get ready to be so super spoiled by your Cathe workouts!! After Cathe, the disparity between workouts that you find interesting and workouts that you just can't stomach anymore will...
  18. R

    Has Anyone Tried Criss-Cross Cardio?

    >>I was wondering also for those that seem to enjoy >kickboxing >>like me, have you ever done any of Janis' old stuff? I >think >>she has a couple of VHS tapes (CIA workouts maybe?). I have >>wondered about these too. >> > >A lot of Janis' earlier KB workouts are more choreographed...
  19. R

    Has Anyone Tried Criss-Cross Cardio?

    I am definetely going to check out the video that you suggested here on amazon. It sounds like something that I would really enjoy!! I also appreciate your opinion on Tracey's video. Thank you for the insight!!
  20. R

    I love this place!

    Everyone here is completely amazing, friendly and informative!! Once you get over that "fear" and actually start wonder why you were ever worried to begin with!!