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    MOMS> Your teenager is driving....

    You just have to remember you were in her shoes one day and you survived. As mothers, it is our job to teach our kids independence and driving a car is one of the biggest steps towards that end. You did give her the chance.
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    Does your ... float or sink?

    OK....this is a really weird question. Why do you even care about whether or not someone ELSE'S poo floats or sinks???
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    In light of the recent CA Superior Court decision stating gays have a constitutional right to marry,

    I don't know what happened, I tried to edit the post and it didn't show up. I decided to forget about it anyway. Just ignore the poll.
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    liposuction question again

    I looked at the photos on the site and did not see alot of difference in the before and after photos. Good luck in your decision.
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    Rhonda in Hardcore DVD's

    I noticed that too. I just attributed it to the fact she lives out of town.
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    Have you had any babies? I have the same problem but am almost 42 and have had 3 kids. I am very toned but just have a thin layer of fat over my tight abs. It's annoying but I also think of it as being "earned" from having the kids. I guess it's just my mindset. I am not so obessed with...
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    Cathe, My oldest son said you look like....

    Make that a "young" Susan Lucci!!
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    My GOD what is wrong....

    Lorihart: You like sex sometimes...come on...I saw where you said you had 112 partners in that poll. Gotcha!
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    How many partners have you had in your life?

    Once you find the right guy, you don't need anyone else. The butterflies may be gone but the sex is still great after 20 years.
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    Men in videos?

    Cathe has had men in a few videos. I think my husband is intimidated by Cathe's workouts. He tried "Bootcamp" with me and he gave up after about 4 circuits. I keep telling him to try some of her other workouts and he won't have anything to do with them. I know he's intimidated but won't admit it.
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    Baby Names

    I am saying both names to myself and to me, they sound very similar. I can see where people would do that.
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    Cathe- I live in a small town that has a YMCA. The Y does offer classes but they are nothing like your classes. Have you ever considered doing some sort of video stream of your classes to other locations for a fee? I am sure that my Y would be interested because it is so hard to attract...
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    And good marriage books for newlyweds??

    This is probably the best book you can read. The best advice you can get from the book is that the woman sets the tone for the mood of the household. If I am happy, so is everyone else so I try really hard not the be a grouch. Get this book, your husband will love you for it.
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    Ny friend's husband is a general surgeon and she says cocoa butter is the best for scars. Never tried it so wouldn't know.
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    stay-at-home mom vs. working mom

    What do you mean by '"broken" as you call it'? A divorce isn't a broken marriage? If it's not, then what is it? I am a former guardian ad litem for children in divorce proceedings, representing the best interests of the children. I know first hand that divorce is something you absolutely...
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    stay-at-home mom vs. working mom

    You wouldn't even sacrifice yourself for your child? I would in a heartbeat.
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    stay-at-home mom vs. working mom

    The idea that my husband is "supporting me" is totally foreign. I don't even think that way. We have a partnership. He works and makes the money to pays the bills and I raise the kids. I guess I am not worried about not being able to earn my own way in life because I have an education and we...
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    stay-at-home mom vs. working mom

    If you are a working mom (i.e. this does not include moms who work only while their kids are in school) and you do not have to work for whatever reason, what made you decide to go to work rather than stay home with your children? I am just curious, that's all. I am a SAHM that does not have to...
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    Stay at home mom vs. working mom.....

    Jeni: For the most part, you are a SAHM. The fact you teach some classes during the week doesnt' change that. Once you have your baby, trust me, you won't have alot of extra time. I have to comment on this statement you made: "I think that whatever makes you feel the best will be the...