Search results

  1. jdawnc

    STS at the gym?

    I love doing STS at the gym! You have access to way more weights and everything you will need is right there including the chin up bars. I have them on my Ipod and it's great. I have head phones that have a pause button on them in case I need a minute and you can see on the screen if you need...
  2. jdawnc

    Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum?

    Ah yes, Ben Bratt would be good too. I don't care who they get as long as they are good eye candy!
  3. jdawnc

    Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum?

    Morelli.... Ryan Reynolds!!!!! Ranger..... John Leguizamo!!!!!
  4. jdawnc

    Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum?

    I picture Queen Latifah and Estelle Getty, may she RIP, second choice for Grandma would be........the lady that likes to swim in spaghetti from the Happy Madison movies.
  5. jdawnc

    Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum?

    Could this be true or are they just teasing us? I just found out that Ms. Heigel's hair is dark for her role in her new film "One for the Money". Now, I know they have tried this before and we were left hanging. Do you think the movie will be any good? Do you think it will even be released?
  6. jdawnc

    Help for Dry Lips?

    Another vote for Carmex!
  7. jdawnc

    What's Up with the Blue Cord on Tampax?

    Ahhhh, I just watch the movie Idiocracy by Mike Judge and now I keep seeing things that will verify this dumby future existence and now this..... So days later on a lite flow someone wouldn't have changed it because it didn't turn blue and they sue tampax because they now have toxic shock?
  8. jdawnc


    Good Luck Veronica! My hiney still has DOMS right in the middle part, everytime I flex my butt or shift in my seat I can feel it. This is definatley a great stand alone leg workout.
  9. jdawnc

    What's Up with the Blue Cord on Tampax?

    I'm with you Suzanne! Some of my girlfriends and mom don't understand but they were invented by a woman for women! Also, I work in an office consisting of mostly men......need I say more.
  10. jdawnc


    WOW Did disc 6 yesterday and powered through the whole thing balling my eyes out!!!! I was very humbled with the one legged sit and stands. I could only do two with no weights. Once it was over I felt good but I was very close to giving up in the middle of it. I use to think that B&G...
  11. jdawnc

    green smoothie recipes

    I like: Frozen Mixed berries, rasberries, blueberries, and strawberries two fist fulls of baby spinach and about 1/2 cup of milk I think I am going to try some frozen mango and banana.
  12. jdawnc

    Attempting Butts & Guts for first time tomorrow!

    Good Luck with B&G. On Saturday I started with PLB and my knees were screaming and I didn't want to finish so I put in B&G and did a premix. The moves in that DVD are amazing and I am hoping to use it 2x a week for the summer bathing suit season. I forgot how great that DVD is. You...
  13. jdawnc

    best music?

    Is that Goldon Eye I hear? Yes, the Goldon Eye song with the Bond Girl moves is my husbands favorite!
  14. jdawnc

    best music?

    I did SJP last week and really enjoyed the music. The entire Body Blast Series has great 80's and 90's hits plus it has the music louder function so that you can really focus and sweat it out. They do list the songs in the DVD descriptions in Shop Cathe. I also second LIC and BM2 is great too.
  15. jdawnc

    one of those days

    Try doing a hard workout like B&G, IMAX 2, or KPC. I know for me when I get like that I feel better after because of course I am crying like a baby the whole way through but once it's over I feel a great sense of completion.
  16. jdawnc

    Which Big Screen tv to get?

    Ah man, you guys are getting me jealous.....I am still waiting for my Big Rear Projection TV to die. It's one that has the three blubs and takes up so much room. It's a nice tv with a good picture but only goes to 1080i and it ginormous!
  17. jdawnc

    Just ordered

    I just did Supersets yesterday! I love how I can go super heavy with this one, the premixes are awesome, and the music makes the time pass super fast. Love Drill Max too, that one always seems to get all my jiggly bits flapping around and itchy, lol, that means I'm burning fat I think.....
  18. jdawnc

    Just back from the grocery store....

    I have enjoyed three of these bad boys already since mid January. Those buggers are intoxicating and they take me to my special place everytime.
  19. jdawnc

    Download or DVD?

    Have the gym styles downloads and love taking them to the gym. The downloads are chaptered so you could select the workouts you want to do. I also downloaded STS Meso 1 and wished I would have bought the DVD's because I am not the most deligent person and easily distracted. I am finding I...
  20. jdawnc

    cardio fusion-please tell me its not just me

    Huh, I find myself always reaching for this on my cardio days. I love the routines without the prep work to get there. I do agree that the workout in it's entirety has a dread factor but the premixes are my favorite.