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  1. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Okay, so as part of this goal setting, pushing myself out of my box to accomplish something new, I am being brave and I signed up for this today.... the 5K, not the half marathon of course. lol ;) Its right at my local beach, about...
  2. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Good Morning Warriors! Today starts a new week and a dedication to some goals for me to accomplish to make me stronger mentally and physically….it is definitely something that is needed. It has been a very long year this past 12 months or so with more stresses than I care to remember piled on...
  3. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors - Jan 10th - Jan 16th

    Hello Warriors! Sorry I have MIA since Monday morning...its been that kind of week at work so far. On Monday I did hiit 30/30, then spent two hours at tennis class monday night. Tuesday was my birthday, I am now the nondescript age of 38 :p, so it turned into an unintended rest day due to...
  4. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors - Jan 10th - Jan 16th

    Just getting the thread started, will check-in later from work. :)
  5. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Happy Saturday Warriors! This morning I went to tennis class for 1 1/2 hours, it is a beautiful day outside here today, so it was good. I will do something else tonight, but dont know what I feel like doing yet. Today I am trying to take it easy and allow myself to zone out a little to...
  6. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Janis - The exhibit sounds great! I loved seeing the van gogh, renoir and cezanne when I was at MOMA in new york last year. And you are correct...that was me in the renoir, I really do belong in another time as far as the red hair, curls and :p
  7. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Good Friday Evening Warriors! This morning I did 4DS Kickbox cardio only. Now that I am looking at the rhythm of work for the next month or two and have an idea of how my body is adjusting to working out consistently again, I need to sit down tonight and over the weekend to design a rotation...
  8. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Good Morning Warriors! Well today started better, actually slept last night without waking up every hour or two...I havent done that in at least two weeks...then I did the Imax 3 step combo premix to get a short workout in before work. Tonight I am going to attempt my first couch to 5k workout...
  9. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Hi Everyone- Today ended up being a unplanned rest day. Got an emergency call from work in the wee hours of the morning and had to go in...just to find it really wasnt something that I needed to come in that knocked out the morning workout and then tonight it was rainy so no...
  10. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Im here, im here...Good evening Warriors! Didnt get a chance to post this morning...this getting back into working out before work is going to take a bit of time to get on track again. Its the never ending fight in my head when the alarm goes off...sleep more or workout....sleep more or...
  11. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Wow, I go to work and come back to find so many posts in our check-in...I like it! :D It is late and I will have to get into bed soon so I can get up and workout, so this will be short and I will have to find some time later this week to post a little more about me and catch up in more detail...
  12. littlefiretop

    Open Invitation to everyone to join our Workout Warriors check-in

    Good Morning- I started the thread in the check-in forum under Workout Warriors. Now its out the door to work.. Excited to catch up with everyone and see who comes to join us this time around. All are welcome. :D
  13. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors Jan 3rd - Jan 9th

    Good Morning Warriors! Just wanted to get the thread started before running out the door. Welcome back to my warrior friends and welcome all who are joining in for the first time, its great to have you! :D This morning I did the monday morning fight with myself in bed, but eventually got...
  14. littlefiretop

    Open Invitation to everyone to join our Workout Warriors check-in

    Hi Everyone- A few of us are starting back up our check-in thread called "Workout Warriors" for the new year and would love for other people to join in with us. A couple of us are starting a new round of STS and others doing their own workout rotations, so anyone of any level and doing your...
  15. littlefiretop

    Do you ever just get fed up . . .

    *has been in the cave with the blanket over her head for months now...went in further since trying to find the flashlight she hid in the cave somewhere to help find her way out* ;) (i may relate a little too much :p)
  16. littlefiretop

    Thanksgivind Day Intensity...Who's In?

    My dvd's havent arrived yet..darn ups..:p So I did hiit 30/30 and STS M1D1 this morning and will walk on the treadmill later tonight. Enjoy your holiday everyone!
  17. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors August Moves

    Happy September Warriors! I cant believe it is the 1st of September already. I guess we need to change up the thread too since we are still posting in August. :) This morning starts a new rotation, along with an intense tennis schedule as well. August was a decent month of workouts, helped...
  18. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors August Moves

    Good Morning Warriors! Wanted to pop in for a few minutes since I was reading but realized I havent been posting...:( Ever have one of those moments where you think you had a conversation with someone, then it dawns on you later that you really only had it with yourself and not them? Its kind...
  19. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors August Moves

    Good Morning Warriors! Thought I would pop in and say hello since I have a few minutes before another to love the endless meetings... *sigh* Anyway, sunday I did LIS and pyramid lower body, then yesterday I did lowmax combos premix in the morning and then had tennis drill class...
  20. littlefiretop

    Workout Warriors July 12-19 Rising Again!

    Good Morning Warriors! You may now scrape yourself off the ground as the first workout of the day from the shock of seeing me here and even starting a thread....:p No search party needed, but I appreciate the thought. I am back from my self imposed exile. My time in exile allowed for me to...