Open Invitation to everyone to join our Workout Warriors check-in


Hi Everyone-

A few of us are starting back up our check-in thread called "Workout Warriors" for the new year and would love for other people to join in with us. A couple of us are starting a new round of STS and others doing their own workout rotations, so anyone of any level and doing your own mix of workouts is fine by us. We know that there are plenty of you out there who are looking for support in both your health and life endeavors and wanting a place to check-in with some good people, so please go ahead and jump in with us. :D

I will post the new weekly thread on Monday morning. Hope to see you there. :)
I've lurked on your check-in for a long time and it's nice to see you guys starting back up! If I was going to do a check-in, I'd do this one, but I'm just way too busy to be a regular participant and I have too many other things to feel guilty about not keeping up with! So I'll probably continue to lurk (that'll be me behind that lamppost) and live vicariously through your posts.
Good Morning-

I started the thread in the check-in forum under Workout Warriors. Now its out the door to work..

Excited to catch up with everyone and see who comes to join us this time around. All are welcome.


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